3,918 research outputs found

    Reproducibility of structural strength and stiffness for graphite-epoxy aircraft spoilers

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    Structural strength reproducibility of graphite epoxy composite spoilers for the Boeing 737 aircraft was evaluated by statically loading fifteen spoilers to failure at conditions simulating aerodynamic loads. Spoiler strength and stiffness data were statistically modeled using a two parameter Weibull distribution function. Shape parameter values calculated for the composite spoiler strength and stiffness were within the range of corresponding shape parameter values calculated for material property data of composite laminates. This agreement showed that reproducibility of full scale component structural properties was within the reproducibility range of data from material property tests

    A lattice analogy for the solution of some nonlinear stress problems

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    Nonlinear stress problem solution by lattice analogy techniqu

    Star formation history in the solar neighborhood: the link between stars and cosmology

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    Using a cosmological galactic evolutionary approach to model the Milky Way, we calculate the star formation history (SFH) of the solar neighborhood. The good agreement we obtain with the observational inferences suggests that our physical model describes accurately the long term/large spatial trends of the local and global Milky Way SFH. In this model, star formation is triggered by disk gravitational instabilities and self-regulated by an energy balance in the ISM. The drivers of the SFH are the cosmological gas infall rate and the gas surface density determined by the primordial spin parameter. A LambdaCDM cosmology was used throughout.Comment: 8 pages, uses kluwer.cls. Invited talk, to appear in "New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The link between Stars and Cosmology", eds. M. Chavez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni & D. Mayya, Kluwer Academic Publisher

    Constraints on dark matter physics from dwarf galaxies through galaxy cluster haloes

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    One of the predictions of the standard CDM is that dark haloes have centrally divergent density profiles. An extensive body of rotation curve observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies shows the dark haloes of those systems to be characterized by soft constant density central cores. Several physical processes have been proposed to produce soft cores in dark haloes, each one with different scaling properties. With the aim of discriminating among them we have examined the rotation curves of dark matter dominated dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies and the inner mass profiles of two clusters of galaxies lacking a central cD galaxy and with evidence of soft cores in the centre. The core radii and central densities of these haloes scale in a well defined manner with the depth of their potential wells, as measured through the maximum circular velocity. As a result of our analysis we identify self-interacting CDM as a viable solution to the core problem, where a non-singular isothermal core is formed in the halo center surrounded by a Navarro, Frenk, & White profile in the outer parts. We show that this particular physical situation predicts core radii in agreement with observations. Furthermore, using the observed scalings, we derive an expression for the minimum cross section (\sigma) which has an explicit dependence with the halo dispersion velocity (v). If m_x is the mass of the dark matter particle: \sigma/m_x ~4 10^-25 (v/100 km s^-1)^-1 cm^2/Gev.Comment: Minor corrections after referee revision, references updated. 11 pages, includes encapsulated figures. Submitted to MNRAS (March 22

    Commensurate Priors on a Finite Mixture Model for Incorporating Repository Data in Clinical Trials

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    Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a good source of fat that can be taken up through food, such as fish, or taken as a supplement. Evidence is building that DHA provides a high-yield, low-risk strategy to reduce preterm birth and/or low birth weight. These births are great costs to society. A recently completed Phase III trial revealed that higher birth weight and gestational age were associated with DHA dosed at 600 mg/day. In this article, we take a posterior predictive approach to assess impacts of these findings on public health. Simple statistical models are not adequate for accurate posterior predictive distribution estimation. Of particular interest is that the joint distribution of birth weight and gestational age is well modeled by a finite mixture of three normal distributions. Data from our own clinical trial exhibit similar features. Using the mean and variance-covariance matrices from a previous study and flexible commensurate priors for the mixing parameters, we estimate the effect of DHA supplementation on over 20,000 infants born in hospitals demographically similar to the hospital where the clinical trial was conducted

    Stirring Unmagnetized Plasma

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    A new concept for spinning unmagnetized plasma is demonstrated experimentally. Plasma is confined by an axisymmetric multi-cusp magnetic field and biased cathodes are used to drive currents and impart a torque in the magnetized edge. Measurements show that flow viscously couples momentum from the magnetized edge (where the plasma viscosity is small) into the unmagnetized core (where the viscosity is large) and that the core rotates as a solid body. To be effective, collisional viscosity must overcome the ion-neutral drag due to charge exchange collisions

    Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopic Studies of Antarctic Nakhlite MIL 03346

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    Nakhlites are olivine-bearing clinopyroxenites with cumulate textures, and probably came from Mars [e.g., 1]. A total of seven nakhlites have been identified so far. Unlike other martian meteorites (e.g., shergottites), nakhlites have been only moderately shocked and their original igneous textures are still well-preserved. Also, these meteorites have similarly older crystallization ages of approx.1.3 Ga compared to shergottites with ages of approx.0.18-0.57 Ga [e.g., 2]. MIL 03346 is characterized by abundant (approx.20 vol %) glassy mesostasis, indicating that it cooled rapidly and probably formed near the top [3] or at the bottom [4] of the chilled margin of a thick intrusive body. The mesostasis quenched from the trapped intercumulus liquid may provide information on the parent magma compositions of the nakhlites. In this report, we present Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data for MIL 03346, discuss correlation of its age with those of other nakhlites and the nature of their source regions in the Martian mantle