448 research outputs found

    Synthesis and application of isotope-labeled carnosine in LCMS/MS

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    Carnosine is an endogenous dipeptide, composed of \u3b2-alanine and L-histidine, and is highly concentrated in skeletal muscle and other excitable tissues. Its physiological roles, based on its biochemical properties, include pH-buffering, metal-ion chelation and antioxidant capacity as well as the ability to protect against the formation of advanced glycation and lipoxidation end-products.1 For these reasons, besides its nutritional ergogenic application in the sport community,2 carnosine supplementation offers a therapeutic potential for the treatment of numerous diseases in which ischemic or oxidative stress is involved.1 Quantitation of carnosine in biological matrices appears to be crucial for these applications, and LC-MS procedures with isotope-labeled internal standards are the state-of-the-art approach for this analytical need.3 The use of these standards allows to account for variations during the complex sample preparation process, different matrix effects between patient samples, and variations in instrument performance. Figure 1 In this work, we present a fast and highly efficient synthetic route to obtain a deuterated carnosine analogue (Figure 1) starting from the trideuterated L-histidine (\u3b1-d1, imidazole-2,5-d2). Moreover, the use of Carnosine-d3 in the validation of a multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) LC-MS/MS method for the analytical quantitation of carnosine in a biological matrix will be reported. References 1. Boldyrev, A. A.; Aldini, G.; Derave, W. Physiol. Rev. 2013, 93, 1803\u20131845. 2. Brisola, G.; Zagatto, A. J. Strength Cond. Res. 2019, 33, 253-282. 3. Stokvis, E.; Rosing, H.; L\uf3pez-L\ue1zaro, L.; Schellens, J. H. M.; Beijnen, J. H. Biomed. Chromatogr. 2004, 18, 400-402

    In Vitro Aging of Human Skin Fibroblasts: Age-Dependent Changes in 4-Hydroxynonenal Metabolism

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    Evidence suggests that the increased production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species lead to cellular aging. One of the consequences is lipid peroxidation generating reactive aldehydic products, such as 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) that modify proteins and form adducts with DNA bases. To prevent damage by HNE, it is metabolized. The primary metabolic products are the glutathione conjugate (GSH-HNE), the corresponding 4-hydroxynonenoic acid (HNA), and the alcohol 1,4-dihydroxynonene (DHN). Since HNE metabolism can potentially change during in vitro aging, cell cultures of primary human dermal fibroblasts from several donors were cultured until senescence. After different time points up to 30 min of incubation with 5 \ub5M HNE, the extracellular medium was analyzed for metabolites via liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS). The metabolites appeared in the extracellular medium 5 min after incubation followed by a time-dependent increase. But, the formation of GSH-HNL and GSH-DHN decreased with increasing in vitro age. As a consequence, the HNE levels in the cells increase and there is more protein modification observed. Furthermore, after 3 h of incubation with 5 \ub5M HNE, younger cells showed less proliferative capacity, while in older cells slight increase in the mitotic index was noticed

    Mortality of Patients with Hematological Malignancy after Admission to the Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: The admission of patients with malignancies to an intensive care unit (ICU) still remains a matter of substantial controversy. The identification of factors that potentially influence the patient outcome can help ICU professionals make appropriate decisions. Patients and Methods: 90 adult patients with hematological malignancy (leukemia 47.8%, high-grade lymphoma 50%) admitted to the ICU were analyzed retrospectively in this single-center study considering numerous variables with regard to their influence on ICU and day-100 mortality. Results: The median simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II at ICU admission was 55 (ICU survivors 47 vs. 60.5 for non-survivors). The overall ICU mortality rate was 45.6%. With multivariate regression analysis, patients admitted with sepsis and acute respiratory failure had a significantly increased ICU mortality (sepsis odds ratio (OR) 9.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-99.7, p = 0.04; respiratory failure OR 13.72, 95% CI 1.39-136.15, p = 0.025). Additional factors associated with an increased mortality were: high doses of catecholamines (ICU: OR 7.37, p = 0.005; day 100: hazard ratio (HR) 2.96, p < 0.0001), renal replacement therapy (day 100: HR 1.93, p = 0.026), and high SAPS II (ICU: HR 1.05, p = 0.038; day 100: HR 1.2, p = 0.027). Conclusion: The decision for or against ICU admission of patients with hematological diseases should become increasingly independent of the underlying malignant disease

    Towards the Inhibition of Protein&#8211;Protein Interactions (PPIs) in STAT3: Insights into a New Class of Benzothiadiazole Derivatives

