898 research outputs found

    Application of a performance modeling technique to an airplane with variable sweep wings

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    A performance modeling concept previously applied to an F-104F G and a YF-12C airplane was applied to an F-111A airplane. This application extended the concept to an airplane with variable sweep wings. The performance model adequately matched flight test data for maneuvers flown at different wing sweep angles at maximum afterburning and intermediate power settings. For maneuvers flown at less than intermediate power, including dynamic maneuvers, the performance model was not validated because the method used to correlate model and in-flight power setting was not adequate. Individual dynamic maneuvers were matched sucessfully by using adjustments unique to each maneuver


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    To the uninitiated the professional jargon of patents, and particularly of patent claims, is somewhat mystifying even in the most ordinary cases. The profession likes to define the elements of apparatus as means for this, means for that and means for the other. Words like plurality, predetermined and comminuted find remarkably frequent use by patent attorneys. And the habit of using out-of-the-way verbiage may lead the practitioner by force of habit to pass over a simple term like sleeping car in favor of a more elaborate phrase like a communal vehicle for the dormitory accommodation of nocturnal viators. But it does not follow that such literary monstrosities appearing in the definition of the scope of a patent are an imposition on the public or an invasion of the statutory requirement that the inventor shall particularly point out and distinctly claim the part, improvement, or combination which he claims as his invention or discovery

    Reforms of local administration in the Petrine epoch: the paradoxes of centralisation

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    The article was submitted on 07.07.2016.Предложено решение вопроса об эффективности местного государственного управления, возникшего в ходе реформ Петра Великого. По мнению автора, в России первой четверти XVIII в. сосуществовали две административные системы – это учреждения, создававшиеся под влиянием западных образцов (их деятельность должна была обеспечивать повседневные потребности управления), и учреждения для оперативного решения внезапно возникавших проблем. В них сочетались особенности приказов, осуществлявших руководство через разовые поручения, и черты коллежского администрирования (например, в организации делопроизводства). Первые именуются в статье ординарными, а вторые – экстраординарными, или чрезвычайными. Ординарные учреждения местного управления в сложных условиях первой четверти XVIII в. показали себя низкоэффективными. Предшествовавшая им приказно-воеводская система управления для своего времени была более оптимальной. Все мобилизационные усилия власти смогли реализоваться лишь при наличии целой сети экстраординарных учреждений. Последние контролировали ординарные, стимулировали их постоянными мерами жесткого административного давления, но одновременно затрудняли их деятельность, вторгаясь в сферу их компетенции. Этот сложный управленческий конгломерат на практике разрушал идеальную модель «правильного» администрирования, лежавшую в основе создававшегося Петром Polizeistaat, хотя и позволял добиваться краткосрочного эффекта в практических делах. В последние годы царствования Петра I противоречия между ординарными и экстраординарными учреждениями, камералистскими идеалами и практикой «ручного управления» в чрезвычайных условиях завели конструирование государственного механизма в тупик. Ближайшие преемники Петра, освободившись из-под тяжкой опеки императора, очень быстро и без особых сожалений ликвидировали сложное нагромождение ординарных и экстраординарных структур областного управления, выстроив новую, гораздо более простую управленческую систему, соединившую в себе приказно-воеводские традиции и коллежские новации.The article attempts to resolve the question of the efficiacy of the local administrative system that arose in the course of Peter the Great’s reforms. In the opinion of the author, two administrative systems existed in Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century: institutions created under the influence of Western models that were supposed to deal with everyday issues of governance and establishments that were targeted at problems which arose suddenly. The former type might be dubbed ‘ordinary institutions’ and the latter ‘extraordinary institutions’. In the complex conditions of the first quarter of the 18th century, the ordinary institutions of local administration demonstrated low levels of efficiacy. The system of military chancelleries that preceded them had performed more optimally. The full mobilisation of the state’s resources could only be accomplished via a network of extraordinary institutions. These controlled their ordinary counterparts, stimulating them via intense administrative pressure: however, they simultaneously made work more difficult, since they interfered regularly in their spheres of competence. In practice, this complicated administrative conglometrate destroyed the ideal model of ‘correct’ administration that lay at the basis of the Polizeistaat created by Peter, although it did achieve some short-term successes. In the final years of Peter’s reign, the contradictions between the ordinary and extraordinary institutions, between cameralist ideals and the practice of ‘manual control’, caused the administrative machinery to clatter to a standstill. Peter’s immediate successors demolished his bureaucratic agglomerate quickly and without any particular regret: they soon strove to build a new, simpler administrative system that united within it both the traditions of the military chancelleries and collegial innovations.Статья подготовлена в рамках реализации гранта Правительства РФ по привлечению ведущих ученых в российские образовательные учреждения высшего профессионального образования, научные учреждения государственных академий наук и государственные научные центры РФ (лаборатория эдиционной археографии, Уральский федеральный университет). Договор № 14.А.12.31.0004 от 26.06.2013 г

