8 research outputs found

    Macrophage-trypanosome infection. Dead and live cell scoring

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    Sôbre o condrioma de tripanossomos naturalmente discinetoplásticos, Trypanosoma equinum e T. equiperdum

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    Interação entre Trypanosoma cruzi e macrófagos: diferenças entre tripomastigotas sangüí-colas e de cultivo de tecidos Trypanosoma cruzi interaction with macrophages: differences between tissue culture and bloodstream forms

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    Macrófagos obtidos do peritoneo de camundongos após estímulo, com peptona, foram cultivados em lamínulas, infectados com tripomastigotas das cepas F e Y de T. cruzi, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos ou do sangue de camundongos infectados. Os parasitas, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos, tanto da cepa Y como os da cepa F, são interiorizados por macrófagos em proporção muito mais elevada do que os sanguícolas. Parasitas de cultivo de tecidos incubados com soro de camundongos normais, ou soro híperimune específico em diluição sub-aglutinante, comportam-se essencialmente como parasitas não opsonizados. Foram observadas diferenças a nível ultraestrutural na fase inicial de interação entre macrófagos e tripomastigotas das duas origens. Após 30 minutos, tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos localizam-se em agrupamentos na área de contato com os macrófagos. Enquanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas estão na maioria das vezes no interior de vacúolos fagocíticos largos, após 3 horas de interação os tripomastigotas de cultura situam-se em um único vacúolo estreito. Tanto as formas de cultivo de tecidos quanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa Y multiplicam-se em macrófagos; os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa F são destruídos no interior da célula hospedeira, enquanto os tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos desta cepa são capazes de multiplicar-se.Mouse peritoneal elicited macrophages cultured on coverslips were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes from both the F strain and Y strain obtained either from tissue culture or from the bloodstream of infected mice. Both the Y strain and F parasites obtained from tissue culture were interiorized by macrophages at a much higher rate than bloodstream trypomastigotes. Tissue culture parasites incubated with normal mouse serum, mouse plasma obtained at the 7th day after infection, or specific hyperimmune serum at subagglutinating concentration, behaved essentially as non-opsonized parasites. Ultrastructural differences were seen at the early interaction phase between macrophages and trypimastigotes from both sources. After 30 minutes, tissue culture trypomastigotes were located in clusters at the area of contact with macrophages. While bloodstream trypomastigotes, at 3 hours post-infection were most frequently enclosed in a loose phagocytic vacuole, tissue culture trypomastigotes were enclosed in single tight vacuoles. Both tissue culture and bloodstream trypomastigotes of the Y strain multiplied within macrophages; F strain bloodstream trypomastigotes did not develop within the host cells, while tissue culture trypomastigotes multiplied

    Interação entre Trypanosoma cruzi e macrófagos: diferenças entre tripomastigotas sangüí-colas e de cultivo de tecidos

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    Mouse peritoneal elicited macrophages cultured on coverslips were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes from both the F strain and Y strain obtained either from tissue culture or from the bloodstream of infected mice. Both the Y strain and F parasites obtained from tissue culture were interiorized by macrophages at a much higher rate than bloodstream trypomastigotes. Tissue culture parasites incubated with normal mouse serum, mouse plasma obtained at the 7th day after infection, or specific hyperimmune serum at subagglutinating concentration, behaved essentially as non-opsonized parasites. Ultrastructural differences were seen at the early interaction phase between macrophages and trypimastigotes from both sources. After 30 minutes, tissue culture trypomastigotes were located in clusters at the area of contact with macrophages. While bloodstream trypomastigotes, at 3 hours post-infection were most frequently enclosed in a loose phagocytic vacuole, tissue culture trypomastigotes were enclosed in single tight vacuoles. Both tissue culture and bloodstream trypomastigotes of the Y strain multiplied within macrophages; F strain bloodstream trypomastigotes did not develop within the host cells, while tissue culture trypomastigotes multiplied.Macrófagos obtidos do peritoneo de camundongos após estímulo, com peptona, foram cultivados em lamínulas, infectados com tripomastigotas das cepas F e Y de T. cruzi, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos ou do sangue de camundongos infectados. Os parasitas, obtidos de cultivo de tecidos, tanto da cepa Y como os da cepa F, são interiorizados por macrófagos em proporção muito mais elevada do que os sanguícolas. Parasitas de cultivo de tecidos incubados com soro de camundongos normais, ou soro híperimune específico em diluição sub-aglutinante, comportam-se essencialmente como parasitas não opsonizados. Foram observadas diferenças a nível ultraestrutural na fase inicial de interação entre macrófagos e tripomastigotas das duas origens. Após 30 minutos, tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos localizam-se em agrupamentos na área de contato com os macrófagos. Enquanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas estão na maioria das vezes no interior de vacúolos fagocíticos largos, após 3 horas de interação os tripomastigotas de cultura situam-se em um único vacúolo estreito. Tanto as formas de cultivo de tecidos quanto os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa Y multiplicam-se em macrófagos; os tripomastigotas sanguícolas da cepa F são destruídos no interior da célula hospedeira, enquanto os tripomastigotas de cultivo de tecidos desta cepa são capazes de multiplicar-se

    Phylogenetic Validation of the Genera Angomonas and Strigomonas of Trypanosomatids Harboring Bacterial Endosymbionts with the Description of New Species of Trypanosomatids and of Proteobacterial Symbionts

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    We comparatively examined the nutritional, molecular and optical and electron microscopical characteristics of reference species and new isolates of trypanosomatids harboring bacterial endosymbionts. Sequencing of the V7V8 region of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene distinguished six major genotypes among the 13 isolates examined. The entire sequences of the SSU rRNA and glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were obtained for phylogenetic analyses. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, the symbiont-harboring species clustered as a major clade comprising two subclades that corresponded to the proposed genera Angomonas and Strigomonas. The genus Angomonas comprised 10 flagellates including former Crithidia deanei and C. desouzai plus a new species. The genus Strigomonas included former Crithidia oncopelti and Blastocrithidia cuiicis plus a new species. Sequences from the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) and size polymorphism of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) minicircles revealed considerable genetic heterogeneity within the genera Angomonas and Strigomonas. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA and ITS rDNA sequences demonstrated that all of the endosymbionts belonged to the Betaproteobacteria and revealed three new species. The congruence of the phylogenetic trees of trypanosomatids and their symbionts support a co-divergent host-symbiont evolutionary history. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.CNPqConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESPConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)CNPq (PROTAX