313 research outputs found

    Identifying twentieth century dude ranches in the Teton Valley region

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    The states of Wyoming, Montana, and to a lesser extent Colorado are commonly understood as the industrial heartland of U.S. dude ranching in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Borne 1983). Though there were earlier small scale efforts to host easterners on ranches in the West from the 1850s onwards, dude ranching is commonly understood to have begun in 1879 in Medora, North Dakota by the Eaton Brothers (Borne 1983, Rothman 1998). Dude ranching--when outsiders pay to stay on a ranch ­ usually demonstrates most/if not all of the following six characteristics: 1). it embraces of the West\u27s nineteenth century agricultural heritage; 2). it celebrates wild, preserved landscapes; 3). it provides an economic vehicle for ranchers to maintain their cultural heritage, and/or investors and managers to have a piece of the American West; 4). it demonstrates a distinct dude ranch aesthetic (architecture, clothing, food, music, stories, education and landscape); 5). it includes horse­related activities; and 6). it provides a safe and contained regional experience transforming the traveler from \u22mere\u27 tourist status to that of a liminal space in­between outsider and insider. Since the late nineteenth century Wyoming has developed five centers of dude ranch activity located primarily near mountain ranges, within or close to public lands (National Park Service (NPS) or Forest Service (FS)): 1) Medicine Bow Mountain Range in southeastern Wyoming; 2) Big Horn Mountain Range (eastern and western slopes) in north-central Wyoming; 3) eastern gate region of Yellowstone National Park, northwest Wyoming; 4) Wind River Mountain Range (eastern and western slopes), northwestern Wyoming; and 5) Teton Mountain Range in northwestern Wyoming. My work seeks to establish the extent of dude ranching in Teton Valley

    STARS Data Collection Summative Report (Spring 2021)

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    In spring 2021, Dr. Amanda Rees\u27 students in ITDS 1779I Scholarship Across the Disciplines: Campus Sustainability in a Global Context learned about climate change, Project Drawdown (a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050), Drawdown Georgia (Georgia\u27s plan for carbon reduction), how we can assess campus sustainability, and conducting data collection on how sustainability is infused into the academic life of the campus. Students presented their report to our community partner the CSU\u27s Office of Sustainability via zoom. NOTE: The zoom presentation of this report was in conjunction with Dr. Stacey Blershe\u27s environmental studies course which featured students presenting their research

    Identifying twentieth century dude ranches in the Teton Valley region

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    El gènere Arcobacter pertany a la família Campylobacteraceae i inclou espècies, considerades patògens emergents ja que son responsables de produir infeccions en humans i animals. Les bactèries d'aquest gènere tenen una àmplia distribució a nivell mundial i es creu que es transmeten pel consum d'aigües o aliments contaminats. Hi ha diverses eines per a l'estudi epidemiològic que ens ajudarien a aclarir aquestes rutes de contagi. No obstant això, els mecanismes d'acció d'aquests bacteris són encara poc coneguts i no hi ha un tractament estandarditzat. El nombre d'espècies del gènere ha augmentat considerablement en els últims anys i l'ús de noves tècniques d'aïllament ha permès trobar d'altres espècies noves. En la present tesi, es va demostrar que l'ús de la tècnica de Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) per a l'estudi epidemiològic és poc precisa. A més, es va evidenciar l'elevada resistència a determinats antibiòtics que suggereixen un canvi en l'ús de les teràpies fins ara utilitzades en les infeccions de Arcobacter. També es van descriure un total de 4 noves espècies utilitzant tècniques com l'anàlisi fenotípic i el Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis (MLPA) mitjançant la concatenació de 5 gens (atpA, gyrA, gyrB, hsp60 i rpoB) i afegint a més la informació extreta dels genomes seqüenciats d'aquestes espècies i de les espècies filogenèticament properes. L'ús dels genomes i la seva comparació i anàlisi filogenètica va evidenciar també que l'espècie A. cryaerophilus està formada per 4 genomovars, les quals representen espècies genòmiques però que no es van poder diferenciar amb proves fenotípiques. Finalment, l'anàlisi filogenètic dels genomes de totes les espècies del gènere, juntament amb el càlcul de diferents índexs genòmics (ANI, isDDH, AAI, POCP i RSCU) va permetre descobrir que el gènere Arcobacter està en realitat format per almenys 7 gèneres, diferenciables genèticament i mitjançant combinació de proves fenotípiques.El género Arcobacter pertenece a la familia Campylobacteraceae e incluye especies consideradas patógenos emergentes ya que producen infecciones en humanos y animales. Las bacterias de este género presentan una amplia distribución a nivel mundial y se cree que se transmiten por el consumo de aguas o alimentos contaminados. Existen diversas herramientas para el estudio epidemiológico que nos ayudarían a esclarecer estas rutas de contagio. Sin embargo, los mecanismos de acción de estas bacterias son todavía poco conocidos y no existe tratamiento estandarizado. El número de especies del género ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años y el uso de nuevas técnicas de aislamiento ha provocado el hallazgo de otras especies nuevas. En esta tesis, se ha demostrado que el uso de la técnica de Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) para el estudio epidemiológico es poco precisa. Además, se evidenció la elevada resistencia a determinados antibióticos que sugieren la necesidad de introducir un cambio en el uso de las terapias utilizadas hasta ahora en las infecciones ptoducidas por Arcobacter. También se describieron un total de 4 nuevas especies utilizando técnicas como el análisis fenotípico, el Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis (MLPA) mediante la concatenación de 5 genes (atpA, gyrA, gyrB, hsp60 y rpoB) y la información extraída de los genomas secuenciados de dichas especies y de las especies filogenéticamente cercanas. El uso de los genomas, su comparación y el análisis filogenético evidenció además que la especie A. cryaerophilus está formada por 4 genomovares, que representan especies genómicas pero que no se pudieron diferenciar fenotípicamente. Finalmente, el análisis filogenético de los genomas de todas las especies del género, junto con el cálculo de diferentes índices genómicos (ANI, isDDH, AAI, POCP y RSCU) permitió descubrir que el género Arcobacter está en realidad formado por al menos 7 géneros, diferenciables genéticamente y mediante combinación de pruebas fenotípicas.The genus Arcobacter belongs to the family Campylobacteraceae and includes species considered emergent pathogens because they can produce infections in humans and animals. The species of the genus are widely distributed worldwide and the consumption of contaminated food or water is considered the source of the infection. There are several tools for the epidemiological characterization of the strains that could help to clarify the routes of infection. However, the mechanisms of action of these bacteria are still poorly understood and there is no standardized treatment. The number of species of the genus has increased considerably in recent years and the use of new isolation techniques has led to the discovery of other new species. In this thesis, it was demonstrated that the epidemiological analysis using the Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) technique is not precise. In addition, the high resistance to certain antibiotics suggested the need for introducing changes in the treatments used in Arcobacter infections. A total of 4 new species were described using phenotypic characterization, Multilocus Phylogenetic Analysis (MLPA) of 5 genes (atpA, gyrA, gyrB, hsp60 and rpoB) and information extracted from the sequenced genomes of these species and the phylogenetically close ones. The use of genomes and their comparison and phylogenetic analysis also showed that the species A. cryaerophilus is composed by 4 genomovars, which represent genomic species that could not be phenotypically differentiated. Finally, the phylogenetic analysis of the genomes of all the species of the genus, together with the calculation of different genomic indexes (ANI, isDDH, AAI, POCP and RSCU) allowed us to discover that the genus Arcobacter is actually formed by at least 7 genera, differentiable genetically and with a combination of phenotypic tests

