31 research outputs found

    Theology of Marriage in The Church Wedding Songs

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    In the old church song repertoires in the Upper Silesia one may find a distinct group of songs connected with the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony. There are not many of them and they are usually labelled as songs before vows and after vows. The theological content of these songs generally concentrates on the topic of unity and indissolubility of the marital covenant. They also take the form of singing supplications for God’s help for the newlyweds. As far as the music is concerned, these songs often use melodies borrowed from other popular songs in the form of contrafactum, but there are also some melodies specially composed. Nowadays, the songs performed and instrumental music played at the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony are not always chosen in accordance with the spirit of liturgy; and often lay music permeates church ceremonies. This is why there is a need for new works in this field of church chant; a need for songs closely related to the wedding ceremonies

    Twórcy pieśni kościelnych na Górnym Śląsku w XX wieku : (na podstawie repertuaru "Śpiewnika kościelnego archidiecezji katowickiej")

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    The act of singing sacred songs in native language at the Liturgy constituted the form of activating the congregation the moment it was introduced. The official stance the Church took on this practicum was varied. Finally, the liturgical reform of the Vatican Council II accepted it as one of the potential ways of the sacred music. Śpiewnik kościelny archidiecezji katowickiej (A Sacred Songbook of the Archidiocese in Katowice), published at the beginning of the new century, shows a real treasure of sacred songs, both old and new ones. The article is a reference to this treasure, trying to introduce the profiles of the three outstanding authors of sacred songs who created their works in Silesia in the 20th century., i.e. Roman Dwornik, Józef Jakac and the Rev. Infułat Romuald Rak. Their works covered many fields, however, they are mostly renowned for their contribution to popularization of sacred songs, taking up an important work — the editorial board of Choral śląski (The Silesian Choral)

    Cześć pieśni!” Z dziejów śląskiego życia muzycznego i śpiewaczego. Szkice i materiały źródłowe. Część druga od 1939 do 1989 roku

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    Nowa publikacja Andrzeja Wójcika, która ukazała się w zasłużonej oficynie Śląska Biblioteka Muzyczna, stanowi ważną i nieodzowną kontynuację opisy-wania chlubnych dziejów śląskiego życia muzycznego i śpiewaczego. Z pracy tej jasno wynika, że dokonania śląskich chórów i orkiestr, również związanych z nimi ofiarnych działaczy i sprzymierzeńców, mają wymiar ponadczasowy. Wpisują się w zaszczytne dzieło przerzucania twórczego kulturowego pomostu, tym bardziej więc ich historyczny opis zasługuje na duże uznanie i szersze rozpowszechnienie.[...

    "Pieśni nabożne" Franciszka Karpińskiego : "Pieśń poranna" i "Pieśń wieczorna" - świadectwo ponadczasowej żywotności

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    Pieśni nabożne by Franciszek Karpiński, the main representative of sentimentalism in the Polish literature, constitutes a significant collection of the poet, edited for the religious and educational purposes. It was published for the first time in Supraśl in 1792 and later on was reissued for many times. The series in question consists of 49 works, including 29 hymns and 20 psalms. The poet skillfully composed the works according to particular periods of the Lithurgic year. The article shows first of all the place of the series entitled Pieśni nabożne in the literary output of the poet, and characterises two hymns closer, i.e. Pieśń poranna and Pieśń wieczorna, constituting the frames of the whole collection and being constantly popular. Also, partially, the examples of reception of the works in question in hymn collections and oral tradition, as well as their presence in foreign language translations were presented. The article constitutes encouragement for a closer familiarization with religious works by Karpiński, and reading the phenomenon of ageless vitality of his Pieśni nabożne

    Andrzej Wójcik, „Cześć pieśni! Z dziejów śląskiego życia muzycznego i śpiewaczego. Szkice i materiały źródłowe. Część pierwsza do 1939 roku”, Wyd. Śląska Biblioteka Muzyczna, Katowice 2010, ss. 300 [recenzja]

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    Recenzja książki: Andrzej Wójcik, „Cześć pieśni! Z dziejów śląskiego życia muzycznego i śpiewaczego. Szkice i materiały źródłowe. Część pierwsza do 1939 roku”, Wyd. Śląska Biblioteka Muzyczna, Katowice 2010, ss. 30

    Unikatowe nabożeństwo jutrzni na uroczystość Bożego Narodzenia

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    The Morning Prayer of the Christmas” – performed usually before the Shepherd’s Mass – is a unique devotion which prepares for the immediate celebration of the Nativity of the Lord. The structure of this devotion is based partially on the Liturgy of the Hours but the texts and melodies represent a folk tradition. The eldest known version of its text is from the first part of the XIX century (handwritten Kancjonał z Ligoty from 1832). The first known music written to the text is from the second part of the XIX century (Chorał do Kancjonału ks. Janusza from 1873). There is a superficial analogy between the Catholic devotion of „The Morning Prayer of the Christmas” and a popular Protestant matins, but they are essentially different. Nevertheless in both cases they express a strong devotional tradition popular, mainly, among the Christian communities of the Cieszyn Silesia

    Recepcja twórczości Franciszka Karpińskiego w cieszyńskich drukach religijnych - katolickich i ewangelickich w XIX wieku

