992 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Inference Analysis of the X-ray Cluster Luminosity-Temperature Relation

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    We present a Bayesian inference analysis of the Markevitch (1998) and Allen & Fabian (1998) cooling flow corrected X-ray cluster temperature catalogs that constrains the slope and the evolution of the empirical X-ray cluster luminosity-temperature (L-T) relation. We find that for the luminosity range 10^44.5 erg s^-1 < L_bol < 10^46.5 erg s^-1 and the redshift range z < 0.5, L_bol is proportional to T^2.80(+0.15/-0.15)(1+z)^(0.91-1.12q_0)(+0.54/-1.22). We also determine the L-T relation that one should use when fitting the Press- Schechter mass function to X-ray cluster luminosity catalogs such as the Einstein Medium Sensitivity Survey (EMSS) and the Southern Serendipitous High- Redshift Archival ROSAT Catalog (Southern SHARC), for which cooling flow corrected luminosities are not determined and a universal X-ray cluster temperature of T = 6 keV is assumed. In this case, L_bol is proportional to T^2.65(+0.23/-0.20)(1+z)^(0.42-1.26q_0)(+0.75/-0.83) for the same luminosity and redshift ranges.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, 20 pages, LaTe

    Latitudinal differences in the amplitude of the OAE-2 carbon isotopic excursion: pCO2 and paleoproductivity [Discussion paper]

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    A complete, well-preserved record of the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2) was recovered from Demerara Rise in the southern North Atlantic Ocean (ODP site 1260). Across this interval, we determined changes in the stable carbon isotopic composition of sulfur-bound phytane (δ13Cphytane, a biomarker for photosynthetic algae. The δ13Cphytane record shows a positive excursion at the onset of the OAE-2 interval, with an unusually large amplitude (~7 ‰) compared to existing C/T proto-North Atlantic δ13Cphytane records (3–6 ‰). Overall, the amplitude of the excursion of δ13Cphytane decreases with latitude. Using reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) gradients for the proto-North Atlantic, we investigated environmental factors influencing the latitudinal δ13Cphytane gradient. The observed gradient is best explained by high productivity at DSDP Site 367 and Tarfaya basin before OAE-2, which changed in overall high productivity throughout the proto-North Atlantic during OAE-2. During OAE-2, productivity at site 1260 and 603B was thus more comparable to the mid-latitude sites. Using these constraints as well as the SST and δ13Cphytane-records from Site 1260, we subsequently reconstructed pCO2 levels across the OAE-2 interval. Accordingly, pCO2 decreased from ca. 1750 to 900 ppm during OAE-2, consistent with enhanced organic matter burial resulting in lowering pCO2. Whereas the onset of OAE-2 coincided with increased pCO2, in line with a volcanic trigger for this event, the observed cooling within OAE-2 probably resulted from CO2 sequestration in black shales outcompeting CO2 input into the atmosphere. Together these results show that the ice-free Cretaceous world was sensitive to changes in pCO2 related to perturbations of the global carbon cycle

    Latitudinal differences in the amplitude of the OAE-2 carbon isotopic excursion : pCO2 and paleo productivity

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    A complete, well-preserved record of the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE-2) was recovered from Demerara Rise in the southern North Atlantic Ocean (ODP site 1260). Across this interval, we determined changes in the stable carbon isotopic composition of sulfur-bound phytane (δ13Cphytane), a biomarker for photosynthetic algae. The δ13Cphytane record shows a positive excursion at the onset of the OAE-2 interval, with an unusually large amplitude (~7‰) compared to existing C/T proto-North Atlantic δ13Cphytane records (3–6‰). Overall, the amplitude of the excursion of δ13Cphytane decreases with latitude. Using reconstructed sea surface temperature (SST) gradients for the proto-North Atlantic, we investigated environmental factors influencing the latitudinal δ13Cphytane gradient. The observed gradient is best explained by high productivity at DSDP Site 367 and Tarfaya basin before OAE-2, which changed in overall high productivity throughout the proto-North Atlantic during OAE-2. During OAE-2, productivity at site 1260 and 603B was thus more comparable to the mid-latitude sites. Using these constraints as well as the SST and δ13Cphytane-records from Site 1260, we subsequently reconstructed pCO2 levels across the OAE-2 interval. Accordingly, pCO2 decreased from ca. 1750 to 900 ppm during OAE-2, consistent with enhanced organic matter burial resulting in lowering pCO2. Whereas the onset of OAE-2 coincided with increased pCO2, in line with a volcanic trigger for this event, the observed cooling within OAE-2 probably resulted from CO2 sequestration in black shales outcompeting CO2 input into the atmosphere. Together these results show that the ice-free Cretaceous world was sensitive to changes in pCO2 related to perturbations of the global carbon cycle

