2,621 research outputs found

    Catch-up growth in children with chronic kidney disease started on enteral feeding after 2 years of age

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    BACKGROUND: Enteral feeding by tube in chronic kidney disease (CKD) before 2 years of age improves growth. Whether it is effective after this age is unknown. We assessed whether height and weight SDS changed after tube feeding was started in children with CKD above 2 years of age. METHODS: Retrospective study of pre-transplant, pre-pubertal children (< 11 years) with CKD stages 2–5 started on nasogastric tube or gastrostomy feeds for the first time after age 2 years. Children were identified by searching dietetic records and the renal database. Children on growth hormone were excluded. Height, weight, and BMI were documented 1 year prior to and at the start of tube feeds, and after 1 and 2 years. Data collection ceased at transplantation. RESULTS: Fifty children (25 male) were included. The median (range) age at start of tube feeds was 5.6 (2.1–10.9) years. Sixteen children were dialysed (1 haemodialysis, 15 peritoneal dialysis); 34 predialysis patients had a median (range) eGFR of 22 (6–88) ml/min/1.73 m2. Overall height SDS (Ht SDS) improved from − 2.39 to − 2.27 at 1 year and − 2.18 after 2 years (p = 0.02). BMI SDS improved from − 0.72 to 0.23 after 1 year and was 0.09 after 2 years of enteral feeding (p < 0.0001). Height SDS improved more in children aged 2–6 years (− 2.13 to − 1.68, p = 0.03) and in children not on dialysis (− 2.33 to − 1.99, p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Enteral tube feeding commenced after 2 years of age in prepubertal children with CKD improves height and weight SDS, with stability of BMI during the second year. Younger children and those not on dialysis had the greatest benefit

    Implications of Variability Patterns observed in TeV Blazars on the Structure of the Inner Jet

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    The recent long look X-ray observations of TeV blazars have revealed many important new features concerning their time variability. In this paper, we suggest a physical interpretation for those features based on the framework of the internal and external shock scenarios. We present a simplified model applicable to TeV blazars, and investigate through simulations how each of the model parameters would affect to the observed light curve or spectrum. In particular, we show that the internal shock scenario naturally leads to all the observed variability properties including the structure function, but for it to be applicable, the fractional fluctuation of the initial bulk Lorentz factors must be small, with sigma_gamma / gamma_average < 0.01. This implies very low dynamical efficiency of the internal shock scenario. We also suggest that several observational quantities -- such as the characteristic time scale, the relative amplitude of flares as compared to the steady (``offset'') component, and the slope of the structure function -- can be used to probe the inner jet. The results are applied to the TeV blazar Mrk421, and this, within the context of the model, leads to the determination of several physical parameters: the ejection of a shell with average thickness of ~1E13 cm occurs on average every 10 minutes, and the shells collide ~1E17 cm away from the central source.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Ap

    What Do You Think Would Make You Happier? What Do You Think You Would Choose?

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    Would people choose what they think would maximize their subjective well-being (SWB)? We present survey respondents with hypothetical scenarios and elicit both choice and predicted SWB rankings of two alternatives. While choice and predicted SWB rankings usually coincide in our data, we find systematic reversals. We identify factors—such as predicted sense of purpose, control over one\u27s life, family happiness, and social status—that help explain hypothetical choice controlling for predicted SWB. We explore how our findings vary by SWB measure and by scenario. Our results have implications regarding the use of SWB survey questions as a proxy for utility

    UK policy statements on testosterone deficiency

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    To address widespread media and scientific concerns over the appropriate treatment of TDS with Testosterone Therapy (T Therapy), the Executive Committee of the British Society for Sexual Medicine developed eight consensus statements, based on current scientific evidence to address these controversial issues. These statements were in no-way designed to replace the published evidence-based guidelines on the subject developed by various professional organisations, but to provide specific answers to several current controversial issues. This review examined evidence from Medline, EMBASE and Cochrane searches on HG, T Therapy and cardiovascular safety from May 2005 to May 2015, which revealed 1714 articles, with 52 clinical trials and 32 placebo-controlled randomised controlled trials. The task force developed the following eight key statements