    User's manual for EZPLOT version 5.5: A FORTRAN program for 2-dimensional graphic display of data

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    EZPLOT is a computer applications program that converts data resident on a file into a plot displayed on the screen of a graphics terminal. This program generates either time history or x-y plots in response to commands entered interactively from a terminal keyboard. Plot parameters consist of a single independent parameter and from one to eight dependent parameters. Various line patterns, symbol shapes, axis scales, text labels, and data modification techniques are available. This user's manual describes EZPLOT as it is implemented on the Ames Research Center, Dryden Research Facility ELXSI computer using DI-3000 graphics software tools

    Semiconducting properties of Mg2Ge single crystals

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    Effect Of Aging Time, Calcination And Sintering Temperature To Β-Tricalcium Phosphate (Β-Tcp)

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    β-TCP has a higher resorption rate and it is normally considered as a biodegradable materials that allows bone growth and replacement. In this study, β-TCP was synthesized through sol-gel method. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine the effect of aging time and temperature towards the formation of β-TCP phase and effect of sintering temperature on the properties of β-TCP pallet. To synthesize β-TCP powder, 0.0926 mol of calcium nitrate tetrahydrate, Ca(NO3)2.4H2O, 0.0926 mol citric acid monohydrate C6H8O7.H2O and 0.0617 mol of di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate (NH4)2HPO4 were used. Parameter that were studied include two aging time, 24 hours and 48 hours and five calcination temperature; 500ºC, 600ºC, 700ºC, 800ºC and 900ºC. Powder were characterized via thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Powder with highest formation of β-TCP were pressed into pallet form and sintered at 1000ºC and 1100ºC. Final characterization and testing including bulk density and porosity test, shrinkage analysis, diametral tensile strength (DTS) test and simulated body fluid (SBF) test were performed on sintered pallet. From the analysis, powder calcined at 900ºC with 48 hour ageing time shows the highest formation of β-TCP (83.9 wt%) while 500ºC with 24 hours aging time shows the lowest β-TCP formation (41.2wt%). It shows that increasing trend of β-TCP phase with the increase of calcination temperature. Full surface area of apatite layer formed after 7th day immersion of sintered pallet at 1100 ºC in SBF solution. This prove that β-TCP is bioactive and biocompatible material

    Thermomagnetic and galvanomagnetic effects

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    A review is given of the various thermomagnetic and galvanomagnetic effects. The coefficients and relations between coefficients are listed for both metals and semiconductors. A quantitative analysis is given of the error in Hall effect measurements owing to non-isothermal conditions

    Переходные эпохи, власть и дидактика исторического знания: культурно-семиотическое прочтение

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    Исследуется взаимосвязь между историей как учебной дисциплиной и процессом легитимации власти в России в переходные исторические эпохи. Используя методы и подходы культурно-семиотического анализа, в частности модель дуальных систем, разработанную в рамках московско-тартуской школы семиотики, автор доказывает, что дидактический и идеологический потенциалы истории начинают активно и осознанно использоваться властью с эпохи Петра Великого, когда под влиянием культурного сдвига начинает формироваться «светская религия государственности». Учитывая, что с точки зрения семиотики культуры любые переходные эпохи поддаются корректному сопоставлению и прочтению, автор статьи анализирует современный интерес власти к созданию единого школьного учебника по отечественной истории и высказывает свое мнение о том, что этот интерес, обусловленный типологической ситуацией культурно-исторического перехода, есть одно из проявлений очередного стремления власти к общественной легитимации с помощью истории.The article explores the correlations between history as a discipline and the process of power legitimation in Russia in the times of transition. Using methods and approaches of cultural-semiotic analysis, and more particularly the models of dual systems developed by the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School, the author shows that the didactic and ideological potential of history has been actively and consciously used by the authorities since the reign of Peter the Great when, due to a cultural shift a “secular religion of statehood” started taking shape. As semiotics makes it possible to correctly compare and comprehend any periods of transition, the researcher focuses on the contemporary interest of the authorities in creating a uniform school textbook of Russian history and maintains that it is one of the manifestations of the ordinary desire of the authorities to use history for their own social legitimation which is characteristic of the typological situation of cultural and historical transition