23 research outputs found

    Efeitos da adequação do meio bucal na contagem de Candida spp. em crianças

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    O efeito da adequação de meio sobre contagens de Candida spp. na cavidade bucal tem sido pouco discutido e nenhum resultado conclusivo foi encontrado na literatura. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar os efeitos da adequação de meio bucal, utilizando cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol e cimento de ionômero de vidro, sobre contagens desses microorganismos em crianças. Foram coletados enxágües bucais de 30 meninos e 30 meninas com idades entre quatro e dez anos, positivos para Candida na saliva, obtendo-se a contagem inicial. As crianças foram divididas ao acaso em dois grupos e procedeu-se à adequação de meio utilizando um dos cimentos a serem testados. Uma semana depois, novo enxágüe bucal foi coletado, obtendo-se, dessa forma, a contagem final de Candida spp. Uma redução expressiva nas contagens foi observada em ambos os grupos. Os dois materiais testados foram eficazes na diminuição das contagens de Candida, e diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram observadas entre as contagens inicial e final nos dois grupos. Considerando o percentual de redução, o cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol apresentou resultados mais favoráveis, promovendo uma redução de 70%, ao passo que para o cimento de ionômero de vidro esse valor foi de 46%. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que a adequação de meio é um procedimento eficaz na redução das contagens de Candida spp. na cavidade bucal, especialmente quando o cimento de óxido de zinco e eugenol é utilizado.The effects of oral environment stabilization procedures on counts of Candida spp. have rarely been discussed, and no conclusive results are found in the literature. The aim of this study was thus to ascertain the effects of oral environment stabilization procedures with glass ionomer and zinc oxide-eugenol cements on counts of Candida spp. in the oral cavity of children. For this purpose, oral rinses of sterile phosphate-buffered saline were initially collected from 30 boys and 30 girls, positive for Candida in the saliva and aged from 4 to 10 years. Data on the initial quantity of CFU/ml of Candida were obtained. Then, the children were randomly divided into two groups and oral environment stabilization procedures were performed using zinc oxide-eugenol cement or glass ionomer cement. One week after the procedures were performed, oral rinses were collected again and final Candida counts were obtained. An expressive reduction in Candida counts was observed in both groups. The zinc oxide-eugenol and glass ionomer cements were efficient in the reduction of Candida counts and statistically significant differences were observed between initial and final counts in both groups. Considering the percentage of reduction, the zinc oxide-eugenol cement presented more favorable results, with a reduction of 70%. A reduction of 46% was observed with the use of the glass ionomer cement. According to the obtained results, we concluded that oral environment stabilization procedures were efficient in reducing Candida spp. counts, especially when the zinc oxide-eugenol cement was employed

    Imigração, patrimônio cultural e turismo no Brasil

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    The heritage of immigration, like all cultural expression, has multiple forms and understanding permeates the approach to several issues, among them: the various manifestations of cultural heritage, the intentions of conservation actions and appreciation of the cultural heritage of immigrant groups and practices for the resonance of this heritage, such as tourism. The objective of this paper is to analyze the heritage of immigration as a phenomenon that was constituted in a particular environment, not only by the above issues, but also as a particular form of instituting the past in the present and its consequences for the construction of collective identitiesO patrimônio da imigração, como toda expressão cultural, possui múltiplas formas e sua compreensão perpassa pela abordagem de várias questões, dentre elas: as várias manifestações do patrimônio cultural; as intencionalidades das ações de preservação e valorização da herança cultural de grupos de imigrantes; e as práticas para a ressonância deste patrimônio, como é o caso do turismo. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o patrimônio da imigração como fenômeno que se constituiu num ambiente determinado, não só pelas questões acima, mas também como uma forma particular de instituir o passado no presente e seus desdobramentos para a construção de identidades coletivas

    Microleakage evaluation of pit and fissure sealants done with different procedures, materials, and laser after invasive technique