    Electron Acceleration and Efficiency in Nonthermal Gamma-Ray Sources

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    In energetic nonthermal sources such as gamma-ray bursts, AGN or galactic jet sources, etc., one expects both relativistic and transrelativistic shocks acompanied by violent motions of moderately relativistic plasma. We present general considerations indicating that these sites are electron and positron accelerators leading to a modified power law spectrum. The electron (or e±e^\pm) energy index is very hard, γ1\propto \gamma^{-1} or flatter up to a comoving frame break energy γ\gamma_\ast, and becomes steeper above that. In the example of gamma-ray bursts the Lorentz factor reaches γ103\gamma_\ast\sim 10^3 for e±e^{\pm} accelerated by the internal shock ensemble on subhydrodynamical time scales. For pairs accelerated on hydrodynamical timescales in the external shocks similarly hard spectra are obtained, and the break Lorentz factor can be as high as \gamma_\star \siml 10^5. Radiation from the nonthermal electrons produces photon spectra with shape and characteristic energies in qualitative agreement with observed generic gamma-ray burst and blazar spectra. The scenario described here provides a plausible way to solve one of the crucial problems of nonthermal high energy sources, namely the efficient transfer of energy from the proton flow to an apropriate nonthermal lepton component.Comment: Ap.J. (Letters) in press, uuencoded latex file (uses AAS macro aaspp4), 10 page

    White matter microstructure and cognitive function in young women with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a disorder characterized by insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism, which leads to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in later life. Androgens and insulin signaling affect brain function but little is known about brain structure and function in younger adults with PCOS. Objective: To establish whether young women with PCOS display altered white matter microstructure and cognitive function. Patients, interventions, and main outcome measures: Eighteen individuals with PCOS (age, 31 ± 6 y; body mass index [BMI] 30 ± 6 kg/m2) and 18 control subjects (age, 31 ± 7 y; BMI, 29 ± 6 kg/m2), matched for age, IQ, and BMI, underwent anthropometric and metabolic evaluation, diffusion tensor MRI, a technique especially sensitive to brain white matter structure, and cognitive assessment. Cognitive scores and white matter diffusion metrics were compared between groups. White matter microstructure was evaluated across the whole white matter skeleton using tract-based spatial statistics. Associations with metabolic indices were also evaluated. Results: PCOS was associated with a widespread reduction in axial diffusivity (diffusion along the main axis of white matter fibers) and increased tissue volume fraction (the proportion of volume filled by white or grey matter rather than cerebrospinal fluid) in the corpus callosum. Cognitive performance was reduced compared with controls (first principal component, t = 2.9, P = .007), reflecting subtle decrements across a broad range of cognitive tests, despite similar education and premorbid intelligence. In PCOS, there was a reversal of the relationship seen in controls between brain microstructure and both androgens and insulin resistance. Conclusions: White matter microstructure is altered, and cognitive performance is compromised, in young adults with PCOS. These alterations in brain structure and function are independent of age, education and BMI. If reversible, these changes represent a potential target for treatment

    Do People Seek to Maximize Happiness? Evidence from New Surveys

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    Are subjective well-being (SWB) measures a good empirical proxy for utility? We evaluate one necessary assumption: that people’s preferences coincide with what they predict will maximize their SWB. Our method is to present survey respondents with hypothetical scenarios and elicit both choice and predicted SWB rankings of two alternatives. While choice and predicted SWB rankings usually coincide, we find systematic reversals. Furthermore, we identify factors—such as predicted sense of purpose, control over one‘s life, family happiness, and social status—that help explain choice controlling for predicted SWB. We explore how our findings vary with the SWB measure and the choice situation.

