47 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Entrepreneurial Capabilities of PKK Mothers through Training on a Variety of Healthy Snack Foods

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    Along with the increasingly diverse demand in the field of daily food needs, especially for food, the snack food business is a business opportunity for PKK mothers to support their household economy. To increase knowledge and skills in running a food snack business, PKK mothers need entrepreneurship training in various healthy food snacks. This causes some PKK mothers to be constrained by limited knowledge in making various contemporary snack foods that are following market demand, have not been able to calculate capital or the cost of goods, and do not understand how to sell online. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training on making various healthy snack foods for PKK mothers, calculating the cost of goods produced, and providing training on promotional and marketing techniques online. The results of this activity are: 1) The knowledge and skills of the trainees' mothers in making various healthy snacks increased, 2) The trainee mothers were able to calculate the cost of goods produced and set the selling price of products, increased knowledge and skills in online-based marketing, were able to cultivate the entrepreneurial spirit of PKK mothers, the household food consumption of PKK mothers of the training participants was increasingly diverse,  and the mothers of the trainees as a whole were satisfied with this service activity


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    Saat ini pandemi virus corona (Covid-19) di Indonesia pada tahap yang sangat- sangat mengkhawatirkan. Pemerintah mengambil kebijakan publik yaitu pemberlakuan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat (PPKM) sebagai respon dari peningkatan kasus positif virus corona di Indonesia. Tujuan dari kegiatan KKN adalah 1) Memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan perkarangan rumah sebagai solusi dari masalah ekonomi yang muncul karena adanya pandemi virus corona, 2) mengajak masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi langsung dalam kegiatan ini sebagai langkah nyata masyarakat Desa Lubuk Saung dalam menghadapi dampak ekonomi. Kegiatan ini memiliki sasaran yaitu masyarakat desa lubuk saung yang mayoritas pekerjaan mereka adalah sebagai petani. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yaitu: 1) Memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat mengenai solusi dan juga motivasi dalam memanfaatkan perkarangan rumah dengan menanam tanaman holtikultura, 2) Kegiatan penanaman, perawatan, dan pembersihan lingkungan yang dilakukan dengan partisipasi aktif dari masyarakat. UTILIZATION OF HOUSE YARDS BY PLANTING HOLTICULTURAL PLANT IN LUBUK SAUNG VILLAGE, JARAI. Currently, the corona virus pandemic in Indonesia at the worrying stage.The government has take a public policy “emergency public activity restriction (PPKM) ” as response as increasing positive case of corona virus in Indonesian. The objectives of KKN activities are 1) to provide education to public about how to use yard as solution of economic problem that arise due to corona virus pandemic, 2) To encourage public to participate directly in this activites to face the economic problem that arise due to  corona virus pandemic. The target of this activities is public of Lubuk saung village who majority work as farmers. This method of this activities are 1) Give counselling to public about solutions and motivations in use house yard by planting horticultural crops, 2) Activies like planting, , treatment, and environmental cleaning who carried out with the active participation of the community

    Kajian Tingkat Tunggakan Kredit Sub Sektor Perkebunan pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Unit Pasar Rengas Kabupaten Batanghari Propinsi Jambi

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    This research is aimed at assessing the Agriculture Sector Loan Arrears in BRI unit Pasar Rengas District of Batanghari and to analyze their determinant factors. Respondents were purposively selected as many as 69 people that is 50% of 137 populations who applied for credit in the period from July to December 2009 to BRI unit Pasar Rengas District of Batanghari. Data were analysed using descriptive method while chi-square formula and the contingency coefficient formula are used to determine relationship between independent and dependent variables. The results of this study indicate that the level of customer credit arrears level at PT. BRI unit Pasar Rengas categorised as the high category, and the factors associated with the level of loan arrears are motivation, the number of family, loan experience, and revenue. Formal education and collaterals correlated significantly with the level of customer credit arrears


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    ABSTRAKAgrowisata merupakan jenis pariwisata pertanian yang perlu dikembangkan di mata masyarakat Indonesia. Menyadari banyaknya masalah yang muncul pada pariwisata pertanian ini disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan pengelola dan masyarakat, sehingga perlu diselesaikan mekanisme kerjasama yang baik. Pengabdian ini secara khusus berusaha mengembangkan potensi agrowisata di Desa Talang Sebaris yang merupakan sebuah desa yang mulai menampakkan geliat pariwisata. Dua ikon pariwisata yang telah mampu menarik minat wisatawan untuk datang, yaitu Air Terjun Kroya dan Bukit Talang Sebaris. Padahal, dua objek wisata ini belum secara serius dikelola oleh pemerintah desa ataupun masyarakat sekitar lokasi. Ketika mengetahui bentang wilayah, kondisi bentang alam, masyarakat, pekerjaan, dan akses jalan, Desa Talang Sebaris diyakini menyimpang sebuah potensi wisata yang khas dan tidak dimiliki oleh desa lain. Pengembangan pariwisata yang bertumpu pada potensi dasar masyarakatnya dinilai mampu mendukung bentuk agrowisata. Diharapkan wisatawan tidak hanya terkonsentrasi pada dua objek wisata alam. Selain itu, pengembangan agrowisata turut menguatkan alasan wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke Desa Talang Sebaris karena menyajikan beberapa objek yang dapat dinikmati.Keywords: Agrowisata, Pertanian, Pariwisat

