144 research outputs found

    Time and Consciousness -the Quintessence of Life and Reality?

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    On the eve of the twentieth century many philosophers questioned the conventional outlook on individual consciousness and time apprehension. William James and Henri Bergson for example, tried to define the nature of time as well as the experience of time. But some things are not easily bent to simple linear description and time is one of them. Time is one of the most basic categories of human experience. Doubts have been cast as to the validity of considering time a constituent of the physical world, but individuals and societies continue to experience time and to regulate their lives by it. Some of our notions of time are derived from natural processes: day and night, a solar year with its four seasons (but not in the arctic zone) etc. A person shut off from all perception of the outside world would still, presumably, continue to experience the succession of his thoughts and feelings. In between these two extremes -the natural and the personalresides the main stream of temporal experience: time as an inter-subjective public, social convention that we establish in order to facilitate our living together. "To believe that your impression hold good for others", wrote Virginia Woolf of Jane Austen, "is to be released from the cramp and confinement of personality" [1]. Virginia Woolf wrote this almost in envy for she was herself bound by the cramp and confinement of personality; her sense of significant was intensely personal and individual, depending on subtle shifts of mood and feelings. "What is meant by reality?" she once asked end replied: "it would seem to be something very erratic, very undependable -now to be found in a dusty road, now in a scrap of newspaper in the street, now in a daffodil in the sun. It lights up a group in a room and stamps some casual saying…" [2]. This is related to James Joyce's view of the "epiphany", the sudden realization that some quite ordinary incident or situation or object encountered in daily experience has an intense symbolic meaning. Our civilization tends to think of time as a unidirectional and irreversible flow, a sort of one way street. Such a conception was given a metaphoric shape by Heraclitus early in western history: you cannot step twice into the same river, for other waters and yet other waters go ever flowing on. Today we might add that not only the object of experience but also the experiencing subject is in a constant flux. To become socialized

    Guia per a la vacunació als centres educatius

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    Vacunació; Escola; RecomanacionsVaccination; School; RecommendationsVacunación; Escuela; RecomendacionesUna de les funcions del programa Infància amb salut i del Programa de salut escolar de Catalunya és dur a terme la vacunació dels infants i adolescents d’acord amb el calendari vacunal vigent en cada moment. Un dels principals objectius que els professionals sanitaris es desplacin des del centres d’atenció primària (CAP) als centres educatius és garantir l’accessibilitat i mantenir una cobertura de vacunació òptima en infants i adolescents. Això a més també permet garantir la continuïtat assistencial i el seguiment del calendari de vacunacions sistemàtiques de Catalunya

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