29 research outputs found

    Brechas en la educaci贸n superior en turismo en el Per煤

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    The growth of tourism in the world and in particular in Peru has made of this area an emerging productive activity with a lot of potential for development. Tourism is an economic activity which encourages foreign currency exchange as well as new employment opportunities. The objective of this article is to know whether or not there exist any gap between the formative offer in this area and the requirements of the labour market related to it. The research was conducted in two parts. The first one makes a literature review from secondary sources which found out there are limited research for the Peruvian case. The second one is an exploratory qualitative research which conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 experts from the public, private and academic sectors. The analysis and interpretation of the interviews' discourses were made from a deconstructive approach. The study concludes in Peru there is in fact a gap between higher education in tourism and the requirements of the labour market related to it.El crecimiento de la actividad tur铆stica en el mundo entero y espec铆ficamente en el Per煤 ha convertido al turismo en una actividad productiva emergente y con mucho potencial de desarrollo y explotaci贸n. El turismo es una actividad econ贸mica generadora de divisas y promotora de fuentes de empleo para la poblaci贸n. El presente art铆culo tiene como objetivo principal conocer si existe una brecha en la oferta educativa en turismo brindada por las universidades e institutos t茅cnicos y el mercado laboral. La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en dos partes, la primera de ellas consisti贸 en levantar informaci贸n secundaria, donde se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de literatura exhaustiva encontr谩ndose poca investigaci贸n sobre el tema en el Per煤; y la segunda parte, consisti贸 en realizar una investigaci贸n cualitativa de car谩cter exploratorio, donde se efectuaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 20 expertos de los sectores p煤blico, privado y acad茅mico. Para analizar las entrevistas en profundidad realizadas se utiliz贸 el an谩lisis de contenido buscando la interpretaci贸n de los discursos con el m茅todo deconstruccionista. Finalmente, se concluy贸 que s铆 existe una brecha entre la formaci贸n superior en turismo y las necesidades laborales del mercado en la industria tur铆stica en el Per煤

    Desarrollo sostenible en turismo: una propuesta para Machu Picchu

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    Raising awareness about the environmental risks faced by the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, providing tools for thinking that will contribute to addressing the Sanctuary鈥檚 problems,and finally, contributing to the debate by forwarding a proposal for the Sanctuary鈥檚 sustainable management are the purposes of this study. In the first section, statistics show Peru is basically a unipolar travel destination. The second section presents the complex problems identified at the Sanctuary. To conclude, the study presents a proposed solution, including setting up a structure tomanage the Sanctuary鈥檚 strategic planning while abiding by the key principles of sustainable development.Este art铆culo persigue tres objetivos: el primero, crear conciencia sobre los riesgos ambientales que amenazan al Santuario Hist贸rico de Machu Picchu (SHM); el segundo, brindar elementos de reflexi贸n que contribuyan a resolver la problem谩tica del SHM; y finalmente, enriquecer el debate presentando una propuesta para la gesti贸n sostenible del SHM. Para ello, en la primera secci贸n se muestran cifras que evidencian la unipolaridad del Per煤 como destino tur铆stico; luego, en la segunda secci贸n, se expone la compleja problem谩tica identificada en el SHM; y, para terminar, se presenta la propuesta de soluci贸n, que pasa por plantear la creaci贸n de una estructura de gesti贸n que se encargue de la planificaci贸n estrat茅gica del SHM respetando los principios clave del desarrollo sostenible

    Diagn贸stico de la educaci贸n t茅cnica en Per煤: alcances para el desarrollo de programas en gesti贸n

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    The main objective of this article is to know the current situation of technical higher education in Peru, in particular in management programs. To do this, using secondary sources and in-depth interviews with experts, an exploratory work was carried out that consisted of analyzing from the point of view of demand, where the technical training needs that the market requires were observed; as well as, an analysis from the point of view of the offer, where the development and investment opportunities were observed, in particular of the private offer, to cover the gap of unsatisfied needs of the employers.El objetivo principal de este art铆culo es conocer la situaci贸n actual de la educaci贸n superior t茅cnica en Per煤, en particular en programas de gesti贸n. Para ello, recurriendo a fuentes secundarias y a entrevistas en profundidad a expertos, se ha realizado un trabajo exploratorio que consisti贸 en analizar desde el punto de vista de la demanda, donde se observaron las necesidades de formaci贸n t茅cnica que el mercado requiere; as铆 como un an谩lisis desde el punto de vista de la oferta, donde se observaron las oportunidades de desarrollo e inversi贸n, en particular de la oferta privada, para cubrir la brecha de necesidades insatisfechas de los empleadores

