359 research outputs found

    Komunikasi Antarpribadi Orangtua Dan Anak Pada Masa Awal Pubertas Tentang Pendidikan Seks Di Kelurahan Mogolaing Kota Kotamobagu Barat

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    Interpersonal communication of parents and children early puberty about sex education in early puberty. Introduction: Sex education is an information about sexuality that encompasses many things, among others, relating to the reproductive organs, how to maintain the cleanliness and health. Sexuality related to the type of role identity, feelings of sexuality and how to function as a sexual being. Sex education is the teaching and guidance to the child in the child's stage of psychosexual development in order. Theory and Methods: This study uses the theory of interpersonal communication, symbolic interaction theory and qualitative research methods. Results: Interpersonal communication of parents and children is indispensable in providing information on sex education to children later survived and did not fall into sexual promiscuity and sexual abnormalities when they are growing up. Suggestion: Parents as first and foremost environment where children interact as an institution The oldest education should have sufficient qualities to provide sex education to children from an early age


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    NITROGEN RETENTION AND METABOLIC ENERGY BROILER RATIONS CONTAINING SILAGE KEPOK BANANA PEEL MEAL. Banana peel is a potential waste used as feed because their numbers are abundant and have the nutrients needed livestock. This study aims to determine the value of nitrogen retention (NR) and nitrogen corrected metabolizable energy value (AMEN) broiler ration containing silage kepok flour banana peel. This study involved 20 birds of broiler strains of Cobb at 6 weeks old. The completely randomized design was applied using four treatments and five replications for each treatment. The treatments were assigned into ration of 55 % corn without peel silage of kepok banana (R0), ration of 46.75% corn with 8.25% peel silage of kepok banana (R1), ration of 38.5% corn with 16.5% peel silage of kepok banana (R2), ration of 30.25% corn with 24.75% peel silage of kepok banana (R3). Variables measured were including nitrogen retention (NR) and nitrogen adjusted metabolic energy (AMEn). Results of analysis of variance showed that treatment significantly different (P <0.05) on nitrogen retention value and highly significant (P <0.01) against the value AMEn. Based on this study it can be concluded that the banana peel silage kepok flour (Musa paradisiaca formatypica)   can be used as one of alternative feed ingredients in the ration of broiler replace up to 30% corn 16.5% in the ration seen from Value Retention N (69.68%) while viewed from the AMEn (2924.92 kcal/kg) reimbursement to 15% or 8.25% in the ration. Key word: Kepok banana peel silage, N retention, metabolizable energy, broilers


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    NITROGEN RETENTION AND METABOLIZABLE ENERGY OF MULBERRY (Morus alba) FRESH LEAVES IN DIET OF BROILERS. The study was determine to evaluate the effect of Mulberry (Morus alba) fresh leaves in diet on nitrogen retention and metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen of broilers. A total of 20 birds at age of 6 weeks old were used for 7 days of preliminary period and 3 days of data collection period using a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. The dietary treatment was including levels of 0, 2, 4, and 6% of fressh mulberry leaves in the diets. The variables were nitrogen retention (NR) and metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn). Results showed that there were significant differences (P˂0.05) among treatments for NR and highly significant differences (P˂0.01) among treatments for AMEn. Analysis of variance for NR showed that there was no significant difference between R0 (89.81%) and R1 (85.97%) of diets. Similarly, there was no significant difference between R1 (85.97), R2 (84.51%) and R3 (84.09%) of diets. The values of AMEn showed that R0 diet had significant difference with those of R1 (3517.80 Kcal/Kg), R2 (3451.73 Kcal/Kg) and R3 (3360.90 Kcal/Kg). However, between R1, R2, and R3 had no significant differences. The results suggested the experiments of mulberry fresh leaves in level up to 6% can be used as an alternatives feedstuff of broiler diet based on nitrogen retention and metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen. Key  words: broiler, murbei leaves, nitrogen retention and metabolic energy corrected nitroge

    Pola Komunikasi Masyarakat Dalam Melestarikan Museum Seni Batupinabetengan (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Batupinabetengan Kecamatan Tompaso Kabupaten Minahasa)

