387 research outputs found

    An empirical relationship between the prey density and predatory efficiency of Gambusia affinis

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    Larval density of Culex fatigans essentially influences the predatory rate of the mosquito-fish Gambusia affinis. The feeding rate of the fish gradually increases up to a maximum value at intermediate prey densities beyond which there is an asymptotic saturation in the feeding rate. The relationship is represented by an empirical equation which helps in the prediction of the ideal stocking rate of the fish in natural systems. © 1977 Birkhäuser Verlag

    Laboratory studies on food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of Palaemon lamarrei in relation to body size

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    The effects of body size on the food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of the freshwater prawn Palaemon lamarrei have been studied. In captivity, fed on a restricted diet of the muscles of the fish Gambusia affinis, moulting in these prawns occurred once in 18 ± 5 days at a temperature of 26 ± 1°C. The importance of these cast moults, contributing a sizable amount of organic matter to the detritus deposit of freshwater habitats has been indicated. In a log-log system, both food intake and growth per day, represented as a percentage of body weight, showed an inverse relationship to the body size. Animals in the size range of 600-800 mg exhibited the highest conversion efficiency. The present study indicates that these prawns can be successfully reared and grown under laboratory conditions. © 1977

    Food intake, growth, food conversion, and body composition of catfish exposed to different salinities

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    The effects of different salinities (0, 2, 4, 6 and 10‰) on food intake, growth, food conversion, and body composition of the freshwater catfish Mystus vittatus (Bloch) were studied. Under a restricted feeding schedule daily intake of food was found to be salinity dependent. Fish reared in 10‰ consumed more Tubifex tubifex, converted less efficiently and displayed poor growth as compared to individuals reared in fresh water. Fish flesh production decreased from 483 g (fresh water) to 177 g (10‰ salinity) as the salinity was increased. Water content of the fish was found to decrease with increase in salinity, while maximum ash (25.56%) and fat (42.25%) were exhibited by fish reared in 10‰ salinity. © 1979

    Growth rate and conversion efficiency of the air-breathing catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, in relation to ration size

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    Effects of different feeding rates (0-20% live body weight) on food intake, growth and conversion efficiency of Heteropneustes fossilis were studied using the oligochaete worm Tubifex tubifex as food. An amount of worm substance equivalent to 12.73% live body weight/fish day-1 represents the maximum amount which a 4.015 ± 0.340-g H. fossilis can consume under laboratory conditions. Geometrically derived feeding rations of 12, 40 and 130 mg/g live fish day-1 represent the maintenance, optimum and maximum levels for H. fossilis. The SDA (specific dynamic action) increased from 14 mg/g day-1 at optimum to 70 mg/g day-1 at maximum feeding rate. © 1979

    Axial-flexural coupled vibration and buckling of composite beams using sinusoidal shear deformation theory

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    A finite element model based on sinusoidal shear deformation theory is developed to study vibration and buckling analysis of composite beams with arbitrary lay-ups. This theory satisfies the zero traction boundary conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of beam without using shear correction factors. Besides, it has strong similarity with Euler–Bernoulli beam theory in some aspects such as governing equations, boundary conditions, and stress resultant expressions. By using Hamilton’s principle, governing equations of motion are derived. A displacement-based one-dimensional finite element model is developed to solve the problem. Numerical results for cross-ply and angle-ply composite beams are obtained as special cases and are compared with other solutions available in the literature. A variety of parametric studies are conducted to demonstrate the effect of fiber orientation and modulus ratio on the natural frequencies, critical buckling loads, and load-frequency curves as well as corresponding mode shapes of composite beams

    UniHI 7: an enhanced database for retrieval and interactive analysis of human molecular interaction networks.

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    Unified Human Interactome (UniHI) (http://www.unihi.org) is a database for retrieval, analysis and visualization of human molecular interaction networks. Its primary aim is to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform for network-based investigations to a wide community of researchers in biology and medicine. Here, we describe a major update (version 7) of the database previously featured in NAR Database Issue. UniHI 7 currently includes almost 350,000 molecular interactions between genes, proteins and drugs, as well as numerous other types of data such as gene expression and functional annotation. Multiple options for interactive filtering and highlighting of proteins can be employed to obtain more reliable and specific network structures. Expression and other genomic data can be uploaded by the user to examine local network structures. Additional built-in tools enable ready identification of known drug targets, as well as of biological processes, phenotypes and pathways enriched with network proteins. A distinctive feature of UniHI 7 is its user-friendly interface designed to be utilized in an intuitive manner, enabling researchers less acquainted with network analysis to perform state-of-the-art network-based investigations

    Simulation Based Predictive Analysis of Indian Airport Transportation System Using Computational Intelligence Techniques

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    Normally, flight delays and cancellations have significant impact on airlines operations and passenger’s satisfaction. Flight delays reduce the performance of airline operations and make significant effect on airports on time performance. Previously statistical models have been used for flight delays analysis. This study was applied in Indian aviation industry and it has given statistical analysis of domestic airlines. In this research paper, we have applied Machine Learning models with the help of computational intelligence techniques for predicting airport transport management system. We have also applied computational intelligence techniques such as Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Ant Colonization Optimization (ACO) to optimize the prediction model for delay period time and calculating the most optimal dependability. We have made comprehensive analysis of Data Efficiency Model for different airlines with various approaches as well as comparative analysis of accuracy for predicting airport model by using various machine learning models. In this study we have presented invaluable insights for the analysis of flight delay models