    Early Life Stress Enhancement of Limbic Epileptogenesis in Adult Rats: Mechanistic Insights

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure to early postnatal stress is known to hasten the progression of kindling epileptogenesis in adult rats. Despite the significance of this for understanding mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and its associated psychopathology, research findings regarding underlying mechanisms are sparse. Of several possibilities, one important candidate mechanism is early life 'programming' of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis by postnatal stress. Elevated corticosterone (CORT) in turn has consequences for neurogenesis and cell death relevant to epileptogenesis. Here we tested the hypotheses that MS would augment seizure-related corticosterone (CORT) release and enhance neuroplastic changes in the hippocampus. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Eight-week old Wistar rats, previously exposed on postnatal days 2-14 to either maternal separation stress (MS) or control brief early handling (EH), underwent rapid amygdala kindling. We measured seizure-induced serum CORT levels and post-kindling neurogenesis (using BrdU). Three weeks post-kindling, rats were euthanized for histology of the hippocampal CA3c region (pyramidal cell counts) and dentate gyrus (DG) (to count BrdU-labelled cells and measure mossy fibre sprouting). As in our previous studies, rats exposed to MS had accelerated kindling rates in adulthood. Female MS rats had heightened CORT responses during and after kindling (p<0.05), with a similar trend in males. In both sexes total CA3c pyramidal cell numbers were reduced in MS vs. EH rats post-kindling (p = 0.002). Dentate granule cell neurogenesis in female rats was significantly increased post-kindling in MS vs. EH rats. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data demonstrate that early life stress results in enduring enhancement of HPA axis responses to limbic seizures, with increased hippocampal CA3c cell loss and augmented neurogenesis, in a sex-dependent pattern. This implicates important candidate mechanisms through which early life stress may promote vulnerability to limbic epileptogenesis in rats as well as to human MTLE and its associated psychiatric disorders

    Lyman alpha absorption lines from mini pancakes

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    [Abridged abstract:] Recent numerical simulations show that many \lyal absorption lines of column densities \nha \la 10^{15} cm2^{-2} are produced in transient, mini pancakes. Such pancakes are modeled here, approximating the initial perturbation leading to the formation of the pancake as a single sinusoidal wave. The density and temperature profiles of the gas in the pancake are determined for zc3z_c \sim 3, where zcz_c is the collapse redshift. The \lyal absorption line profiles for a line of sight through the pancake are then calculated. The absorption lines in general have wings signifying bulk motions in the gas. It is shown that the deviation from a single Voigt profile is large for small H I column density lines, in which the effect of bulk motions is large. For lines with \nha > 10^{13} cm2^{-2}, high temperature tend to wash out the signatures of bulk motion. The analytical modeling of mini pancakes associated with \lyal forest lines --- with 10^{13} \la \nha \la 10^{15} cm2^{-2}---gives the corresponding mass scales. It is shown here that, for typical values of cosmological parameters, absorption lines with \nha \sim 10^{14} cm2^{-2} correspond to structures with baryonic mass of Mb1010M_b \sim 10^{10} M_{\odot} with an overdensity of 10\sim 10 at z3z \sim 3. The value of \nha can change by a factor 3\sim 3 in the course of evolution of the pancake in time. It is also shown that there is an upper limit to \nha from a pancake due to the slow recombination rate and the importance of collisional ionization at high temperatures. Mini pancakes do not give rise to \lyal lines with \nha \ga 10^{14.5} cm2^{-2}, for \j21=1 and ΩIGM0.03\Omega_{IGM} \sim 0.03.Comment: Latex with aaspp4.sty (25 pages), 6 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Pulsar Wind Nebula Around PSR B1853+01 in the Supernova Remnant W44

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    We present radio observations of a region in the vicinity of the young pulsar PSR B1853+01 in the supernova remnant W44. The pulsar is located at the apex of an extended feature with cometary morphology. We argue on the basis of its morphology and its spectral index and polarization properties that this is a synchrotron nebula produced by the spin down energy of the pulsar. The geometry and physical parameters of this pulsar-powered nebula and W44 are used to derive three different measures of the pulsar's transverse velocity. A range of estimates between 315 and 470 km/s are derived, resulting in a typical value of 375 km/s. The observed synchrotron spectrum from radio to X-ray wavelengths is used to put constraints on the energetics of the nebula and to derive the parameters of the pulsar wind.Comment: ApJ Let (in press