12,700 research outputs found

    Collector Failures on 350 MHz, 1.2 MW CW Klystrons at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)

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    We are currently operating the front end of the accelerator production of tritium (APT) accelerator, a 7 MeV radio frequency quadrapole (RFQ) using three, 1.2 MW CW klystrons. These klystrons are required and designed to dissipate the full beam power in the collector. The klystrons have less than 1500 operational hours. One collector has failed and all collectors are damaged. This paper will discuss the damage and the difficulties in diagnosing the cause. The collector did not critically fail. Tube operation was still possible and the klystron operated up to 70% of full beam power with excellent vacuum. The indication that finally led us to the collector failure was variable emission. This information will be discussed. A hydrophonic system was implemented to diagnose collector heating. The collectors are designed to allow for mixed-phase cooling and with the hydrophonic test equipment we are able to observe: normal, single-phase cooling, mixed-phase cooling, and a hard boil. These data will be presented. The worst case beam profile from a collector heating standpoint is presented. The paper will also discuss the steps taken to halt the collector damage on the remaining 350 MHz klystrons and design changes that are being implemented to correct the problem.Comment: LINAC2000 conference paper THE1

    Descriptions of reversed yielding in bending

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    Existence of Bauschinger effect in bending-unbending of copper beams has been shown from experiment. In modelling of the Bauschinger effect, it is shown that a significant second plastic penetration can occur with the release of the moment required for an elasticplastic bending of a beam. The theory is given for both linear and parabolic hardening material models. The elastic and plastic strains are developed from each hardening model to express the beam curvature of the unstressed neutral axis. Conditions are expressed, using the normalized stress—strain response of a rectangular beam section, for which the release is purely elastic and elastic—plastic. Under the latter the depth to which a second zone of plasticity penetrates is given. Two stress distributions: one for applying the moment and the other for its release, are sufficient to derive the residual stress. Residuals found for parabolic hardening are believed to be more realistic than those from simpler linear or perfectly plastic models, particularly, where a second penetration is evident

    Afterglow lightcurves, viewing angle and the jet structure of gamma-ray bursts

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    Gamma ray bursts are often modelled as jet-like outflows directed towards the observer; the cone angle of the jet is then commonly inferred from the time at which there is a steepening in the power-law decay of the afterglow. We consider an alternative model in which the jet has a beam pattern where the luminosity per unit solid angle (and perhaps also the initial Lorentz factor) decreases smoothly away from the axis, rather than having a well-defined cone angle within which the flow is uniform. We show that the break in the afterglow light curve then occurs at a time that depends on the viewing angle. Instead of implying a range of intrinsically different jets - some very narrow, and others with similar power spread over a wider cone - the data on afterglow breaks could be consistent with a standardized jet, viewed from different angles. We discuss the implication of this model for the luminosity function.Comment: Corrected typo in Eq. 1

    Numerical simulations of the seasonal/latitudinal variations of atomic oxygen and nitric oxide in the lower thermosphere and mesosphere

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    A 2-Dimensional zonally-averaged thermospheric model and the global University College London (UCL) thermospheric model have been used to investigate the seasonal, solar activity and geomagnetic variation of atomic oxygen and nitric oxide. The 2-dimensional model includes detailed oxygen and nitrogen chemistry, with appropriate completion of the energy equation, by adding the thermal infrared cooling by O and NO. This solution includes solar and auroral production of odd nitrogen compounds and metastable species. This model has been used for three investigations; firstly, to study the interactions between atmospheric dynamics and minor species transport and density; secondly, to examine the seasonal variations of atomic oxygen and nitric oxide within the upper mesosphere and thermosphere and their response to solar and geomagnetic activity variations; thirdly, to study the factor of 7 to 8 peak nitric oxide density increase as solar F sub 10.7 cm flux increases from 70 to 240 reported from the Solar Mesospheric Explorer. Auroral production of NO is shown to be the dominant source at high latitudes, generating peak NO densities a factor of 10 greater than typical number densities at low latitudes. At low latitudes, the predicted variation of the peak NO density, near 110 km, with the solar F sub 10.7 cm flux is rather smaller than is observed. This is most likely due to an overestimate of the soft X-ray flux at low solar activity, for times of extremely low support number, as occurred in June 1986. As observed on pressure levels, the variation of O density is small. The global circulation during solstice and periods of elevated geomagnetic activity causes depletion of O in regions of upwelling, and enhancements in regions of downwelling