    Perceived value and its relationship to satisfaction and loyalty in cultural coastal destinations: a study in Huanchaco, Peru

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    Coastal tourism offers a wide variety of activities related to nature and culture in a sustainable environment. The present study in a coastal destination with cultural characteristics aims to (i) establish the dimensions of perceived value, (ii) determine the relationship between perceived value and satisfaction, and (iii) identify the relationship between perceived value and loyalty in variables such as return, recommendation, and word of mouth in a cultural coastal destination. This quantitative research used a sample of 384 valid questionnaires collected in Huanchaco, Peru, a city next to the Pacific Ocean, being a coastal destination with cultural potential. Factor analysis and multiple regression were applied for data analysis. The results show three dimensions of value perceived by tourists in coastal destinations: emotional and social value, economic value, and functional value. Of these, emotional and social value is the most salient predictor of tourist satisfaction and loyalty. These results will serve as management guides for cultural coastal destination managers and contribute to the academic literature

    Market segmentation in urban tourism: a study in Latin America

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    This study aims to analyze the different segments of urban tourism demand. The data were collected in Mexico City, Lima, Buenos Aires, and Bogota, and a K-means clustering method was used to find the segments. The results showed three segments: the first cluster grouped tourists interested in enjoying lodging and restaurant services; the second included visitors seeking multiple attractions, who were the most willing to recommend the destinations; finally, the third was composed of passive tourists, not drawn to the attractions of these cities. This study contributes to the literature by offering evidence of urban tourism segmentation in Latin American cities, which has been scarcely researched. Furthermore, it sheds light on this topic by finding a segment not previously described in the literature ("multiple attractions"). Finally, this study offers practical implications for managers of tourism companies to plan and improve the competitiveness of destinations based on the different segments found

    Una aplicaci贸n de la teor铆a del comportamiento planificado al segmento masculino latinoamericano de productos de cuidado personal

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    This research study identifies those factors which influence the consumption of care products in the Latinamerican male segment. That's why, an instrument based on the behavorial theory was applied to 600 men living in two countries of this regi贸n and having different levels of development regarding the above mentioned category, Mexico -highly developed- and Peru -moderately developed-. The data obtained were analyzed using a model of structural equations. The results show that a subjective norm will stop men's consumption of these kinds of products. Similarly, the impact of this subjective norm will be lower in young men, allowing them to have a great aperture in the consumption of these care products.Este estudio busca identificar los factores que influyen en el consumo de productos de cuidado personal dentro del segmento masculino latinoamericano. Para ello, se aplic贸 un instrumento basado en la teor铆a del comportamiento planificado a 600 hombres pertenecientes a dos pa铆ses de la regi贸n con diferentes niveles de desarrollo de la categor铆a en cuesti贸n: M茅xico (alto desarrollo) y Per煤 (moderado desarrollo). Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados a partir de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados sugieren que, en ambos pa铆ses estudiados, la norma subjetiva inhibir铆a el consumo de este tipo de productos entre los hombres. Asimismo, el impacto de la norma subjetiva ser铆a menor en hombres j贸venes, teniendo ellos mayor apertura al consumo de estos productos

