249 research outputs found

    Human islets expressing HNF1A variant have defective beta cell transcriptional regulatory networks

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    Using an integrated approach to characterize the pancreatic tissue and isolated islets from a 33-year-old with 17 years of type 1 diabetes (T1D), we found that donor islets contained beta cells without insulitis and lacked glucose-stimulated insulin secretion despite a normal insulin response to cAMP-evoked stimulation. With these unexpected findings for T1D, we sequenced the donor DNA and found a pathogenic heterozygous variant in the gene encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor-1alpha (HNF1A). In one of the first studies of human pancreatic islets with a disease-causing HNF1A variant associated with the most common form of monogenic diabetes, we found that HNF1A dysfunction leads to insulin-insufficient diabetes reminiscent of T1D by impacting the regulatory processes critical for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and suggest a rationale for a therapeutic alternative to current treatment

    Ultra-rapid development and deployment of a family resilience program during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from Families Tackling Tough Times Together

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    The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic brought uncertainty, anxiety, and stress into households; however, it also created an opportunity as many families, sequestered at home, found themselves spending much more time together. To support families and improve their ability to cope, recover, and build resilience amid the pandemic, Purdue University’s College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) launched Families Tackling Tough Times Together (FT), a strength-based multi-week online program informed by scientific evidence about family resilience. Offered through a Facebook group, FT targeted parents or caregivers, children, youth, young adults, older adults, and helping professionals serving families. FT was designed to appeal to both military and civilian families, in part because both groups were experiencing similar challenges associated with the pandemic. This was not only an opportunity to bring civilian and military families together, but also for civilian families to learn from the experiences of military families in surmounting significant challenges. This article describes the development and implementation of the FT program, as well as lessons learned. Strategies highlighted in this article may be helpful to researchers or practitioners who wish to implement a rapid-response intervention aimed at building family resilience

    End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT) expands the extractable information from single-cell RNA-seq data

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    RNA-seq protocols that focus on transcript termini are well suited for applications in which template quantity is limiting. Here we show that, when applied to end-sequencing data, analytical methods designed for global RNA-seq produce computational artifacts. To remedy this, we created the End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT). As a test, we first compared end-sequencing and bulk RNA-seq using RNA from dendritic cells stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). As predicted by the telescripting model for transcriptional bursts, ESAT detected an LPS-stimulated shift to shorter 3\u27-isoforms that was not evident by conventional computational methods. Then, droplet-based microfluidics was used to generate 1000 cDNA libraries, each from an individual pancreatic islet cell. ESAT identified nine distinct cell types, three distinct beta-cell types, and a complex interplay between hormone secretion and vascularization. ESAT, then, offers a much-needed and generally applicable computational pipeline for either bulk or single-cell RNA end-sequencing

    Proteomic and Transcriptional Profiles of Human Stem Cell-Derived beta Cells Following Enteroviral Challenge

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    Enteroviral infections are implicated in islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes (T1D) pathogenesis. Significant beta-cell stress and damage occur with viral infection, leading to cells that are dysfunctional and vulnerable to destruction. Human stem cell-derived beta (SC-beta) cells are insulin-producing cell clusters that closely resemble native beta cells. To better understand the events precipitated by enteroviral infection of beta cells, we investigated transcriptional and proteomic changes in SC-beta cells challenged with coxsackie B virus (CVB). We confirmed infection by demonstrating that viral protein colocalized with insulin-positive SC-beta cells by immunostaining. Transcriptome analysis showed a decrease in insulin gene expression following infection, and combined transcriptional and proteomic analysis revealed activation of innate immune pathways, including type I interferon (IFN), IFN-stimulated genes, nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) and downstream inflammatory cytokines, and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I. Finally, insulin release by CVB4-infected SC-beta cells was impaired. These transcriptional, proteomic, and functional findings are in agreement with responses in primary human islets infected with CVB ex vivo. Human SC-beta cells may serve as a surrogate for primary human islets in virus-induced diabetes models. Because human SC-beta cells are more genetically tractable and accessible than primary islets, they may provide a preferred platform for investigating T1D pathogenesis and developing new treatments

    Purification of Human Plasma/Cellular Fibronectin and Fibronectin Fragments

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    A method is described for the purification of plasma fibronectins based on a combination of gelatin- and arginine-Sepharose chromatography steps. Cellular fibronectin can be purified from an osteosarcoma fibroblast cell line by affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody anti-fibronectin as ligand. Furthermore, we also provide a protocol for the purification of fibronectin domains obtained by fractionation of thermolysin-digested plasma fibronectin on ion-exchange/gel filtration chromatography columns. Assessment of the fibronectin purity is performed by SDS-PAGE, while the ligand binding activities of specific fibronectin domains are determined by ELISA

    Aging, working memory capacity and the proactive control of recollection:An event-related potential study

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    The present study investigated the role of working memory capacity (WMC) in the control of recollection in young and older adults. We used electroencephalographic event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine the effects of age and of individual differences in WMC on the ability to prioritize recollection according to current goals. Targets in a recognition exclusion task were words encoded using two alternative decisions. The left parietal ERP old/new effect was used as an electrophysiological index of recollection, and the selectivity of recollection measured in terms of the difference in its magnitude according to whether recognized items were targets or non-targets. Young adults with higher WMC showed greater recollection selectivity than those with lower WMC, while older adults showed nonselective recollection which did not vary with WMC. The data suggest that aging impairs the ability to engage cognitive control effectively to prioritize what will be recollected

    Working memory capacity modulates habituation rate: Evidence from a cross-modal auditory distraction paradigm

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    Habituation of the orienting response is a pivotal part of selective attention, and previous research has related working memory capacity (WMC) to attention control. Against this background, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether individual differences in WMC contribute to habituation rate. The participants categorized visual targets across six blocks of trials. Each target was preceded either by a standard sound or, on rare trials, by a deviant. The magnitude of the deviation effect (i.e., prolonged response time when the deviant was presented) was relatively large in the beginning but attenuated toward the end. There was no relationship between WMC and the deviation effect at the beginning, but there was at the end, and greater WMC was associated with greater habituation. These results indicate that high memory ability increases habituation rate, and they support theories proposing a role for cognitive control in habituation and in some forms of auditory distraction