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    The collection entitled Pieśni Nabożne [Hymns], published for the first time in Supraśl in 1792 belongs to the most important publications of the religious output of Franciszek Karpiński. These hymns were - apart from numerous typically poetic editions - printed in prayer and songbooks, both Catholic as well as Evangelic. This study is a part of a larger research work into the reception of the religious output of the ‘poet of the heart’, and reveals the response of his hymns and psalms in the printed matters of Cieszyn of the 19th century for both religions. All available sources of texts and melodies are considered in the work, and particularly those of discussed hymns. Fifteen source-transmissions, including four Evangelic ones, were distinguished this way. Moreover, the most important comparative sources of the times were used in the work. The researches confirmed the vivid reception of the religious output of Franciszek Karpiński in the prayer and songbooks of Cieszyn of the 19th century. Eighteen pieces of the forty- -nine-piece collection of the whole collection of Hymns are used in the research work, which constitutes over one-third of the whole collection.The fact of inclusion of the discussed pieces in Evangelic collections, and especially the seven hymns in the Songbook of Heczka, is telling. Kiedy ranne wstają zorze. Boże z twoich rąk tyjemy, Wszystkie nasze dzienne sprawy. Bóg sią rodzi are the most popular songs written by Karpiński. The resource of psalms is mainly associated with Sunday and Virgin Mary vespers, that belong to the Liturgy of Hours of the Catholic Church. Starting from the anonymous Songbook of 1865, the translation of psalms of Karpiński has been consequently included in other songbooks, and were sometimes entitled Nieszpory wierszem ułożone. The annex included in the article presents the detailed results of the research

    Rastislav Adamko, „Kantylacje liturgiczne w mszale słowackim >>Řimsky misal<< z 1980 roku”, Levoea 2005, ss. 274, ISBN 80-89187-04-8 [recenzja]

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    Recenzja książki Rastislava Adamko „Kantylacje liturgiczne w mszale słowackim >>Řimsky misal<< z 1980 roku”, Levoea 2005, ss. 274, ISBN 80-89187-04-

    Co i jak należy śpiewać w ramach liturgii?

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    The state of liturgical music still rises mixed feelings among those who are engaged in the celebration of the holy ceremonies. Half a century has passed since the Second Vatican Council introduced documents concerning the new shape of liturgy, also in the field of music; and a retrospective view of this issue indicates positive phenomena and examples, but at the same time exposes faults, malpractice and negligence. The present teaching of the Church in the field of liturgical music points out three important criteria which decide about the appropriate shaping of songs and chants: (1) melody united to the words, (2) care about the artistic value and (3) appropriate character and style of the work to designed for sacred action. The role of sacredness and the close connection with the liturgical action in church chant has been consistently emphasized. Songs and for liturgy must not be chosen at random; also the way of singing and perfection of performance are important. The appeal, directed to composers of sacred music, for new works pertaining in their texts to a specific topic of the day or a specific liturgical action remains always relevant

    Utrwalone dziedzictwo – pieśni religijne w twórczości Władysława z Gielniowa, Franciszka Karpińskiego i Kazimierza Brodzińskiego

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    The study of Polish religious songs shows the literary and musical values of selected works and also presents the authors of these works. This paper presents the achievements of three eminent poets: Władysław of Gielniow (ab. 1440–1505), Franciszek Karpiński (1741–1825) and Kazimierz Brodziński (1791–1835). Their activity in the field of popularization of church chant deserves to be particularly appreciated. Also the motives of fascination with religious chant are interesting. Sometimes this form of expression was the result of personal faith, sometimes it sprang from some additional motives or conditioning. The popularity of a particular poetic work depends to a large extend on its musical form. The religious chants of the poets mentioned above, though coming from various times and composed in various places are truly outstanding and popular, which makes them constantly present in the repertory of church songs. The fact that they were included in the latest edition of Śpiewnik kościelny (Church Songbook) by Fr. Jan Siedlecki may serve as a proof of keen acceptance and a sign of their belonging to cultural heritage.Badania nad polską pieśnią religijną wskazują na walory literacko-muzyczne wybranych utworów, jak również przybliżają sylwetki samych twórców. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia najważniejsze osiągnięcia trzech wybitnych poetów: Władysława z Gielniowa (ok. 1440–1505), Franciszka Karpińskiego (1741–1825) i Kazimierza Brodzińskiego (1791–1835), których działalność na polu upowszechnienia pieśni kościelnej zasługuje na szczególne uznanie. Interesujące są również same motywy fascynacji poezją pieśniową o tematyce religijnej, czasem taka forma twórczości wynikała z osobistej wiary, niekiedy też z dodatkowych pobudek czy uwarunkowań. Duże znaczenie w upowszechnieniu danego utworu poetyckiego odgrywa forma muzyczna. Pieśni religijne wspomnianych poetów z różnego czasu i miejsca powstania odznaczają się cennymi walorami i popularnością, co sprawia, że są one stale obecne w repertuarze śpiewów kościelnych. Umieszczenie ich w najnowszym wydaniu Śpiewnika kościelnego ks. Jana Siedleckiego może stanowić potwierdzenie żywej recepcji i znak trwałego dziedzictwa