16,760 research outputs found

    Two-dimensiosnal electron beam charging model for polymer films

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    A two dimensional model was developed to describe the charging of thin polymer films exposed to a uniform mon-energetic electron beam. The study was motivated by observed anomalous behavior of geosynchronous satellites which was attributed to electrical discharges associated with the differential charging of satellite surfaces of magnetospheric electrons. Electric fields both internal and external to the irradiated specimen were calculated at steady state in order to identify regions of high electrical stress. Particular emphasis was placed on evaluating the charging characteristics near the material's edge. The model was used to identify and quantify the effects of some of the experimental parameters notably: beam energy; beam angle of incidence; beam current density; material thickness; and material width. Simulations of the following situations were also conducted: positive or negative precharging over part of the surface; a central gap in the material; and a discontinuity in the material's thickness

    Discriminating coastal rangeland production and improvements with computer aided techniques

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    The feasibility and utility of using satellite data and computer-aided remote sensing analysis techniques to conduct range inventories were tested. This pilot study was focused over a 250,000 acre site in Galveston and Brazoria Counties along the Texas Gulf Coast. Rectified enlarged aircraft color infrared photographs of this site were used as the ground truth base. The different land categories were identified, delineated, and measured. Multispectral scanner (MSS) bulk data from LANDSAT-1 was received and analyzed with the Image 100 pattern recognition system. Features of interest were delineated on the image console giving the number of picture elements classified; the picture elements were converted to acreages and the accuracy of the technique was evaluated by comparison with data base results for three test sites. The accuracies for computer aided classification of coastal marshes ranged from 89% to 96%

    Chemiluminescent reaction processes pertinent to the chemosphere in the micron pressure region

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    Chemiluminescent reaction processes in vacuum system operating in micron pressure regio

    Evaluation of the infrared test method for the olympus thermal balance tests

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    The performance of the infrared (IR) rig used for the thermal balance testing of the Olympus S/C thermal model is discussed. Included in this evaluation are the rig effects themselves, the IRFLUX computer code used to predict the radiation inputs, the Monitored Background Radiometers (MBR's) developed to measure the absorbed radiation flux intensity, the Uniform Temperature Reference (UTR) based temperature measurement system and the data acquisition system. A preliminary set of verification tests were performed on a 1 m x 1 m zone to assess the performance of the IR lamps, calrods, MBR's and aluminized baffles. The results were used, in part, to obtain some empirical data required for the IRFLUX code. This data included lamp and calrod characteristics, the absorptance function for various surface types, and the baffle reflectivities

    Efficient syntheses of climate relevant isoprene nitrates and (1R,5S)-(−)-myrtenol nitrate

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    Here we report the chemoselective synthesis of several important, climate relevant isoprene nitrates using silver nitrate to mediate a ’halide for nitrate’ substitution. Employing readily available starting materials, reagents and Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons chemistry the synthesis of easily separable, synthetically versatile ‘key building blocks’ (E)- and (Z)-3-methyl-4-chlorobut-2-en-1-ol as well as (E)- and (Z)-1-((2-methyl-4-bromobut-2-enyloxy)methyl)-4-methoxybenzene has been achieved using cheap, ’off the shelf’ materials. Exploiting their reactivity we have studied their ability to undergo an ‘allylic halide for allylic nitrate’ substitution reaction which we demonstrate generates (E)- and (Z)-3-methyl-4-hydroxybut-2-enyl nitrate, and (E)- and (Z)-2-methyl-4-hydroxybut-2-enyl nitrates (‘isoprene nitrates’) in 66–80% overall yields. Using NOESY experiments the elucidation of the carbon–carbon double bond configuration within the purified isoprene nitrates has been established. Further exemplifying our ‘halide for nitrate’ substitution chemistry we outline the straightforward transformation of (1R,2S)-(−)-myrtenol bromide into the previously unknown monoterpene nitrate (1R,2S)-(−)-myrtenol nitrate

    Bolstering the Impact of Online Professional Development for Teachers

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    Online professional development (OPD) for teachers is an increasingly popular and viable alternative to face-to-face professional development. While OPD can be effective, little is known about OPD’s design and implementation features that maximize its impact. Using data from a large-scale OPD initiative, this correlational study (N = 1231) investigates antecedents of selfreported changes in teacher knowledge, classroom practice, and student achievement. Three regression analyses replicate the importance of several factors in effective professional development, or online learning more generally, and also identify additional predictors of OPD’s impact(s). The paper also discusses an applied framework for conceptualizing and modeling the effects of OPD’s features on its successive outcomes. Implications for the design, implementation and evaluation of OPD, directions for future research, and study limitations are discussed.This research was supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Ready-to- Teach Grant Program (U286AO50018). An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in New Orleans, LA. The authors thank Drs. Lynne Meeks, Sheralyn Dash, Kara Smith, Mandy Li, Theodore Kopcha, and two anonymous reviewers

    NASA/ESA CV-990 Spacelab Simulation (ASSESS 2)

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    To test the validity of the ARC approach to Spacelab, several missions simulating aspects of Spacelab operations have been conducted as part of the ASSESS Program. Each mission was designed to evaluate potential Shuttle/Spacelab concepts in increasing detail. For this mission, emphasis was placed on development and exercise of management techniques planned for Spacelab using management participants from NASA and ESA who have responsibilities for Spacelab 1 which will be launched in 1980
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