1,280 research outputs found

    Space station wardroom habitability and equipment study

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    Experimental designs in life-size mock-up form for the wardroom facility for the Space Station Habitability Module are explored and developed. In Phase 1, three preliminary concepts for the wardroom configuration are fabricated and evaluated. In Phase 2, the results of Phase 1 are combined with a specific range of program design requirements to provide the design criteria for the fabrication of an innovative medium-fidelity mock-up of a wardrobe configuration. The study also focuses on the design and preliminary prototyping of selected equipment items including crew exercise compartments, a meal/meeting table and a portable workstation. Design criteria and requirements are discussed and documented. Preliminary and final mock-ups and equipment prototypes are described and illustrated

    2014 Decompression Sickness/Extravehicular Activity Risks Standing Review Panel

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    The 2014 Decompression Sickness (DCS)/Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Risks Standing Review Panel (from here on referred to as the SRP) met for a site visit in Houston, TX on November 4 - 5, 2014. The SRP reviewed the Research Plans for The Risk of Decompression Sickness and the Risk of Injury and Compromised Performance due to EVA Operations, as well as the Evidence Reports for both of these Risks. The SRP found that the NASA DCS/EVA team did an excellent job of presenting their research plans. The SRP considers it critical that NASA proceeds with the high priority tasks identified in this report (DCS1, DCS3, DCS5). The highest priority is to determine the acceptable DCS and hypoxia risk associated with the planned human exploration beyond low Earth orbit. The risk of DCS is highly dependent upon the pressure within the exploration vehicle. If slightly more hypoxia is permitted then (even with the same percentage of oxygen) the pressure within the exploration vehicle can be lowered thus further mitigating the risk of DCS. The second highest priority is to test and validate the recommended 8.2psi/34% O2 atmosphere. Development of procedures and equipment for human exploration missions are very limited until the results of this testing are completed. The SRP also suggests that DCS7 be separated into two Gaps. Gap DCS7 should deal with DCS treatment while a new Gap should be created to deal with the long-term effects of DCS. The SRP also encourages NASA to increase collaboration with other organizations and pool resources where possible. The current NASA DCS/EVA team has the extensive expertise and a wealth of knowledge in this area. The SRP suggests that increased manpower for this team would be highly productive

    Análise do impacto econômico, da expansão de popularidade e das novas tecnologias do fenômeno Vtuber

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    O presente trabalho busca analisar a expansão, popularização, o impacto econômico, e as tecnologias envolvidas dentro do conceito de criação de conteúdo digital conhecido como “VTuber” (abreviação do inglês de Virtual Youtuber), que são criadores de conteúdo que utilizam avatares virtuais criados em softwares de computação gráfica para criar conteúdo anonimamente. Este novo tipo de criação de conteúdo nasceu a partir da popularização de diversas tecnologias antes restritas como mapeamento facial, computação gráfica, arte digital etc. Este estudo busca analisar as origens desse fenômeno dentro de seu contexto cultural, quais tecnologias utiliza e como isso está impactando culturalmente e economicamente o meio digital e real

    The Validity of Patient-Reported Short-Term Complications following Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty

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    Introduction: Given the lack of national data on outcomes of on patients who undergo total joint arthroplasty (TJA) and the limitations of hospital databases to capture information on patients who seek post-TJA care elsewhere, there is growing interest in using patient self-report to identify possible complications following surgery. We examined the concordance between patients self-report of potential short-term complications with review of available medical records as well as the location of the reported post-operative care. Material & Methods: Patients undergoing primary hip or knee arthroplasty from 7/1/11 through 12/3/12 participating in a tertiary care center were identified. Patients completed a 6-month post-operative survey regarding needing evaluation at an emergency department, day surgery or hospitalization for possible medical or mechanical complications and the location of care. We reviewed available inpatient and outpatient medical records to identify the location of postoperative care as well as the validity of patient self-report (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values). Results: There were 413 patients who had 431 surgeries and completed the 6-month questionnaire. Patients reported 40 medical encounters including emergency department, day surgery or inpatient care resulting in a 9% reported complication rate, of which 20% occurred at outside hospitals Overall patient self-report of emergency department, day surgery and inpatient care for possible complications was both sensitive (82%) and specific (100%). The positive predictive value was 100% and negative predictive value 98%. Conclusion: Given the prevalence of events requiring care at outlying hospitals and the accuracy of self-report, methods that directly engage patients can augment current surveillance procedures

    Location of All-cause 30-day Readmission Following Total Joint Replacement: Surgical Hospital Versus Outside Hospital

