957 research outputs found

    Using internship placements to road test threshold learning outcomes for environment and sustainability

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    In 2015 the threshold learning outcomes (TLOs) for Australian bachelor degree graduates in the discipline of Environment and Sustainability were released.  This study road tested the Environment and Sustainability TLOs in the workplace via environmental science students’ internship placement. The study, which incorporated surveys of host-supervisors, students and teaching staff, was conducted over four years. The surveys enabled comparisons between the performance expected of a new graduate by employers with the level of performance students achieved while on placement. Overall, hosts expect new graduates to be ‘Capable’ performers (2.8 on a 5 point scale). Host-supervisors also rated the overall performance of interns as ‘Capable’ (3.4/5). Expected performance of a new graduate for individual TLOs was compared with the performance of interns. Students exceeded the expectations of host-supervisors for all TLOs. In contrast, teaching staff rated the performance of students lower than students themselves and host-supervisors. Fundamental differences in the way students are assessed in the workplace and the classroom may account for the difference in perceived student performance. The results of the surveys can be used as evidence that the degree is meeting the needs of industry and for graduates to undertake professional work in the Environment and Sustainability discipline. The methodology has the potential to be used in any discipline that has published TLOs. The authors recommend that the Australian Qualifications Framework is reviewed and a rubric that describes student behaviour is used rather than vague terms such as ‘well developed’

    The Virulence Factor p25 of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus Interacts With Multiple Aux/IAA Proteins From Beta vulgaris: Implications for Rhizomania Development

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    Rhizomania caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) is characterized by excessive lateral root (LR) formation. Auxin-mediated degradation of Aux/IAA transcriptional repressors stimulates gene regulatory networks leading to LR organogenesis and involves several Aux/IAA proteins acting at distinctive stages of LR development. Previously, we showed that BNYVV p25 virulence factor interacts with BvIAA28, a transcriptional repressor acting at early stages of LR initiation. The evidence suggested that p25 inhibits BvIAA28 nuclear localization, thus, de-repressing transcriptional network leading to LR initiation. However, it was not clear whether p25 interacts with other Aux/IAA proteins. Here, by adopting bioinformatics, in vitro and in vivo protein interaction approaches we show that p25 interacts also with BvIAA2 and BvIAA6. Moreover, we confirmed that the BNYVV infection is, indeed, accompanied by an elevated auxin level in the infected LRs. Nevertheless, expression levels of BvIAA2 and BvIAA6 remained unchanged upon BNYVV infection. Mutational analysis indicated that interaction of p25 with either BvIAA2 or BvIAA6 requires full-length proteins as even single amino acid residue substitutions abolished the interactions. Compared to p25-BvIAA28 interaction that leads to redistribution of BvIAA28 into cytoplasm, both BvIAA2 and BvIAA6 remained confined into the nucleus regardless of the presence of p25 suggesting their stabilization though p25 interaction. Overexpression of p25-interacting partners (BvIAA2, BvIAA6 and BvIAA28) in Nicotiana benthamiana induced an auxin-insensitive phenotype characterized by plant dwarfism and dramatically reduced LR development. Thus, our work reveals a distinct class of transcriptional repressors targeted by p25

    Feeding on leaves of the glucosinolate transporter mutant <i>gtr1gtr2 </i>reduces fitness of <i>Myzus persicae</i>

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    As aphids are a pest on various crops worldwide, a better understanding of the interaction between aphids and plant host defenses is required. The green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) feeds on a variety of plant species, including the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), in which glucosinolates function as a major part of the chemical defense. Several studies have shown that glucosinolates play a role in interactions between Arabidopsis and the green peach aphid. In this work, we used a recently identified Arabidopsis glucosinolate transporter mutant (gtr1gtr2 dKO), with altered glucosinolate content in the vasculature, to investigate the role of defense compound transport in aphid infestation. By monitoring aphid performance on caged leaves and analyzing glucosinolates in leaf tissue and phloem sap, as well as inside aphids, we examined if a change in spatial distribution of glucosinolates within a leaf influences aphid performance. Based on reduced glucosinolate content in the phloem sap of the transporter mutant, we hypothesized that aphids would perform better on gtr1gtr2 dKO leaves compared to WT. Unexpectedly, aphids performed poorly on gtr1gtr2 dKO leaves. Our data suggest that higher glucosinolate content in tissues surrounding the phloem of the double transporter mutant may play a role in reducing aphid performance on this genotype. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10886-015-0641-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Optimization of engineered production of the glucoraphanin precursor dihomomethionine in <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i>