    Utilization of Environmentally Minded Open Space on New Normal Era

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    Indonesia has been battling Covid-19 by modifying the regional quarantine (lockdown) policy into large-scale social restrictions (LSSR) that are local according to the severity of the region. The government is trying to regulate the New Normal policy to avoid a prolonged economic impact that can cause a crisis. The objectives of this Community Service (CS) activity are: 1) To encourage people to stay productive in the new standard era by doing activities around the house. 2) Inviting the community to organize environmental space and use of the yard. Most people in the Villa Pabittei housing estate, Bengkulu City, Bengkulu Province are civil servants, temporary or non-permanent employees, so they carry out their activities at home because the government has closed offices and schools. To anticipate the boredom of the people who laid off, the methods of this CS activity are 1) Counseling using learning by doing techniques and providing motivation for the community to use vacant land with FMP (family medicinal plants), 2) Simulation of structuring space into an environmental par


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    The Non-Governmental Organization (KSM) Sepakat is a form of community participation in waste processing. This KSM is located in Pasar Ujung Subdistrict, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. KSM Sepakat was established in 2010 and from 2017 has stoped and vacuum from all activitiy to now. One of the factors that causes this vacuum is the damage to production equipment, including components in sewing machines. In addition, the lack of assistance and guidance from the local government has caused the motivation of the members to decrease so that production has decreased too. One of the efforts to re-exist and to reproduce again is sewing machine repair training to all KSM members. This training aims to ensure that each member has basic skills in repairing sewing machines so that if a damage occurs, it will not interfere with the production of waste processing. The method used in this training is through lectures, demonstrations, discussion and direct practice. From the results of the questionnaire, it can be seen that the participants can understand the material well and the material provided is in accordance with the problems in the field. Apart from that, from the questionnaire, it can be seen that the training participants are again committed to activating the activities at KSM Sepaka


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    This research aims to identify factors correlated significantly to the motivation of farmers in perseving traditional rainfed farming systems, such as using local seeds and planting once a year.  The population of this study is farmer who still perform the traditional paddy farming system in the Village of North Tapanuli Parbaju Julu County North Sumatra Province. As much as 48 respondents randomly selected from 160 farmers.  A descriptive analyse and Spearman rank correlation are applied in this study.   The study showed that formal education, farmers' perception of the traditional system of rice farming are correlated significantly to farmer motivation in preserving tradional farming system while non-formal education, the traditional system of farming experience, farm size, number of family members are not.  Factors that correlated significantly to farmer motivation in maintaining local seed is non-formal education, farming experience, while the traditional system of formal education, farmers' perception of traditional rice farming system, farm size, number of family members are not correlated significantly.  Furthermore, the number of family members is merely factor that correlated significantly to the farmers motivation in maintaining once a year plantings while others factors are not correlated

    Korelasi Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Rumah Tangga dengan Tingkat Penunggakan Pengembalian Kredit P4k di Kecamatan Muara Bangkahulu Kota Bengkulu

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    This research is intended to study characteristics of P4K creditors who are delinquent their credit payments, examine factors influencing their late P4K credit payments. From 40 P4K creditors, only 23 creditors are able to accessed for this research and willing to participate. Rank spearman correlation and t-test methods are used to analyze the data gathered from respondents. The research finds that the level of family income and respondent\u27 perception on rural development are highly correlated to the level of P4K credit payment while number of family, working motivation and respondents perception on P4K program are not


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    This study aims for 1)  determine the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) on employee performance, and 2) examine the TQM model of employee performance at  PT.  TUM, Kepahiang-Bengkulu. This study uses Structural Equation Model Analysis (SEM) with the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. PLS is a variant-based SEM statistical method simultaneously by carrying out measurement model tests and structural model testing with data scales and sample sizes that do not need to be large. The data used were obtained by interviewed the 86 employees of PT. Trisula Ulung Megasurya in Kepahiang Regency. The research found that the variable X2 (strategic planning) and X3 (analysis and information) have a significant effect on latent variable employee performance, while the variables X1 (leadership), X4 (human resource management(HRM)), and X5 (management process) do not. Based on the analysis of the SEM/PLS model which is formed in measuring the effect of TQM on employee performance, the model is Y = 3,652 X2 + 2,311 X3.

    Pengaruh Latihan Menendang Lima Bola ke Gawang terhadap Akurasi Shooting pada Tim Sepak Bola Koto Ranah

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    The problem with this research it`s still a lack of accuracy shooting at the time of exercise as well as compete on the football team Koto Ranah. Based on the researchers training provide kick him in five balls to the goal to improve the accuracy of the shooting. The research to determine whether there is effect kick him in five the ball into the net on the accuracy of the shooting on the football team Koto Ranah, so that when a shooting get maximum results. The research is experimental treatment (Experimental), with a population football team Koto Ranah, the data in this research is the entire population of 16 people. The instruments used in this research is to test Johnson soccer tes, which aims to tes menembak bola ke sasaran. It aims tomeasure the ability and skills to shoot the ball into the target (shooting), normality test with lilifors test at significance level α (0.05). The hypothesis is the effect kick him in five the ball into the net on the accuracy of the shooting. Based on the analysis of statistical data, there are an average Pree-test of 56,21 and an average post-test 63,47, then the data is normal with an increase of 7,26. Based on t test analysis produces Ttabel Thitung of 6,78 and 1,753, meaning Thitung> Ttabel. Thus, there Effect of Exercise kick him in five the ball into the net on the accuracy of the shooting on the football team Koto Ranah