67 research outputs found

    Viral infection reveals hidden sharing of TCR CDR3 sequences between individuals

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    The T cell receptor is generated by a process of random and imprecise somatic recombination. The number of possible T cell receptors which this process can produce is enormous, greatly exceeding the number of T cells in an individual. Thus, the likelihood of identical TCRs being observed in multiple individuals (public TCRs) might be expected to be very low. Nevertheless such public TCRs have often been reported. In this study we explore the extent of TCR publicity in the context of acute resolving Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice. We show that the repertoire of effector T cells following LCMV infection contains a population of highly shared TCR sequences. This subset of TCRs has a distribution of naive precursor frequencies, generation probabilities, and physico-chemical CDR3 properties which lie between those of classic public TCRs, which are observed in uninfected repertoires, and the dominant private TCR repertoire. We have named this set of sequences "hidden public" TCRs, since they are only revealed following infection. A similar repertoire of hidden public TCRs can be observed in humans after a first exposure to SARS-COV-2. The presence of hidden public TCRs which rapidly expand following viral infection may therefore be a general feature of adaptive immunity, identifying an additional level of inter-individual sharing in the TCR repertoire which may form an important component of the effector and memory response

    Paradoxical Signaling by a Secreted Molecule Leads to Homeostasis of Cell Levels

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    SummaryA widespread feature of extracellular signaling in cell circuits is paradoxical pleiotropy: the same secreted signaling molecule can induce opposite effects in the responding cells. For example, the cytokine IL-2 can promote proliferation and death of T cells. The role of such paradoxical signaling remains unclear. To address this, we studied CD4+ T cell expansion in culture. We found that cells with a 30-fold difference in initial concentrations reached a homeostatic concentration nearly independent of initial cell levels. Below an initial threshold, cell density decayed to extinction (OFF-state). We show that these dynamics relate to the paradoxical effect of IL-2, which increases the proliferation rate cooperatively and the death rate linearly. Mathematical modeling explained the observed cell and cytokine dynamics and predicted conditions that shifted cell fate from homeostasis to the OFF-state. We suggest that paradoxical signaling provides cell circuits with specific dynamical features that are robust to environmental perturbations

    Quantifying changes in the T cell receptor repertoire during thymic development

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    One of the feats of adaptive immunity is its ability to recognize foreign pathogens while sparing the self. During maturation in the thymus, T cells are selected through the binding properties of their antigen-specific T-cell receptor (TCR), through the elimination of both weakly (positive selection) and strongly (negative selection) self-reactive receptors. However, the impact of thymic selection on the TCR repertoire is poorly understood. Here, we use transgenic Nur77-mice expressing a T-cell activation reporter to study the repertoires of thymic T cells at various stages of their development, including cells that do not pass selection. We combine high-throughput repertoire sequencing with statistical inference techniques to characterize the selection of the TCR in these distinct subsets. We find small but significant differences in the TCR repertoire parameters between the maturation stages, which recapitulate known differentiation pathways leading to the CD4+ and CD8+ subtypes. These differences can be simulated by simple models of selection acting linearly on the sequence features. We find no evidence of specific sequences or sequence motifs or features that are suppressed by negative selection. These results favour a collective or statistical model for T-cell self non-self discrimination, where negative selection biases the repertoire away from self recognition, rather than ensuring lack of self-reactivity at the single-cell level

    Feature selection using a one dimensional naĂŻve Bayes' classifier increases the accuracy of support vector machine classification of CDR3 repertoires.