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    This study evaluated the microleakage of pit and fissure sealants after different surface preparation (invasive technique and laser irradiation) and the use of different materials (fluoride resin-filled sealant, resin-modified glass ionomer cement and adhesive system). Eighty-four pre molars were used in this study, which were divided into seven groups. After the accomplishment of the different treatments, these were submitted to thermocycling process and assess for microleakage by examination under an epifluorescent microscope and scored zero to seven. Two specimens of each group were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that laser irradiation did not lessen microleakage in pit and fissures when using a filled-resin sealant with fluoride or a resin-modified glass ionomer cement. The use of laser irradiation and adhesive system, followed by a resin-filled sealant with fluoride, showed the lowest microleakage scores in pit and fissures. Comparing this group to the resin-modified glass ionomer cement group, there was statistical significance. The use of a adhesive system decreased microleakage when using a fluoride resin-filled sealant with or without previous laser irradiation; although it was not statistically significant

    A 2-year clinical evaluation of fluoride-containing pit and fissure sealants placed with an invasive technique

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    The aim of this study was to clinically evaluate fluoride-containing sealants in teeth subjected to minimal enamel reduction (preventive resin restorations). Two hundred fourteen sealants (109 Fluro Shield and 105 Delton Fluor) were applied in 153 teeth of 32 subjects. The sealants were evaluated for superficial irregularities, marginal adaptation, retention, and caries after 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. After 6, 12, and 18 months, the attendance at recall was 100.00%. After 24 months, 93.75% of subjects returned for reevaluation. Although total or partial loss of sealant occurred in a few instances, no occlusal caries was found in any tooth at any recall. No statistically significant differences in the results of the clinical evaluation were found between sealant in the maxillary and mandibular dentitions

    Effects of oral environment stabilization procedures on counts of Candida spp. in children

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    The effects of oral environment stabilization procedures on counts of Candida spp. have rarely been discussed, and no conclusive results are found in the literature. The aim of this study was thus to ascertain the effects of oral environment stabilization procedures with glass ionomer and zinc oxide-eugenol cements on counts of Candida spp. in the oral cavity of children. For this purpose, oral rinses of sterile phosphate-buffered saline were initially collected from 30 boys and 30 girls, positive for Candida in the saliva and aged from 4 to 10 years. Data on the initial quantity of CFU/ml of Candida were obtained. Then, the children were randomly divided into two groups and oral environment stabilization procedures were performed using zinc oxide-eugenol cement or glass ionomer cement. One week after the procedures were performed, oral rinses were collected again and final Candida counts were obtained. An expressive reduction in Candida counts was observed in both groups. The zinc oxide-eugenol and glass ionomer cements were efficient in the reduction of Candida counts and statistically significant differences were observed between initial and final counts in both groups. Considering the percentage of reduction, the zinc oxide-eugenol cement presented more favorable results, with a reduction of 70%. A reduction of 46% was observed with the use of the glass ionomer cement. According to the obtained results, we concluded that oral environment stabilization procedures were efficient in reducing Candida spp. counts, especially when the zinc oxide-eugenol cement was employed

    Influence of fluoride-containing adhesives and bleaching agents on enamel bond strength

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    This study evaluated the influence of fluoride-containing carbamide peroxide (CP) bleaching agents and adhesive systems on bonded enamel interfaces that are part of the dynamic pH cycling and thermal cycling models. The buccal surfaces of 60 bovine incisors were restored with a composite resin and bonded with three- and two-step, etch-and-rinse, fluoride-containing adhesives, Optibond FL (FL) and Optibond Solo Plus (SP), respectively. Restored teeth were subjected to thermal cycling to age the interface. Both SP and FL adhesive-restored teeth were bleached (n = 10) with 10% CP (CP) and 10% CP + fluoride (CPF) or were left unbleached (control). Bleaching was performed for 14 days simultaneously with pH cycling, which comprised of 14 h of remineralization, 2 h of demineralization and 8 h of bleaching. The control groups (FL and SP) were stored in remineralizing solution during their bleaching periods and were also subjected to carious lesion formation. Parallelepiped-shaped samples were obtained from the bonded interface for microtensile bond strength (&#8733;TBS) testing. The enamel &#8733;TBS of the FL and SP groups (control, not bleached) were higher (p < 0.05) than those of the bleached interfaces (FL &gt; FL + CPF = FL + CP and SP &gt; SP + CPF = SP + CP). The groups subjected to treatment with the fluoride-containing bleaching agents exhibited similar &#8733;TBS compared to regular bleaching agents. Bleaching agents, regardless of whether they contained fluoride, decreased enamel bond strength