    An exploration of the development of academic identity in a School of Education

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    This paper explores the complex processes involved in the self-construction of academic identity in a UK School of Education. Building on seminal literature in this field and drawing on the research of four academics, it begins by discussing teacher educators’ varying perceptions of the need to re-configure their identity to meet the expectations of a twenty-first-century higher education workforce. The article proposes the formation of this identity to be a dynamic, career-long process. Diverse scaffolds for the development process are proposed, including opportunities for new teacher educators to be apprenticed into an aca- demic role, the centrality of communities of practice and the importance of the 15 supported development of academic skills such as writing for publication.Peer reviewe

    Welcome to Bibb City: A Self-Guided Walking tour

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    Shaping OurSpace

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    The Shaping OurSpace program was developed over five, half-day meetings at the Girls Inc. site at Booker T. Washington Homes (BTW), in Columbus, Georgia. Approximately 12 summer camp girls (ages between 7 and 15) took part in the program (this varied from meeting to meeting). Two faculty from Columbus State University developed the weekly program to support the girls’ involvement in the planning process to envision a future for the neighborhood: Dr. Becky Becker (Department of Theatre) and Dr. Amanda Rees (Department of History and Geography). Activities The program was a mix of theatre activities designed to support listening and speaking so that the girls would be prepared to engage in the public planning process, combined with geography and planning-oriented activities that supported each girl’s ability to analyze her neighborhood, and imagine a new neighborhood development. The geography activities were developed as part of CSU’s Cultural Geography class, spring 2012. The neighborhoods being planned in this activity included BTW, where the Girls Inc. afterschool and summer school meeting room is located, and the Liberty Neighborhood, two blocks to the north of BTW. Outcomes Shaping OurSpace is designed to prepare the girls to think about their neighborhood(s). We began by analyzing the girls’ familiarity with the BTW neighborhood, we then toured the neighborhood and created an assessment of the neighborhood’s strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we envisioned a future three-dimensional Lego plan for the Liberty Neighborhood section. As a culminating event, the girls will present their findings to a representative from the Columbus Housing Authority, the organization taking the lead in the redevelopment of BTW-Liberty District into a mixed use residential space

    Neighborhoods of the East Highland District

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    This is a map of the East Highland neighborhood in Columbus, Georgia. It shows the construction periods and eras and named subdivisions

    Converting Vacant Lots into Assets: Comparing National Community Garden Programs to Community Garden Projects in Columbus GA

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    Many aspects of community life are negatively affected by vacant lots, to include neighborhood vitality, crime rates, and the viability of commercial districts. Vacant properties have been identified by both elected and appointed officials as offering significant challenges to neighborhood revitalization and improvement. A variety of techniques have been used to address these problems, one such approach is the development of community gardens. Converting vacant lots into community gardens can improve the quality of life among neighborhood residents, help build social capital, and improve neighboring property values. Beginning with a review of the impact of community gardens and their management, this report identifies how other U.S. cities have converted vacant lots and how they are managed; this report also documents local community garden efforts in Columbus, and suggests possible courses of action for the community to consider

    World Regional Geography

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    This Grants Collection for World Regional Geography was created under a Round Eight ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Affordable Learning Georgia Grants Collections are intended to provide faculty with the frameworks to quickly implement or revise the same materials as a Textbook Transformation Grants team, along with the aims and lessons learned from project teams during the implementation process. Documents are in .pdf format, with a separate .docx (Word) version available for download. Each collection contains the following materials: Linked Syllabus Initial Proposal Final Reporthttps://oer.galileo.usg.edu/geo-collections/1003/thumbnail.jp