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    MOTIVATION: Somatic DNA recombination, the hallmark of vertebrate adaptive immunity, has the potential to generate a vast diversity of antigen receptor sequences. How this diversity captures antigen specificity remains incompletely understood. In this study we use high throughput sequencing to compare the global changes in T cell receptor β chain complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3β) sequences following immunization with ovalbumin administered with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) or CFA alone. RESULTS: The CDR3β sequences were deconstructed into short stretches of overlapping contiguous amino acids. The motifs were ranked according to a one-dimensional Bayesian classifier score comparing their frequency in the repertoires of the two immunization classes. The top ranking motifs were selected and used to create feature vectors which were used to train a support vector machine. The support vector machine achieved high classification scores in a leave-one-out validation test reaching  : >90% in some cases. SUMMARY: The study describes a novel two-stage classification strategy combining a one-dimensional Bayesian classifier with a support vector machine. Using this approach we demonstrate that the frequency of a small number of linear motifs three amino acids in length can accurately identify a CD4 T cell response to ovalbumin against a background response to the complex mixture of antigens which characterize Complete Freund's Adjuvant. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: The sequence data is available at www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/?termÂĽSRP075893 The Decombinator package is available at github.com/innate2adaptive/Decombinator The R package e1071 is available at the CRAN repository https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/e1071/index.html CONTACT: [email protected] information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Tracking global changes induced in the CD4 T-cell receptor repertoire by immunization with a complex antigen using short stretches of CDR3 protein sequence.

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    The clonal theory of adaptive immunity proposes that immunological responses are encoded by increases in the frequency of lymphocytes carrying antigen-specific receptors. In this study, we measure the frequency of different T-cell receptors (TcR) in CD4 + T cell populations of mice immunized with a complex antigen, killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis, using high throughput parallel sequencing of the TcRβ chain. Our initial hypothesis that immunization would induce repertoire convergence proved to be incorrect, and therefore an alternative approach was developed that allows accurate stratification of TcR repertoires and provides novel insights into the nature of CD4 + T-cell receptor recognition

    Specificity, Privacy, and Degeneracy in the CD4 T Cell Receptor Repertoire Following Immunization.

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    T cells recognize antigen using a large and diverse set of antigen-specific receptors created by a complex process of imprecise somatic cell gene rearrangements. In response to antigen-/receptor-binding-specific T cells then divide to form memory and effector populations. We apply high-throughput sequencing to investigate the global changes in T cell receptor sequences following immunization with ovalbumin (OVA) and adjuvant, to understand how adaptive immunity achieves specificity. Each immunized mouse contained a predominantly private but related set of expanded CDR3β sequences. We used machine learning to identify common patterns which distinguished repertoires from mice immunized with adjuvant with and without OVA. The CDR3β sequences were deconstructed into sets of overlapping contiguous amino acid triplets. The frequencies of these motifs were used to train the linear programming boosting (LPBoost) algorithm LPBoost to classify between TCR repertoires. LPBoost could distinguish between the two classes of repertoire with accuracies above 80%, using a small subset of triplet sequences present at defined positions along the CDR3. The results suggest a model in which such motifs confer degenerate antigen specificity in the context of a highly diverse and largely private set of T cell receptors

    Viral infection reveals hidden sharing of TCR CDR3 sequences between individuals

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    The T cell receptor is generated by a process of random and imprecise somatic recombination. The number of possible T cell receptors which this process can produce is enormous, greatly exceeding the number of T cells in an individual. Thus, the likelihood of identical TCRs being observed in multiple individuals (public TCRs) might be expected to be very low. Nevertheless such public TCRs have often been reported. In this study we explore the extent of TCR publicity in the context of acute resolving Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice. We show that the repertoire of effector T cells following LCMV infection contains a population of highly shared TCR sequences. This subset of TCRs has a distribution of naive precursor frequencies, generation probabilities, and physico-chemical CDR3 properties which lie between those of classic public TCRs, which are observed in uninfected repertoires, and the dominant private TCR repertoire. We have named this set of sequences “hidden public” TCRs, since they are only revealed following infection. A similar repertoire of hidden public TCRs can be observed in humans after a first exposure to SARS-COV-2. The presence of hidden public TCRs which rapidly expand following viral infection may therefore be a general feature of adaptive immunity, identifying an additional level of inter-individual sharing in the TCR repertoire which may form an important component of the effector and memory response

    IL-23-mediated mononuclear phagocyte crosstalk protects mice from Citrobacter rodentium-induced colon immunopathology.

