73 research outputs found

    Fate of semi-natural grassland in England between 1960 and 2013: a test of national conservation policy

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    It is well documented that significant losses in semi-natural grassland occurred across Europe during the second half of the twentieth century. However, comparatively few studies have investigated and quantified the fate of large numbers of individual grassland areas. This is important for understanding the causes of decline, and consequently establishing new policies to conserve and restore lost habitats. This study addresses this problem; GIS was used to compare historic survey data collected between 1960 and 1981 with two contemporary spatial datasets of habitats in England. The datasets included the Priority Habitats Inventory 2013 and the Land Cover Map 2007 and this was undertaken for different types of semi-natural grassland across England. Considerable decreases occurred across the different grassland types, with a loss of 47% of studied semi-natural grasslands sites in England over 32–53 years. Of this, the majority of grassland was lost to conversion to agriculturally-improved grassland or arable cultivation, 45% and 43% respectively. Changes to woodland and urban areas were also evident, but on a much smaller scale. Sites receiving statutory protection as a Site of Special Scientific Interest were found to have retained more grassland (91%), compared with non-protected sites (27%), thus highlighting the effectiveness of this aspect of current conservation policy in England, and the need for this to continue in the future

    Effects of future agricultural change scenarios on beneficial insects

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    Insects provide vital ecosystem services to agricultural systems in the form of pollination and natural pest control. However, there are currently widespread declines in the beneficial insects which deliver these services (i.e. pollinators and ‘natural enemies’ such as predators and parasitoids). Two key drivers of these declines have been the expansion of agricultural land and intensification of agricultural production. With an increasing human population requiring additional sources of food, further changes in agricultural land use appear inevitable. Identifying likely trajectories of change and predicting their impacts on beneficial insects provides a scientific basis for making informed decisions on the policies and practices of sustainable agriculture. We created spatially explicit, exploratory scenarios of potential changes in the extent and intensity of agricultural land use across Great Britain (GB). Scenarios covered 52 possible combinations of change in agricultural land cover (i.e. agricultural expansion or grassland restoration) and intensity (i.e. crop type and diversity). We then used these scenarios to predict impacts on beneficial insect species richness and several metrics of functional diversity at a 10km (hectad) resolution. Predictions were based on species distribution models derived from biological records, comprising data on 116 bee species (pollinators) and 81 predatory beetle species (natural enemies). We identified a wide range of possible consequences for beneficial insect species richness and functional diversity as result of future changes in agricultural extent and intensity. Current policies aimed at restoring semi-natural grassland should result in increases in the richness and functional diversity of both pollinators and natural enemies, even if agricultural practices remain intensive on cropped land (i.e. land-sparing). In contrast, any expansion of arable land is likely to be accompanied by widespread declines in richness of beneficial insects, even if cropping practices become less intensive (i.e. land-sharing), although effects of functional diversity are more mixed

    The Free Will Theorem

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    On the basis of three physical axioms, we prove that if the choice of a particular type of spin 1 experiment is not a function of the information accessible to the experimenters, then its outcome is equally not a function of the information accessible to the particles. We show that this result is robust, and deduce that neither hidden variable theories nor mechanisms of the GRW type for wave function collapse can be made relativistic. We also establish the consistency of our axioms and discuss the philosophical implications.Comment: 31 pages, 6figure

    High resolution wheat yield mapping using Sentinel-2

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    Accurate crop yield estimates are important for governments, farmers, scientists and agribusiness. This paper provides a novel demonstration of the use of freely available Sentinel-2 data to estimate within-field wheat yield variability in a single year. The impact of data resolution and availability on yield estimation is explored using different combinations of input data. This was achieved by combining Sentinel-2 with environmental data (e.g. meteorological, topographical, soil moisture) for different periods throughout the growing season. Yield was estimated using Random Forest (RF) regression models. They were trained and validated using a dataset containing over 8000 points collected by combine harvester yield monitors from 39 wheat fields in the UK. The results demonstrate that it is possible to produce accurate maps of within-field yield variation at 10 m resolution using Sentinel-2 data (RMSE 0.66 t/ha). When combined with environmental data further improvements in accuracy can be obtained (RMSE 0.61 t/ha). We demonstrate that with knowledge of crop-type distribution it is possible to use these models, trained with data from a few fields, to estimate within-field yield variability on a landscape scale. Applying this method gives us a range of crop yield across the landscape of 4.09 to 12.22 t/ha, with a total crop production of approx. 289,000 t