    Brechas en la educaci贸n superior en turismo en el Per煤

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    The growth of tourism in the world and in particular in Peru has made of this area an emerging productive activity with a lot of potential for development. Tourism is an economic activity which encourages foreign currency exchange as well as new employment opportunities. The objective of this article is to know whether or not there exist any gap between the formative offer in this area and the requirements of the labour market related to it. The research was conducted in two parts. The first one makes a literature review from secondary sources which found out there are limited research for the Peruvian case. The second one is an exploratory qualitative research which conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 experts from the public, private and academic sectors. The analysis and interpretation of the interviews' discourses were made from a deconstructive approach. The study concludes in Peru there is in fact a gap between higher education in tourism and the requirements of the labour market related to it.El crecimiento de la actividad tur铆stica en el mundo entero y espec铆ficamente en el Per煤 ha convertido al turismo en una actividad productiva emergente y con mucho potencial de desarrollo y explotaci贸n. El turismo es una actividad econ贸mica generadora de divisas y promotora de fuentes de empleo para la poblaci贸n. El presente art铆culo tiene como objetivo principal conocer si existe una brecha en la oferta educativa en turismo brindada por las universidades e institutos t茅cnicos y el mercado laboral. La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en dos partes, la primera de ellas consisti贸 en levantar informaci贸n secundaria, donde se realiz贸 una revisi贸n de literatura exhaustiva encontr谩ndose poca investigaci贸n sobre el tema en el Per煤; y la segunda parte, consisti贸 en realizar una investigaci贸n cualitativa de car谩cter exploratorio, donde se efectuaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a 20 expertos de los sectores p煤blico, privado y acad茅mico. Para analizar las entrevistas en profundidad realizadas se utiliz贸 el an谩lisis de contenido buscando la interpretaci贸n de los discursos con el m茅todo deconstruccionista. Finalmente, se concluy贸 que s铆 existe una brecha entre la formaci贸n superior en turismo y las necesidades laborales del mercado en la industria tur铆stica en el Per煤

    Strat茅gies de d茅veloppement durable du tourisme au P茅rou聽: une application controvers茅e聽?

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    1. Introduction Le gouvernement p茅ruvien a r茅cemment 茅labor茅 le Plan Strat茅gique National de Tourisme聽鈥撀燩ENTUR (2005-2015). L鈥檕bjectif de ce plan strat茅gique est de parvenir 脿 un d茅veloppement durable du tourisme au P茅rou, d茅bouchant sur la mise en place d鈥檃ctions concr猫tes dans les domaines 茅conomiques, sociaux et environnementaux. Afin d鈥檕rganiser, promouvoir et impulser un d茅veloppement durable de l鈥檃ctivit茅 touristique au P茅rou, en insistant en particulier sur la comp茅titivit茅 des prestat..

    Estrategias de internacionalizaci贸n de empresas indias hacia Latinoam茅rica

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    The objective of this publication is to analyze the ways of entry for the Indian companies in their internationalization鈥檚 process towards the Latin American market. The literature review and the results of the interviews with expert academics conclude that this process is affect by variables as; the country that receives the foreign investment; to the offer, the kind of company, economic sector in which it operates, and to the demand; the market where the company seeks to develop its internationalization. Five cases have been analyzed; two service companies: Tata Consultancy Services Limited and Oberoi Hotels & Resorts and three tangible product companies: Hero MotoCorp, Bajaj Auto and Mahindra. The limitations found show that there is a large field of action for future research on strategies for the internationalization of Indian companies to Latin America.El objetivo de la presente publicaci贸n es el de analizar los modos de ingreso de las empresas indias en su proceso de internacionalizaci贸n hacia el mercado latinoamericano. Tanto la revisi贸n de literatura como los resultados de las entrevistas realizadas a acad茅micos expertos concluyen que en este proceso influyen variables concernientes al pa铆s receptor de inversi贸n extranjera, a la oferta como el tipo de empresa y sector econ贸mico en el que opera, y a la demanda como las caracter铆sticas del mercado al que se dirige la empresa que busca internacionalizarse. Se analizaron cinco casos; dos empresas de servicios: Tata Consultancy Services Limited y Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, y tres empresas de bienes: Hero MotoCorp Ltd., Bajaj Auto Ltd. y Mahindra. Las limitaciones encontradas demuestran que hay un gran campo de acci贸n para futuras investigaciones sobre estrategias de internacionalizaci贸n de empresas indias hacia Am茅rica Latina

    La educaci贸n superior en Turismo y las necesidades reales del mercado : revisi贸n de literatura

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    Tiene como finalidad presentar la revisi贸n de literatura efectuada sobre la problem谩tica de la educaci贸n superior y la formaci贸n en turismo en el Per煤. Con este objetivo, se procedi贸 a la b煤squeda de investigaciones realizadas sobre la oferta existente y si esta respond铆a a las necesidades reales del mercado tur铆stico peruano actual. Al no encontrarse suficientes investigaciones al respecto, se realiz贸 la b煤squeda de estudios, en el mismo contexto, aplicados a otras realidades y que permitieran posteriormente comparar y realizar un benchmarking. Los resultados son contundentes y se muestran a lo largo del documento