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    Budaya merupakan bagian dari kehidupan. Tanpa budaya, yang juga sering dikaitkan dengan adat istiadat, manusia mungkin ada kalanya tidak akan bisa menjaga tingkah laku mereka. Adat istiadat merupakan bagian dari budaya. Adat istiadat adalah sebuah peraturan, sebuah norma yang harus dilaksanakan, dipatuhi. Ibarat sebuah Undang-Undang, jika tidak dihormati maka akan ada hukuman. Salah satu cara yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah partisipasi masyarakat dalam upaya melestarikan peninggalan budaya tersebut adalah dengan menyebarluaskan informasi tentang budaya tersebut kepada masyarakat dunia. Atau Hal ini akan memberikan efek secara tidak langsung budaya tersebut akan terkenal dan selalu terjaga dan dilestarikan.Penelitian ini mengggunakan teori interaksi simbolik denggan pendekatan metode penelitian kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebudayaan merupakan kebiasaan masyarakat dahulu kala yang masih dipertahankan hingga saat ini, representasi kebudayaan tersebut salah satunya adalah peninggalan batu pinawetengan yang merupakan tempat budaya orang Minahasa yang masih tepat dilestarikan sampai saat ini. Masyarakat desa batu pinawetengan cukup memahami akan arti pentingnya kebudayaan tersebut, sehingga dengan pemahaman tersebut mereka bisa sadar akan pelestarian situs budaya batu pinawetengan tersebut sebagai tempat bersejarah dan menjadi objek wisata daerah, yang perlu dikembangkan menjadi daerah wisata nasional dan Internasional.Berdasarkan pada hasil tersebut, maka saran yang dapat dikemukakan ialah agar Pemerintah daerah baik dari tingkat desa sampai ke tingkat propinsi, perlu secara rutin mengadakan kegiatan promosi budaya, guna mendukung pelestarian situs budaya batu pinabetengan tersebut, sehingga budaya batu pinabetengan lebih dikenal lagi di tingkat nasional dan Internasional. Masyarakat desa setempat perlu mengoptimalkan semua bentuk komunikasi baik secara personal maupun menggunakan pendekatan komunikasi media massa serta media baru seperti facebook, twitter, path, instagram, blog dan lain-lain, untuk lebih giat memberikan informasi tentang situs budaya batu pinabetengan tersebut ke dunia Internasional secara detail

    Pengaruh Semangat Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan Pada PT Hasjrat Abadi Manado

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    . The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the spirit and discipline on employee productivity at PT. Hasjrat Abadi Manado, either partially or simultaneously. This study uses multiple regression analysis, the independent variables morale (X1) and discipline (X2), and the dependent variable labor productivity (Y). The total sample of 65 respondents, and to test the hypothesis, F test and t test From the analysis of the data obtained the following regression equation: Y = 5.887 + 0.58 X1 + 0.508 X2 + 2. The coefficient of determination (R2) is approximately 0.354 provides that the actual research work productivity can be explained by two independent variables, that is spirit and working discipline at 35.4%. While the remaining 64.6% influenced by other variables not studied. The amount of F count = 18.568> F table = 3.145 with significant level p value = 0.00 t table = 2.042 and significance p value = 0.000> 0.05 it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, or spirit and discipline effect on employee productivity

    Analysis of Income on the Partnership Program-based Broiler Business in Regency of North Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The partnership program-based broiler farming business (main-plasma), located in Regency of North, Province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia is performed due to the limit of capital, skill, market access and lack of ability in projecting fluctuated market demand. In addition, Covid-19 pandemic has provenly affected broiler farming business, showed by declining broiler’s demand and production, particularly on the decreasing income of farmers. Hence, the objective of this research is to examine if it is there is a difference among total of DOC (Day-Old Chick) input, feed conversion ratio (FCR), mortality rate, weight of harvest, raising period, and harvest time, pre- and during Covid-19 pandemic, and analyze some impacts of the existing Covid-19 pandemic and some different variables on the income of the partnership program-based broiler farming business. Technically, the purposive sampling was employed as the sampling method in selecting districts, villages, and farmers. Then, data was analyzed by the paired t-test sample using SPSS 22 and multiple-regression analysis by E-views 11 program. As the result, the paired t-test sample shows that variable of income, total of DOC (Day-Old Chick), FCR, mortality rate, rate of broiler’s weight, raising period, and harvest time in pre- and during Covid-19 pandemic was significantly different, where the value of Sig. (2-tailed) was < 0.05, while, the variable of total of DOC and raising period had significantly positive impact on income, variable of FCR and harvest time had significantly negative impact on farmer’s income. Variable of dummy pandemic could decrease farmer’s income in the partnership program-based broiler farming business; however, it was unimportant


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    EFFECT OF COMBINATION BETWEEN HERBAL SUPPLEMENT AND ZINC MINERALS IN RATION ON TOTAL OF LEUCOCYT, ERYTHROCYTE, AND HEMOGLOBIN LEVEL IN BROILERS INFECTED BY ESCHERICHIA COLI. This experiment was conducted to study the combination of herbal material and zink in poultry diet on  the leucocyte, erythrocyte and hemoglobin of broilers infected by the amount of Escherichia coli. Two hundred of unsexed d.o.c broilers were devided into five treatments and four replications in each treatment, with five chicks in each replicate. The treatments were basal diet as a negative control/ healhty chickens (R1), basal diet as a positive control, chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R2), basal diet + 1.5% turmeric powder + ZnO 180 ppm, chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R3) , basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder + ZnO 180 ppm,chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R4), and basal diet + antibiotic, chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R5). Data were collected during 35 days. Diet and water were offered ad libitum. The results of this research indicated that chicken fed basal diet + 1.5% turmeric powder + ZnO 180 ppm, chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R3) and chickens fed basal diet + 2.5% garlic powder +ZnO 180 ppm chick was infected by Escherichia coli (R4) showed the best leucocyte, erythrocyte and hemoglobin amount compared with control. Key words: Herbal supplement, zinc mineral, broiler performance
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