    A model of the quasi-stellar radio variable CTA 102

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    Model of quasi-stellar radio source CTA 102 - flux density and red shift observation

    Reionization from cosmic string loops

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    Loops formed from a cosmic string network at early times would act as seeds for early formation of halos, which would form galaxies and lead to early reionization. With reasonable guesses about astrophysical and string parameters, the cosmic string scale GμG\mu must be no more than about 3×1083\times 10^{-8} to avoid conflict with the reionization redshift found by WMAP. The bound is much stronger for superstring models with a small string reconnection probability. For values near the bound, cosmic string loops may explain the discrepancy between the WMAP value and theoretical expectations.Comment: 7 pp., RevTeX, no figure

    Compton dragged gamma-ray bursts: the spectrum

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    We calculate the spectrum resulting from the interaction of a fireball with ambient soft photons. These photons are assumed to be produced by the walls of a funnel in a massive star. By parameterizing the radial dependence of the funnel temperature we calculate the deceleration of the fireball self-consistently, taking into account the absorption of high energy gamma-rays due to interaction with the softer ambient photons. The resulting spectrum is peaked at energies in agreement with observations, has a nu^2 slope in the X-ray band and a steep power-law high energy tail.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, pink page

    Regulation of South African agriculture : performance of agricultural marketing boards

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    Bibliography: p. 207-217.The object of this thesis is to examine the policies of South African agricultural marketing boards, both as separate entities and within the broader context of South African agricultural policy. Stabilisation and subsidisation are examined from a theoretical standpoint and the analysis supported with empirical evidence. The possibility of a centralised policy of price control is considered and a technique suggested whereby such a policy might be implemented. It is suggested, however,· that market uncertainty and the vast amount of information necessary make such an ambitious programme of market control unworkable in practice. The policies followed by some of the major marketing boards are examined. Three possibilities are identified: i) Revenue maximisation ii) Revenue stabilisation iii) Price/quantity stabilisation In view 6f the wide differences between the boards in respect of type of product handled and export possibilities, it is to be expected that they will follow divergent policies. The evidence presented suggests, however, that the boards have not used their monopoly powers in the manner predicted by conventional economic theory. In the case of several of the boards, price policy seems to have been neutral. The reason for this disparity between theory and empirical obsel'.lvat:ion is discussed. The behaviour of South African agricultural marketing boards is related to evidence on regulatory authorities in the United States. It is suggested that close parallels exist. Due to different property rjghts arrangements, the conventional monopoly profit maximisation mode.I is inapplicable. Instead, marketing boards follow a variety of other policies. Whilst the objectives of the marketing boards may not always be clear, it can be concluded that in certain significant cases, the results have been little different from those generated by the free market. It is stressed, however, that marketing boards are political rather than economic organisations and political constraints are likely to be overriding. This view is further confirmed by an examination of agricultural policy over the last fifty years. It is argued that policy has been dictated by political reality rather than economic rationality. The role of the economist has been to offer evidence in support of predetermined policies

    High on Life? Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicide

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    Using state-level data for the period 1990 through 2007, we estimate the effect of legalizing medical marijuana on suicide rates. Our results suggest that the passage of a medical marijuana law is associated with an almost 5 percent reduction in the total suicide rate, an 11 percent reduction in the suicide rate of 20- through 29-year-old males, and a 9 percent reduction in the suicide rate of 30- through 39-year-old males. Estimates of the relationship between legalization and female suicides are less precise and are sensitive to functional form.medical marijuana laws, marijuana, alcohol, suicide