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    Glucosinolates are natural products characteristic of the Brassicales order, which include vegetables such as cabbages and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Glucoraphanin is the major glucosinolate in broccoli and associated with the health-promoting effects of broccoli consumption. Toward our goal of creating a rich source of glucoraphanin for dietary supplements, we have previously reported the feasibility of engineering glucoraphanin in Nicotiana benthamiana through transient expression of glucoraphanin biosynthetic genes from A. thaliana (Mikkelsen et al., 2010). As side-products, we obtained fivefold to eightfold higher levels of chain-elongated leucine-derived glucosinolates, not found in the native plant. Here, we investigated two different strategies to improve engineering of the methionine chain elongation part of the glucoraphanin pathway in N. benthamiana: (1) coexpression of the large subunit (LSU1) of the heterodimeric isopropylmalate isomerase and (2) coexpression of BAT5 transporter for efficient transfer of intermediates across the chloroplast membrane. We succeeded in raising dihomomethionine (DHM) levels to a maximum of 432 nmol g(−1) fresh weight that is equivalent to a ninefold increase compared to the highest production of this intermediate, as previously reported (Mikkelsen et al., 2010). The increased DHM production without increasing leucine-derived side-product levels provides new metabolic engineering strategies for improved glucoraphanin production in a heterologous host

    A Holistic Approach to Analyze Systemic Jasmonate Accumulation in Individual Leaves of Arabidopsis Rosettes Upon Wounding

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    Phytohormones, especially jasmonates, are known to be mediators of the plant responses to wounding and herbivore feeding. Their role in such stress responses has been largely studied locally in treated leaves. However, less is known about the induced systemic distribution of phytohormone signals upon these kinds of stresses. Here, a holistic approach was performed in order to investigate the systemic phytohormone pattern in the rosette of Arabidopsisthaliana after herbivore-related wounding. Levels of different stress-related phytohormones such as jasmonates, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid were analyzed in individual leaves. We demonstrate that the typically used sampling method, where leaves are first cut and immediately frozen, causes false-positive results since cutting already induces systemic jasmonate elevations within less than 1.6 min. Therefore, this approach is not suitable to study systemic phytohormone changes in the whole plant. By developing a new method where leaves are frozen first and subsequently cut, sampling-induced phytohormone elevations could be reduced. Using this new method, we show that jasmonic acid and its active isoleucine conjugate (jasmonoyl-isoleucine) are involved in the fast systemic wound response of Arabidopsis. A systemic induction of the jasmonates’ precursor, 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid, was not observed throughout our treatments. The systemic phytohormone distribution pattern is strongly linked to the vascular connections between the leaves, providing further evidence that the vascular system is used for long distance-signaling in Arabidopsis. Besides already known vascular connections, we also demonstrate that the systemic distribution of jasmonate signals can be extended to distant leaves, which are systemically but indirectly connected via another vascularly connected leaf. This holistic approach covering almost the whole Arabidopsis rosette introduces a method to overcome false-positive results in systemic phytohormone determinations and demonstrates that wounding-induced long-distance signaling includes fast changes in jasmonate levels in systemic, non-treated leaves

    The Cell Membrane of a Novel Rhizobium phaseoli Strain Is the Crucial Target for Aluminium Toxicity and Tolerance

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    Soils with low pH and high aluminium (Al) contamination restrict common bean production, mainly due to adverse effects on rhizobia. We isolated a novel rhizobium strain, B3, from Kenyan soil which is more tolerant to Al stress than the widely used commercial strain CIAT899. B3 was resistant to 50 µM Al and recovered from 100 µM Al stress, while CIAT899 did not. Calcein labeling showed that less Al binds to the B3 membranes and less ATP and mScarlet-1 protein, a cytoplasmic marker, leaked out of B3 than CIAT899 cells in Al-containing media. Expression profiles showed that the primary targets of Al are genes involved in membrane biogenesis, metal ions binding and transport, carbohydrate, and amino acid metabolism and transport. The identified differentially expressed genes suggested that the intracellular γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutathione (GSH), and amino acid levels, as well as the amount of the extracellular exopolysaccharide (EPS), might change during Al stress. Altered EPS levels could also influence biofilm formation. Therefore, these parameters were investigated in more detail. The GABA levels, extracellular EPS production, and biofilm formation increased, while GSH and amino acid level decreased. In conclusion, our comparative analysis identified genes that respond to Al stress in R. phaseoli . It appears that a large portion of the identified genes code for proteins stabilizing the plasma membrane. These genes might be helpful for future studies investigating the molecular basis of Al tolerance and the characterization of candidate rhizobial isolates that perform better in Al-contaminated soils than commercial strains

    Seasonal and herbivore-induced dynamics of foliar glucosinolates in wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

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    Levels of plant secondary metabolites are not static and often change in relation to plant ontogeny. They also respond to abiotic and biotic changes in the environment, e.g., they often increase in response to biotic stress, such as herbivory. In contrast with short-lived annual plant species, especially those with growing periods of less than 2–3 months, investment in defensive compounds of vegetative tissues in biennial and perennial species may also vary over the course of an entire growing season. In garden experiments, we investigated the dynamics of secondary metabolites, i.e. glucosinolates (GSLs) in the perennial wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea), which was grown from seeds originating from three populations that differ in GSL chemistry. We compared temporal long-term dynamics of GSLs over the course of two growing seasons and short-term dynamics in response to herbivory by Pieris rapae caterpillars in a more controlled greenhouse experiment. Long-term dynamics differed for aliphatic GSLs (gradual increase from May to December) and indole GSLs (rapid increase until mid-summer after which concentrations decreased or stabilized). In spring, GSL levels in new shoots were similar to those found in the previous year. Short-term dynamics in response to herbivory primarily affected indole GSLs, which increased during the 2-week feeding period by P. rapae. Herbivore-induced changes in the concentrations of aliphatic GSLs were population-specific and their concentrations were found to increase in primarily one population only. We discuss our results considering the biology and ecology of wild cabbage