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    Gut homeostasis and mucosal immune defense rely on the differential contributions of dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages. Here we show that colonic CX3CR1(+) mononuclear phagocytes are critical inducers of the innate response to Citrobacter rodentium infection. Specifically, the absence of IL-23 expression in macrophages or CD11b(+) DC results in the impairment of IL-22 production and in acute lethality. Highlighting immunopathology as a death cause, infected animals are rescued by the neutralization of IL-12 or IFNÎł. Moreover, mice are also protected when the CD103(+) CD11b(-) DC compartment is rendered deficient for IL-12 production. We show that IL-12 production by colonic CD103(+) CD11b(-) DC is repressed by IL-23. Collectively, in addition to its role in inducing IL-22 production, macrophage-derived or CD103(-) CD11b(+) DC-derived IL-23 is required to negatively control the otherwise deleterious production of IL-12 by CD103(+) CD11b(-) DC. Impairment of this critical mononuclear phagocyte crosstalk results in the generation of IFNÎł-producing former TH17 cells and fatal immunopathology

    A hierarchy of selection pressures determines the organization of the T cell receptor repertoire

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    We systematically examine the receptor repertoire in T cell subsets in young, adult, and LCMV-infected mice. Somatic recombination generates diversity, resulting in the limited overlap between nucleotide sequences of different repertoires even within the same individual. However, statistical features of the repertoire, quantified by the V gene and CDR3 k-mer frequency distributions, are highly conserved. A hierarchy of immunological processes drives the evolution of this structure. Intra-thymic divergence of CD4+ and CD8+ lineages imposes subtle but dominant differences observed across repertoires of all subpopulations in both young and adult mice. Differentiation from naive through memory to effector phenotype imposes an additional gradient of repertoire diversification, which is further influenced by age in a complex and lineage-dependent manner. The distinct repertoire of CD4+ regulatory T cells is more similar to naive cells in young mice and to effectors in adults. Finally, we describe divergent (naive and memory) and convergent (CD8+ effector) evolution of the repertoire following acute infection with LCMV. This study presents a quantitative framework that captures the structure of the repertoire in terms of its fundamental statistical properties and describes how this structure evolves as individual T cells differentiate, migrate and mature in response to antigen exposure

    CD95 co-stimulation blocks activation of naive T cells by inhibiting T cell receptor signaling

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    CD95 is a multifunctional receptor that induces cell death or proliferation depending on the signal, cell type, and cellular context. Here, we describe a thus far unknown function of CD95 as a silencer of T cell activation. Naive human T cells triggered by antigen-presenting cells expressing a membrane-bound form of CD95 ligand (CD95L) or stimulated by anti-CD3 and -CD28 antibodies in the presence of recombinant CD95L had reduced activation and proliferation, whereas preactivated, CD95-sensitive T cells underwent apoptosis. Triggering of CD95 during T cell priming interfered with proximal T cell receptor signaling by inhibiting the recruitment of ζ-chain–associated protein of 70 kD, phospholipase-γ, and protein kinase C-θ into lipid rafts, thereby preventing their mutual tyrosine protein phosphorylation. Subsequently, Ca2+ mobilization and nuclear translocation of transcription factors NFAT, AP1, and NF-κB were strongly reduced, leading to impaired cytokine secretion. CD95-mediated inhibition of proliferation in naive T cells could not be reverted by the addition of exogenous interleukin-2 and T cells primed by CD95 co-stimulation remained partially unresponsive upon secondary T cell stimulation. HIV infection induced CD95L expression in primary human antigeen-presenting cells, and thereby suppressed T cell activation, suggesting that CD95/CD95L-mediated silencing of T cell activation represents a novel mechanism of immune evasion
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