77 research outputs found

    Technoeconomic assessment of marine fish production, marketing and capacity utilization of processing plants in Gujarat

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    Among the major maritime states of India, Gujarat has the longest coastline (1,600 km) and the largest continental shelf area (1,65,00 sq.km). The current annual catch of marine fish in this state is 6,45,261 tonnes (1994-'95). landed in about 221 coastal fish landing centres by 21,018 fishing units, manned by about 0.75 lakh fishermen

    Crisis in fisheries harbour, Cochin

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    In the cochin fisheries harbour, controlled by cochin port trust, nearly 5,000 people are employed In various operations connected with the handling of fish catches from an average of 300 fishing vesselsdue to this strike by the fish merchants all the fishing boats operating from the harbour had to Suspend their fishing operations.the crew members of these purse seiners are understood to have started an agitation for getting increased share of their wages.the crew wants the original payment of the share of wages restored and are agitating for the same. In resolving such problems in the various fisheries, more concern and involvement of the state department of fisheries would be helpful

    pi-Conjugation and conformation in a semiconducting polymer: small angle x-ray scattering study

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    Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) solution has shown the important role of pi-electron conjugation in controlling the chain conformation and assembly. By increasing the extent of conjugation from 30 to 100 %, the persistence length (l_p) increases from 20 to 66 Angstrom. Moreover, a pronounced second peak in the pair distribution function has been observed in fully conjugated chain, at larger length scales. This feature indicates that the chain segments tend to self-assemble as the conjugation along the chain increases. Xylene enhances the rigidity of PPV backbone to yield extended structures, while tetrahydrofuran solvates the side groups to form compact coils in which the l_p is much shorter.Comment: accepted (J. Phy. Cond. Mat.

    Weak Field Magnetoresistance in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems

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    Theoretical studies are presented on weak localization effects and magnetoresistance in quasi-one-dimensional systems with open Fermi surfaces. Based on the Wigner representation, the magnetoresistance in the region of weak field has been studied for five possible configurations of current and field with respect to the one-dimensional axis. It has been indicated that the anisotropy and its temperature dependences of the magnetoresistance will give information on the degree of one-dimensionality and the phase relaxation time.Comment: pages 11, LaTeX, 5 figures, uses jpsj.sty. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (Vol.67(1998) No.4); Added some references and a Note at Feb. 13 199

    Tempering The Enforcement With Law: A Model Of Diarchic Leadership For Ensuring Legalist Superintendence In Law Enforcement Agencies

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    Rule of law necessitates its due and precise enforcement without any excesses. This paper conceptually analyses the existing and prevalent system of law enforcement and the fallacies therein, including the post facto nature of remedies to violations. The structure of various law enforcement authorities is also considered including direct democratic leadership. The jurisprudence that has arisen with respect to policing reforms is specifically considered to analyse the direction in which a transformational systemic change can be envisioned. The fallacies in the post facto remedies offered through conventional fora like courts, ombudsmen, etc. are analysed to conceive an independent authority within the leadership itself for prevention of violations and excesses. It is proposed to suggest a juridical check to reduce the possibility and extent of misapplication and abuse of power by law enforcement agencies. The suggested remedy is to replace the monarchic politico-civil leadership with a diarchic leadership consisting of an executive officer and an independent judicial officer. The partial juridical superintendence of the law enforcement agency is expected to ensure the legal basis of operations as well as bettering the performance of the agency at large. Reliance is placed on the niche that the judiciary has carved up for itself in upholding the Rule of law, through a cadre of committed judicial servants. It is proposed to co-opt judicial servants into the management of law enforcement agencies. The possibility of conflicts within the diarchic executive is also considered and discussed, along with the possible limitations of the same. The Roman diarchic executive is modelled as an example for designing balanced leadership for law enforcement. The constructive friction that might arise out of diarchic executive is desirable to ensure balanced management and minimal violations of rule of law

    Nonlinear DC-response in Composites: a Percolative Study

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    The DC-response, namely the II-VV and GG-VV charateristics, of a variety of composite materials are in general found to be nonlinear. We attempt to understand the generic nature of the response charactersistics and study the peculiarities associated with them. Our approach is based on a simple and minimal model bond percolative network. We do simulate the resistor network with appropritate linear and nonlinear bonds and obtain macroscopic nonlinear response characteristics. We discuss the associated physics. An effective medium approximation (EMA) of the corresponding resistor network is also given.Comment: Text written in RevTEX, 15 pages (20 postscript figures included), submitted to Phys. Rev. E. Some minor corrections made in the text, corrected one reference, the format changed (from 32 pages preprint to 15 pages

    Marine Fish Calendar. 4 Cochin

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    The article provides details about the marine fish landing at Cochin fisheries harbour, Kerala during the period 1981-1985. It was found that the majority of the landing was contributed by purse seine followed by trawlers, drift gill nets, boat seines, hooks and lines etc

    Correlated conformation and charge transport in multiwall carbon nanotube - conducting polymer nanocomposites

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    The strikingly different charge transport behaviors in nanocomposites of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and conducting polymer polyethylene dioxythiophene - polystyrene sulfonic acid (PEDOT-PSS) at low temperatures are explained by probing their conformational properties using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS studies indicate assembly of elongated PEDOT-PSS globules on the walls of nanotubes, coating them partially thereby limiting the interaction between the nanotubes in the polymer matrix. This results in a charge transport governed mainly by small polarons in the conducting polymer despite the presence of metallic MWNTs. At T > 4 K, hopping of the charge carriers following 1D-VRH is evident which also gives rise to a positive magnetoresistance (MR) with an enhanced localization length (~ 5 nm) due to the presence of MWNTs. However, at T < 4 K, the observation of an unconventional positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR) is attributed to small polaron tunnelling. The exceptionally large negative MR observed in this temperature regime is conjectured to be due to the presence of quasi-1D MWNTs that can aid in lowering the tunnelling barrier across the nanotube - polymer boundary resulting in large delocalization.Comment: Accepted J. Phys.: Condens. Matte