    Exploring drivers of within-field crop yield variation using a national precision yield network

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    1. While abiotic drivers of yields represent important limiting factors to crop productivity, the role of biotic drivers that could be directly managed by farmers (e.g. agri-environment schemes supporting key ecosystem services) remains poorly understood. Precision yield mapping provides an opportunity to understand the factors that limit agricultural yield through the interpretation of high-resolution cropping data. This has the potential to inform future precision agricultural management, such as the targeted application of agrochemicals, promoting increased sustainability in modern agricultural systems. 2. We used precision yield measurements from a network of 1174 fields in England (2006–2020) to identify drivers of within-field yield variation in winter wheat and oilseed rape. Potential drivers included climate, topography and landscape composition and configuration. We then explored relationships between in-field yield patterns and local landscape context, including the presence of features associated with ecosystem benefits. 3. Proximity to the field edge was associated with reduced yields in 85% of wheat and 87% of oilseed fields. This translating to an approximate reduction of 10% in wheat and 18% in oilseed yields lost due to field edge effects. 4. We found evidence that reduced yields at the field edges were associated with biotic features of the surrounding landscape, including the occurrence of semi-natural habitats. Specifically, agri-environment scheme (AES) presence increased the rate at which yields at field edges approach those of the field centres. This suggests that AES occurrence within a landscape (rather than field adjacent) may increase edge effects. However, these trends are unclear and suggest interactions between drivers and the spatial and temporal scale of investigation. 5. Synthesis and applications. While we found evidence of landscape context mitigating against field edge effects, these were counterintuitive. For example, AES at a landscape scale appeared to increase the severity of edge effects. This study highlights a lack of environmental data at sufficiently high spatiotemporal resolution to match that of precision agriculture data. This mismatch is hindering the effective integration of precision agriculture data in an environmental policy and/or management context and potentially leading to unnecessarily poorly informed decisions related to AES deployment. This may limit environmental and economic benefits

    Resilience of UK crop yields to compound climate change

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    Recent extreme weather events have had severe impacts on UK crop yields, and so there is concern that a greater frequency of extremes could affect crop production in a changing climate. Here we investigate the impacts of future climate change on wheat, the most widely grown cereal crop globally, in a temperate country with currently favourable wheat-growing conditions. Historically, following the plateau of UK wheat yields since the 1990s, we find there has been a recent significant increase in wheat yield volatility, which is only partially explained by seasonal metrics of temperature and precipitation across key wheat growth stages (foundation, construction and production). We find climate impacts on wheat yields are strongest in years with compound weather extremes across multiple growth stages (e.g. frost and heavy rainfall). To assess how these conditions might evolve in the future, we analyse the latest 2.2 km UK Climate Projections (UKCP Local): on average, the foundation growth stage (broadly 1 October to 9 April) is likely to become warmer and wetter, while the construction (10 April to 10 June) and production (11 June to 26 July) stages are likely to become warmer and slightly drier. Statistical wheat yield projections, obtained by driving the regression model with UKCP Local simulations of precipitation and temperature for the UK's three main wheat-growing regions, indicate continued growth of crop yields in the coming decades. Significantly warmer projected winter night temperatures offset the negative impacts of increasing rainfall during the foundation stage, while warmer day temperatures and drier conditions are generally beneficial to yields in the production stage. This work suggests that on average, at the regional scale, climate change is likely to have more positive impacts on UK wheat yields than previously considered. Against this background of positive change, however, our work illustrates that wheat farming in the UK is likely to move outside of the climatic envelope that it has previously experienced, increasing the risk of unseen weather conditions such as intense local thunderstorms or prolonged droughts, which are beyond the scope of this paper

    Mass-flowering crops have a greater impact than semi-natural habitat on crop pollinators and pollen deposition