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    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a validated anticancer target due to the relationship between its constitutive activation and malignant tumors. Through a virtual screening approach on the STAT3-SH2 domain, 5,6-dimethyl-1H,3H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-2,2-dioxide (1) was identified as a potential STAT3 inhibitor. Some benzothiadiazole derivatives were synthesized by employing a versatile methodology, and they were tested by an AlphaScreen-based assay. Among them, benzosulfamide 1 showed a significant activity with an IC50 = 15.8 \ub1 0.6 \ub5M as a direct STAT3 inhibitor. Notably, we discovered that compound 1 was also able to interact with cysteine residues located around the SH2 domain. By applying mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, NMR, and UV spectroscopy, an in-depth investigation was carried out, shedding light on its intriguing and unexpected mechanism of interaction

    Towards the Inhibition of Protein–Protein Interactions (PPIs) in STAT3: Insights into a New Class of Benzothiadiazole Derivatives

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    Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is a validated anticancer target due to the relationship between its constitutive activation and malignant tumors. Through a virtual screening approach on the STAT3-SH2 domain, 5,6-dimethyl-1H,3H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-2,2-dioxide (1) was identified as a potential STAT3 inhibitor. Some benzothiadiazole derivatives were synthesized by employing a versatile methodology, and they were tested by an AlphaScreen-based assay. Among them, benzosulfamide 1 showed a significant activity with an IC50 = 15.8 ± 0.6 µM as a direct STAT3 inhibitor. Notably, we discovered that compound 1 was also able to interact with cysteine residues located around the SH2 domain. By applying mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, NMR, and UV spectroscopy, an in-depth investigation was carried out, shedding light on its intriguing and unexpected mechanism of interaction

    Differentially Expressed Proteins in Primary Endothelial Cells Derived From Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Endothelial dysfunction is one of the primary factors in the onset and progression of atherothrombosis resulting in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). However, the pathological and cellular mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in AMI have not been systematically studied. Protein expression profiling in combination with a protein network analysis was used by the mass spectrometry-based label-free quantification approach. This identified and quantified 2246 proteins, of which 335 were differentially regulated in coronary arterial endothelial cells from patients with AMI compared with controls. The differentially regulated protein profiles reveal the alteration of (1) metabolism of RNA, (2) platelet activation, signaling, and aggregation, (3) neutrophil degranulation, (4) metabolism of amino acids and derivatives, (5) cellular responses to stress, and (6) response to elevated platelet cytosolic Ca2+ pathways. Increased production of oxidants and decreased production of antioxidant biomarkers as well as downregulation of proteins with antioxidant properties suggests a role for oxidative stress in mediating endothelial dysfunction during AMI. In conclusion, this is the first quantitative proteomics study to evaluate the cellular mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction in patients with AMI. A better understanding of the endothelial proteome and pathophysiology of AMI may lead to the identification of new drug targets

    Imine Deaminase Activity and Conformational Stability of UK114, the Mammalian Member of the Rid Protein Family Active in Amino Acid Metabolism

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    Abstract: Reactive intermediate deaminase (Rid) protein family is a recently discovered group of enzymes that is conserved in all domains of life and is proposed to play a role in the detoxification of reactive enamines/imines. UK114, the mammalian member of RidA subfamily, was identified in the early 90s as a component of perchloric acid-soluble extracts from goat liver and exhibited immunomodulatory properties. Multiple activities were attributed to this protein, but its function is still unclear. This work addressed the question of whether UK114 is a Rid enzyme. Biochemical analyses demonstrated that UK114 hydrolyzes -imino acids generated by L- or D-amino acid oxidases with a preference for those deriving from Ala > Leu = L-Met > L-Gln, whereas it was poorly active on L-Phe and L-His. Circular Dichroism (CD) analyses of UK114 conformational stability highlighted its remarkable resistance to thermal unfolding, even at high urea concentrations. The half-life of heat inactivation at 95 C, measured from CD and activity data, was about 3.5 h. The unusual conformational stability of UK114 could be relevant in the frame of a future evaluation of its immunogenic properties. In conclusion, mammalian UK114 proteins are RidA enzymes that may play an important role in metabolism homeostasis also in these organisms

    Ripe and Raw Pu-Erh Tea: LC-MS Profiling, Antioxidant Capacity and Enzyme Inhibition Activities of Aqueous and Hydro-Alcoholic Extracts

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    Herein, we reported a detailed profiling of soluble components of two fermented varieties of Chinese green tea, namely raw and ripe pu-erh. The identification and quantification of the main components was carried out by means of mass spectrometry and UV spectroscopy, after chromatographic separation. The antioxidant capacity towards different radical species, the anti-microbial and the enzyme inhibition activities of the extracts were then correlated to their main constituents. Despite a superimposable qualitative composition, a similar caffeine content, and similar enzyme inhibition and antimicrobial activities, raw pu-erh tea extract had a better antioxidant capacity owing to its higher polyphenol content. However, the activity of raw pu-erh tea seems not to justify its higher production costs and ripe variety appears to be a valid and low-cost alternative for the preparation of products with antioxidant or antimicrobial properties
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