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    Background: Evaluating posthospital complications and hospital readmissions in the United States is limited under the current system. This is due to an inability to quantify posthospital care delivered to patients at locations other than the surgical hospital. In order to circumvent this issue, information can be sought directly from patients about posthospital health care utilization. This approach provides a more complete record in comparison with methods that evaluate complications treated only at the surgical hospital. Methods: Participants undergoing total joint replacement (TJR) between 5/10/11 and 5/17/11 were identified from the Function and Outcomes Research in Comparative Effectiveness Registry (FORCE-TJR) cohort. The cohort is a nationally representative sample of TJR patients undergoing total knee replacement and total hip replacement. Patients are asked to self-report complications on the six-month follow-up questionnaire. The questionnaire specifically inquires about any emergency department visit, outpatient surgery, or hospital admission that occurred within six months of the total joint replacement surgery. For each positive report of postoperative complication, the pertinent medical records are retrieved and reviewed and discharge diagnoses are used to identify whether the complication is a surgical site symptom or a medical complication. The location of the care is identified as the surgical hospital or an outside hospital. We report on the location of all readmissions within 30 days of discharge from the initial TJR surgery. Results: In total, our sample yielded 112 validated patient-reported readmissions following TJR. Of these readmissions, 75% were treated at the surgical hospital and 25% were treated at an outside hospital. Patients receiving care at the surgical hospital were similar in terms of demographics compared with those seeking care at an outside hospital in terms of mean age (66.7 years vs. 66.9 years, p=0.92), and gender (67.9% male vs. 63.1% male, p=0.65). Additionally, the mean number of days since discharge was similar (16.7 days vs. 15.1 days, p = 0.45) among patients treated at the surgical hospital compared with those treated at an outside hospital. Discharge diagnoses varied by the location of care. At the surgical hospital, discharge diagnoses identified surgical site symptoms as the cause of 36.9% of admissions and medical conditions as the cause of 63.1% of admissions. When compared with discharge diagnoses at outside hospitals, surgical site symptoms accounted for 17.9% of admissions and medical conditions for 82.1% (p=0.067). Conclusion: Public reporting of all post-TJR discharge complications is currently used to compare quality of care between hospitals. However, our study demonstrates that hospitals and surgeons may underestimate their complication rates by 25%. This suggests that novel approaches, such as direct to patient contact, are needed to minimize missing post-hospital event data

    Cardiopulmonary exercise testing is a better outcome predictor than exercise echocardiography in asymptomatic aortic stenosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Objective assessment of maximal aerobic capacity using peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2) can be helpful in the management of patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). The relationship between peak VO2 and AS severity criteria derived from rest and supine exercise echocardiography (SEE) has never been explored. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to determine whether low peak VO2 (3m/s) and left ventricle ejection fraction>50% prospectively underwent resting and SEE and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX). RESULTS: Peak VO2 was lower than expected (21.9+/-7.4mL/kg/min), i.e. /=85% had a negative predictive value of 97%. CONCLUSION: CPX detects a high proportion of false asymptomatic AS patients with poorer outcome that cannot be predicted by SEE markers of AS severity. Assessment of aerobic capacity should be part of current approach within a "watchful waiting" strategy.Peer reviewe

    Estructura alternativa de financiamiento de medianas empresas a trav?s del mercado de valores peruano

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    En vista del elevado n?mero de empleos que generan, las peque?as y medianas empresas (pymes) constituyen uno de los principales motores para la creaci?n de valor y desarrollo en la econom?a peruana. Una de las mayores restricciones que enfrentan es la dificultad de obtener financiamiento a mediano y largo plazo destinado a la inversi?n, puesto que la mayor?a de alternativas actualmente disponibles son costosas o est?n dise?adas para resolver necesidades de liquidez a corto plazo. Esto las somete a una elevada presi?n financiera, lo cual reduce su velocidad de crecimiento. Por ello, el presente trabajo de investigaci?n tiene como objetivo dise?ar y estructurar una propuesta alternativa de financiamiento para las pymes: la emisi?n de valores en el mercado de capitales peruano, que resulte en un instrumento financiero rentable para el inversionista y que, primordialmente, le asegure a las pymes las condiciones financieras competitivas necesarias, para su crecimiento y desarrollo planificado. Por consiguiente, se busca responder de forma general la siguiente pregunta: ?c?mo estructurar un esquema de financiamiento que permita a las medianas empresas acceder al mercado de capitales peruano