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    Context: Maximising insect pollination of mass-flowering crops is a widely-discussed approach to sustainable agriculture. Management actions can target landscape-scale semi-natural habitat, cropping patterns or field-scale features, but little is known about their relative effectiveness. Objective: To test how landscape composition (area of mass-flowering crops and semi-natural habitat) and field-scale habitat (margins and hedges) affect pollinator species richness, abundance, and pollen deposition within crop fields. Methods: We surveyed all flower visitors (Diptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera) in oilseed rape fields and related them to landscape composition and field features. Flower visitors were classified as bees, non-bee pollinators and brassica specialists. Total pollen deposition by individual taxa was estimated using single visit pollen deposition on stigmas combined with insect abundance. Results: The area of mass-flowering crop had a negative effect on the species richness and abundance of bees in fields, but not other flower visitors. The area of semi-natural habitat in the surrounding landscape had a positive effect on bees, but was not as important as the area of mass-flowering crop. Taxonomic richness and abundance varied significantly between years for non-bee pollinators. Greater cover of mass-flowering crops surrounding fields had a negative effect on pollen deposition, but only when non-bee pollinator numbers were reduced. Conclusions: Management choices that result in landscape homogenisation, such as large areas of mass-flowering crops, may reduce pollination services by reducing the numbers of bees visiting fields. Non-bee insect pollinators may buffer these landscape effects on pollen deposition, and management to support their populations should be considered

    Bumblebee family lineage survival is enhanced in high quality landscapes

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    Insect pollinators such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.) are in global decline1,2, a major cause of which is habitat loss due to agricultural intensification3. A range of global and national initiatives aimed at restoring pollinator habitats and populations have been developed4-6. However, the success of these initiatives depends critically upon understanding how landscape change affects key population-level parameters, such as survival between lifecycle stages7, in target species. Such understanding is lacking for bumblebees because of the difficulty of systematically finding and monitoring colonies in the wild. We used a novel combination of habitat manipulation, land-use and habitat surveys, molecular genetics8 and demographic and spatial modelling to examine between-year survival of family lineages in field populations of three bumblebee species. Here we show that the survival of family lineages from the summer worker to the spring queen stage in the following year increases significantly with the proportion of high-value foraging habitat, including spring floral resources, within 250-1000 m of the natal colony. This is the first evidence of a positive impact of habitat quality on survival and persistence between successive colony cycle stages in bumblebee populations. The findings provide strong support for conservation interventions that increase floral resources at a landscape scale and throughout the season having positive effects on wild pollinators in agricultural landscapes

    A new approach to characterising and predicting crop rotations using national-scale annual crop maps

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    Cropping decisions affect the nature, timing and intensity of agricultural management strategies. Specific crop rotations are associated with different environmental impacts, which can be beneficial or detrimental. The ability to map, characterise and accurately predict rotations enables targeting of mitigation measures where most needed and forecasting of potential environmental risks. Using six years of the national UKCEH Land Cover® plus: Crops maps (2015–2020), we extracted crop sequences for every agricultural field parcel in Great Britain (GB). Our aims were to first characterise spatial patterns in rotation properties over a national scale based on their length, type and structural diversity values, second, to test an approach to predicting the next crop in a rotation, using transition probability matrices, and third, to test these predictions at a range of spatial scales. Strict cyclical rotations only occupy 16 % of all agricultural land, whereas long-term grassland and complex-rotational agriculture each occupy over 40 %. Our rotation classifications display a variety of distinctive spatial patterns among rotation lengths, types and diversity values. Rotations are mostly 5 years in length, short mixed crops are the most abundant rotation type, and high structural diversity is concentrated in east Scotland. Predictions were most accurate when using the most local spatial approach (spatial scaling), 5-year rotations, and including long-term grassland. The prediction framework we built demonstrates that our crop predictions have an accuracy of 36–89 %, equivalent to classification accuracy of national crop and land cover mapping using earth observation, and we suggest this could be improved with additional contextual data. Our results emphasise that rotation complexity is multi-faceted, yet it can be mapped in different ways and forms the basis for further exploration in and beyond agronomy, ecology, and other disciplines
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