2,263 research outputs found

    Comparison of Vibration Threshold of Upper Limb During Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test 1 in Individuals with and without Type II Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Patients withType II diabetes mellitus are showed to affect the sensory, reflex and motor systems in distal extremities. Studies have examined the mechanosensitivity and vibration threshold (VT) in type II diabetes mellitus patients in the lower limb and compared it with normal individuals. There is scanty literature available in comparison of the VTin the upper limb in type II diabetes mellitus patients with non-diabetic individuals. Methods: Thirty type II diabetic individuals (age - 55.60 ± 9.79 years)and 30 asymptomatic individuals (age - 53.43±9.96) without diabetes mellitus participated in the study. Tester at the baseline for both the groups using a bioesthesiometer measured VT. Bioesthesiometer is capable of deriving a vibration of 100 Hz. Following VTevaluation at the baseline, the tester performed the ULNT1 for all the subjects. During the sequence of the ULNT1, VTwas measured at initial onset of pain (termed as P1) and short of maximum pain (P2) as experienced by the patient. Results:There was a statistical significant difference inVTbetween diabetic and non-diabetic group subjects. VTwas raised in the diabetic group at all the three levelsof evaluation (baseline, P1 and P2) compared to the non-diabetic group with a p value < 0.001. Conclusion: VT of the upper limb is higher in individuals with type II diabetes mellitus as compared to non-diabetic individuals

    Algorithm based on Booth's Encoding Pattern for Fast Scalar Point Multiplication for ECC in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the rapid increase of small devices and its usage, a better suitable security providing mechanism must be incorported keeping the resource constraints of the devices in mind. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) serves the best and highly suitable for wireless sensor Networks (WSN) in providing security because of its smaller key size and its high strength of security against Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) than any other public-Key Cryptographic Systems. But there is a scope to reduce key calculation time to meet the potential appli- cations, without compromising in level of security in particular for wireless sensor networks. Scalar Multiplication is the costliest operation among the operations in Elliptic Curve Cryptography which takes 80% of key calculation time on WSN motes. This research proposes an algorithm based on Booth's Encoding Pattern, o®ering minimal Hamming Weight and signi¯cantly reduces the computational cost of scalar multiplication. Simulation results has proved that the Booth's en-coded pattern performs better over the existing techniques if there are atleast 46% number of 1's in the key on an average

    Handwritten character recognition using a gradient based feature extraction

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    Handwriting Recognition is the task of transforming a language that is represented in its spatial form of graphical marks into its symbolic representation. In Offline Handwriting Recognition, there are three steps: preprocessing of the image, segmentation of words into characters and recognition of the characters. In this thesis I implemented two methods for character recognition, which is the most important step in Offline Handwriting Recognition. The heart of character recognition is the features that are extracted from the character image. The accuracy of the classification of the character image depends on the quality of the features extracted from the image. The two methods presented in this thesis use two different types of features. One uses the connectivity features among various segments in a character image, and the other method uses the gradient feature at each pixel to construct the feature vectors. Both these methods are discussed in detail in the following chapters


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    Local scour is a major cause of concern for the stability of bridge piers and the safety of the public using the bridges. Structural countermeasures and flow-altering devices have been developed to deal with local scour. Many armoring structural countermeasures are very effective and efficient in clear water conditions but are susceptible to moving bed forms and leaching. The flow-altering devices are effective in both clear water conditions and moving bed forms, but are prone to clogging, less efficient in changing flow direction, etc. This study aims to reduce the local scour by injecting air in order to reduce the effect of the scour-inducing downward roller flow pattern by harnessing the buoyancy of the injected air bubbles. A clear-water scour experimental study is conducted in a rectangular channel with a pier embedded in a sand bed. Air is injected through a horizontal diffuser pipe wound around the upstream half of the cylindrical bridge pier. Measurements were taken for maximum local scour depth, water surface profile, rate of scour, centerline scour elevation and channel bed profile at the equilibrium condition. The ratio of velocity of air to the velocity of water (Va/Vw) was chosen as the non-dimensional variable for this study and was considered the most suitable representation and for ease of scalability. The air injection reduced the local scour at bridge piers in equilibrium conditions by nearly 35%. This scour reduction is caused by a change in flow patterns around the bridge piers with the injection of air bubbles. A dye test was performed for the base case (without air injection) and the optimal case (Va/Vw = 57.1) to observe the change in flow behavior around the pier


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    In this paper we describes the conversion preserves feature discriminability and reasonable color ordering, while respecting the original lightness of colors, by simple optimization of a nonlinear global mapping. Experimental results show that our method produces convincing results for a variety of color images. The required luminance adjustments are small and always lie within 1% of the mean luminance. Since all adapting lights are of the same luminance, zero luminance adjustments (dashed lines) are predicted for the asymmetric color matches under the hypothesis that adaptation is confined to the L–2M, the S – (L + M) and the L + 2M.The recovery of shape from texture under perspective projection. This is made possible by imposing a notion of homogeneity for the original texture, according it which the deformation gradient is equal to the velocity of the texture gradient equation this work studies a method called Normalized Cut and proposes an image segmentation strategy utilizing two ways to convert images into graphs: Pixel affinity and watershed transform

    Estimation and Determinants of Chronic Poverty in India : An Alternative Approach

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    The paper conceptualizes chronic poverty by using the spaces of income and nutrition and estimates its incidence among states and social groups. It also aims to improve our understanding of the determinant of chronic poverty by considering economic, demographic and social factors. It attempts to answer the following questions : How important a determinant of chronic poverty is household income? What factors inhibit escape from chronic poverty? How different are the other poor from chronic poor? The analysis uses the unit level NSS and NFHS data.Chrinic Poverty, India