    Preliminary study: Health and performance assessment in broiler chicks following application of six different hatching egg disinfection protocols

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    As part of a Germany-wide project that evaluates strategies for the reduction of multi-resistant bacteria along the poultry production chain, the impact of different hatching egg disinfectants on hatchability and health of the broiler chicks was evaluated. Animal trials were conducted with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase- (ESBL) producing Escherichia (E.) coli contaminated hatching eggs and six disinfection protocols that used formaldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, low-energy electron irradiation, peracetic acid and an essential oil preparation. Each protocol was tested on a group of 50 chicks. Equally sized positive and negative control groups were carried along for each trial. Hatchability, mortality and body weight were recorded as performance parameters. During necropsy of half of the animals in each group on day 7 and 14 respectively, macroscopic abnormalities, body weight, weights of liver and gut convolute were recorded and a range of tissue samples for histological examination were collected as part of the health assessment. A decrease in hatchability was recorded for spray application of essential oils. Body weight development was overall comparable, in several groups even superior, to the Ross308 performance objectives, but a reduced performance was seen in the hydrogen peroxide group. Histologically, lymphoid follicles were regularly seen in all sampled organs and no consistent differences were observed between contaminated and non-contaminated groups. Significances were infrequently and inconsistently seen. In conclusion, remarkable findings were a decrease in hatchability caused by the essential oils spray application and a reduced body weight development in the hydrogen peroxide group. Therefore, the essential oils preparation as spray application was deemed inappropriate in practice, while the application of hydrogen peroxide was considered in need of further research. The other trial results indicate that the tested hatching egg disinfectants present a possible alternative to formaldehyde

    Displacement of the transcription factor B reader domain during transcription initiation

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    Transcription initiation by archaeal RNA polymerase (RNAP) and eukaryotic RNAP II requires the general transcription factor (TF) B/IIB. Structural analyses of eukaryotic transcription initiation complexes locate the B-reader domain of TFIIB in close proximity to the active site of RNAP II. Here, we present the first crosslinking mapping data that describe the dynamic transitions of an archaeal TFB to provide evidence for structural rearrangements within the transcription complex during transition from initiation to early elongation phase of transcription. Using a highly specific UV-inducible crosslinking system based on the unnatural amino acid para-benzoyl-phenylalanine allowed us to analyze contacts of the Pyrococcus furiosus TFB B-reader domain with site-specific radiolabeled DNA templates in preinitiation and initially transcribing complexes. Crosslink reactions at different initiation steps demonstrate interactions of TFB with DNA at registers +6 to +14, and reduced contacts at +15, with structural transitions of the B-reader domain detected at register +10. Our data suggest that the B-reader domain of TFB interacts with nascent RNA at register +6 and +8 and it is displaced from the transcribed-strand during the transition from +9 to +10, followed by the collapse of the transcription bubble and release of TFB from register +15 onwards

    Transcript and protein profiling identify candidate gene sets of potential adaptive significance in New Zealand Pachycladon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transcript profiling of closely related species provides a means for identifying genes potentially important in species diversification. However, the predictive value of transcript profiling for inferring downstream-physiological processes has been unclear. In the present study we use shotgun proteomics to validate inferences from microarray studies regarding physiological differences in three <it>Pachycladon </it>species. We compare transcript and protein profiling and evaluate their predictive value for inferring glucosinolate chemotypes characteristic of these species.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Evidence from heterologous microarrays and shotgun proteomics revealed differential expression of genes involved in glucosinolate hydrolysis (myrosinase-associated proteins) and biosynthesis (methylthioalkylmalate isomerase and dehydrogenase), the interconversion of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate (carbonic anhydrases), water use efficiency (ascorbate peroxidase, 2 cys peroxiredoxin, 20 kDa chloroplastic chaperonin, mitochondrial succinyl CoA ligase) and others (glutathione-S-transferase, serine racemase, vegetative storage proteins, genes related to translation and photosynthesis). Differences in glucosinolate hydrolysis products were directly confirmed. Overall, prediction of protein abundances from transcript profiles was stronger than prediction of transcript abundance from protein profiles. Protein profiles also proved to be more accurate predictors of glucosinolate profiles than transcript profiles. The similarity of species profiles for both transcripts and proteins reflected previously inferred phylogenetic relationships while glucosinolate chemotypes did not.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have used transcript and protein profiling to predict physiological processes that evolved differently during diversification of three <it>Pachycladon </it>species. This approach has also identified candidate genes potentially important in adaptation, which are now the focus of ongoing study. Our results indicate that protein profiling provides a valuable tool for validating transcript profiles in studies of adaptive divergence.</p
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