    Design and Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering of Human Heart Valves

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    We developed a new fabrication technique for 3-dimensional scaffolds for tissue engineering of human heart valve tissue. A human aortic homograft was scanned with an X-ray computer tomograph. The data derived from the X-ray computed tomogram were processed by a computer-aided design program to reconstruct a human heart valve 3-dimensionally. Based on this stereolithographic model, a silicone valve model resembling a human aortic valve was generated. By taking advantage of the thermoplastic properties of polyglycolic acid as scaffold material, we molded a 3-dimensional scaffold for tissue engineering of human heart valves. The valve scaffold showed a deviation of only +/- 3-4% in height, length and inner diameter compared with the homograft. The newly developed technique allows fabricating custom-made, patient-specific polymeric cardiovascular scaffolds for tissue engineering without requiring any suture materials. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Base

    Controlling the False Discovery Rate in Astrophysical Data Analysis

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    The False Discovery Rate (FDR) is a new statistical procedure to control the number of mistakes made when performing multiple hypothesis tests, i.e. when comparing many data against a given model hypothesis. The key advantage of FDR is that it allows one to a priori control the average fraction of false rejections made (when comparing to the null hypothesis) over the total number of rejections performed. We compare FDR to the standard procedure of rejecting all tests that do not match the null hypothesis above some arbitrarily chosen confidence limit, e.g. 2 sigma, or at the 95% confidence level. When using FDR, we find a similar rate of correct detections, but with significantly fewer false detections. Moreover, the FDR procedure is quick and easy to compute and can be trivially adapted to work with correlated data. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the FDR procedure to the astrophysics community. We illustrate the power of FDR through several astronomical examples, including the detection of features against a smooth one-dimensional function, e.g. seeing the ``baryon wiggles'' in a power spectrum of matter fluctuations, and source pixel detection in imaging data. In this era of large datasets and high precision measurements, FDR provides the means to adaptively control a scientifically meaningful quantity -- the number of false discoveries made when conducting multiple hypothesis tests.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to A

    Robust Chauvenet Outlier Rejection

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    Sigma clipping is commonly used in astronomy for outlier rejection, but the number of standard deviations beyond which one should clip data from a sample ultimately depends on the size of the sample. Chauvenet rejection is one of the oldest, and simplest, ways to account for this, but, like sigma clipping, depends on the sample's mean and standard deviation, neither of which are robust quantities: Both are easily contaminated by the very outliers they are being used to reject. Many, more robust measures of central tendency, and of sample deviation, exist, but each has a tradeoff with precision. Here, we demonstrate that outlier rejection can be both very robust and very precise if decreasingly robust but increasingly precise techniques are applied in sequence. To this end, we present a variation on Chauvenet rejection that we call "robust" Chauvenet rejection (RCR), which uses three decreasingly robust/increasingly precise measures of central tendency, and four decreasingly robust/increasingly precise measures of sample deviation. We show this sequential approach to be very effective for a wide variety of contaminant types, even when a significant -- even dominant -- fraction of the sample is contaminated, and especially when the contaminants are strong. Furthermore, we have developed a bulk-rejection variant, to significantly decrease computing times, and RCR can be applied both to weighted data, and when fitting parameterized models to data. We present aperture photometry in a contaminated, crowded field as an example. RCR may be used by anyone at https://skynet.unc.edu/rcr, and source code is available there as well.Comment: 62 pages, 48 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Fortnightly Fluctuations in the O-C Diagram of CS 1246

