15 research outputs found

    Sequential peripheral enrichment of H2A.Zac and H3K9me2 during trophoblast differentiation in human embryonic stem cells

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    ES細胞分化過程において継時的に分布変化するヒストン修飾を同定 --ヒト幹細胞が分化する時、核では何が起こっているのか--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-06.During the transition from pluripotency to a lineage-committed state, chromatin undergoes large-scale changes in structure, involving covalent modification of histone tails, use of histone variants and gene position changes with respect to the nuclear periphery. Here, using high-resolution microscopy and quantitative image analysis, we surveyed a panel of histone modifications for changes in nuclear peripheral enrichment during differentiation of human embryonic stem cells to a trophoblast-like lineage. We found two dynamic modifications at the nuclear periphery, acetylation of histone H2A.Z (H2A.Zac), and dimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me2). We demonstrate successive peripheral enrichment of these markers, with H2A.Zac followed by H3K9me2, over the course of 4 days. We find that H3K9me2 increases concomitantly with, but independently of, expression of lamin A, since deletion of lamin A did not affect H3K9me2 enrichment. We further show that inhibition of histone deacetylases causes persistent and increased H2A.Z acetylation at the periphery, delayed H3K9me2 enrichment and failure to differentiate. Our results show a concerted change in the nature of peripheral chromatin occurs upon differentiation into the trophoblast state

    UNC-83 Is a KASH Protein Required for Nuclear Migration and Is Recruited to the Outer Nuclear Membrane by a Physical Interaction with the SUN Protein UNC-84

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    UNC-84 is required to localize UNC-83 to the nuclear envelope where it functions during nuclear migration. A KASH domain in UNC-83 was identified. KASH domains are conserved in the nuclear envelope proteins Syne/nesprins, Klarsicht, MSP-300, and ANC-1. Caenorhabditis elegans UNC-83 was shown to localize to the outer nuclear membrane and UNC-84 to the inner nuclear membrane in transfected mammalian cells, suggesting the KASH and SUN protein targeting mechanisms are conserved. Deletion of the KASH domain of UNC-83 blocked nuclear migration and localization to the C. elegans nuclear envelope. Some point mutations in the UNC-83 KASH domain disrupted nuclear migration, even if they localized normally. At least two separable portions of the C-terminal half of UNC-84 were found to interact with the UNC-83 KASH domain in a membrane-bound, split-ubiquitin yeast two-hybrid system. However, the SUN domain was essential for UNC-84 function and UNC-83 localization in vivo. These data support the model that KASH and SUN proteins bridge the nuclear envelope, connecting the nuclear lamina to cytoskeletal components. This mechanism seems conserved across eukaryotes and is the first proposed mechanism to target proteins specifically to the outer nuclear membrane

    Analysis of meiosis in Pristionchus pacificus reveals plasticity in homolog pairing and synapsis in the nematode lineage

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    Meiosis is conserved across eukaryotes yet varies in the details of its execution. Here we describe a new comparative model system for molecular analysis of meiosis, the nematode Pristionchus pacificus, a distant relative of the widely studied model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. P. pacificus shares many anatomical and other features that facilitate analysis of meiosis in C. elegans. However, while C. elegans has lost the meiosis-specific recombinase Dmc1 and evolved a recombination-independent mechanism to synapse its chromosomes, P. pacificus expresses both DMC-1 and RAD-51. We find that SPO-11 and DMC-1 are required for stable homolog pairing, synapsis, and crossover formation, while RAD-51 is dispensable for these key meiotic processes. RAD-51 and DMC-1 localize sequentially to chromosomes during meiotic prophase and show nonoverlapping functions. We also present a new genetic map for P. pacificus that reveals a crossover landscape very similar to that of C. elegans, despite marked divergence in the regulation of synapsis and crossing-over between these lineages