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    Dominated by a single, large-amplitude pulsation mode, the rapidly-pulsating hot subdwarf B star CS 1246 is a prime candidate for a long-term O-C diagram study. We collected nearly 400 hours of photometry with the PROMPT telescopes over a time span of 14 months to begin looking for secular variations in the pulse timings. Interestingly, the O-C diagram is dominated by a strong sinusoidal pattern with a period of 14.1 days and an amplitude of 10.7 light-seconds. Underneath this sine wave is a secular trend implying a decrease in the 371.7-s pulsational period of Pdot = -1.9 x 10^-11, which we attribute to the evolution of the star through the H-R diagram. The sinusoidal variation could be produced by the presence of a low-mass companion, with m sin i ~ 0.12 Msun, orbiting the subdwarf B star at a distance of 20 Rsun. An analysis of the combined light curve reveals the presence of a low-amplitude first harmonic to the main pulsation mode.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 11 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Orbital and physical parameters of eclipsing binaries from the ASAS catalogue -- III. Two new low-mass systems with rapidly evolving spots

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    We present the results of our spectroscopic and photometric analysis of two newly discovered low-mass detached eclipsing binaries found in the All-Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) catalogue: ASAS J093814-0104.4 and ASAS J212954-5620.1. Using the GIRAFFE instrument on the 1.9-m Radcliffe telescope at SAAO and the UCLES spectrograph on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, we obtained high-resolution spectra of both objects and derived their radial velocities (RVs) at various orbital phases. The RVs of both objects were measured with the TODCOR technique using synthetic template spectra as references. We also obtained V and I band photometry using the 1.0-m Elizabeth telescope at SAAO and the 0.4-m PROMPT instruments located at the CTIO. The orbital and physical parameters of the systems were derived with PHOEBE and JKTEBOP codes. We compared our results with several sets of widely-used isochrones. Our multi-epoch photometric observations demonstrate that both objects show significant out-of-eclipse modulations, which vary in time. We believe that this effect is caused by stellar spots, which evolve on time scales of tens of days. For this reason, we constructed our models on the basis of photometric observations spanning short time scales (less than a month). Our modeling indicates that (1) ASAS-09 is a main sequence active system with nearly-twin components with masses of M1 = 0.771(33) Msun, M2 = 0.768(21) Msun and radii of R1 = 0.772(12) Rsun and R2 = 0.769(13) Rsun. (2) ASAS-21 is a main sequence active binary with component masses of M1 = 0.833(17) Msun, M2 = 0.703(13) Msun and radii of R1 = 0.845(12) Rsun and R2 = 0.718(17) Rsun. Both systems confirm the characteristic of active low-mass stars, for which the observed radii are larger and the temperatures lower than predicted by evolutionary models. Other parameters agree within errors with the models of main sequence stars.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables, to appear in A&

    Hydrogen analysis depth calibration by CORTEO Monte-Carlo simulation

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    Hydrogen imaging with sub-μm lateral resolution and sub-ppm sensitivity has become possible with coincident proton–proton (pp) scattering analysis (Reichart et al., 2004). Depth information is evaluated from the energy sum signal with respect to energy loss of both protons on their path through the sample. In first order, there is no angular dependence due to elastic scattering. In second order, a path length effect due to different energy loss on the paths of the protons causes an angular dependence of the energy sum. Therefore, the energy sum signal has to be de-convoluted depending on the matrix composition, i.e. mainly the atomic number Z, in order to get a depth calibrated hydrogen profile. Although the path effect can be calculated analytically in first order, multiple scattering effects lead to significant deviations in the depth profile. Hence, in our new approach, we use the CORTEO Monte-Carlo code (Schiettekatte, 2008) in order to calculate the depth of a coincidence event depending on the scattering angle. The code takes individual detector geometry into account. In this paper we show, that the code correctly reproduces measured pp-scattering energy spectra with roughness effects considered. With more than 100 μm thick Mylar-sandwich targets (Si, Fe, Ge) we demonstrate the deconvolution of the energy spectra on our current multistrip detector at the microprobe SNAKE at the Munich tandem accelerator lab. As a result, hydrogen profiles can be evaluated with an accuracy in depth of about 1% of the sample thickness