1,995 research outputs found

    A Report on implementation of operational Global and Indian Ocean HYCOM at INCOIS

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    A state of the art operational forecasting system with data assimilation (DA) is established at INCOIS, which is the first of it's kind in the country. The Indian Ocean model is the highest resolution operational system with DA available for the basin compared to any operational agency in the world. The core of the system is a 1/16th eddy resolving Indian ocean Hybrid Coordinate Model (HYCOM), nested to a 1/4th Global HYCOM which provides lateral boundary conditions to the high-resolution model. The system uses data assimilation scheme based on Tentral Statistical Interpolation (T-SIS) scheme. A five-year hindcast for the period 2012 to 2016 has been carried out using both setups. This report presents a detailed evaluation of both global and Indian ocean models in comparison with observations and two other established systems, NRL HYCOM and GODAS from INCOIS. The five-year hindcast results show that both Indian Ocean and global model simulated SST, SSS, SLA, currents and vertical structure of the ocean favourably when compared with observations and other models. Bias, RMSD, correlation and skill score compared to observations from each of the four models for selected parameters are evaluated as part of this exercise. Sea-level and currents, show a notable better performance for the new setups at INCOIS over NRL-HYCOM and INCOIS-GODA

    Parents’ knowledge, attitude, and practice on childhood immunization

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    Background: The objective of present study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practices of parents regarding childhood immunization.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in immunization clinic at Vanivilas hospital, a government tertiary care center (G) attached to Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute and a private pediatric clinic (P) in Bengaluru. Data were collected from 200 parents/guardians (100 from each set up) using structured questionnaire administered by the investigators.Results: Out of 200 parents surveyed, 172 (86%) children were found to be fully immunized. The sickness of child was the most common cause (67%) for missing vaccination. A statistically significant proportion of boys (95%) were completely immunized as compared to girls (84%, p<0.01). Most of them knew that vaccination prevented some communicable diseases but were unaware as to which diseases they prevented and that the immunity is not life-long. Knowledge (p<0.004) and practice (p<0.001) of parents opting for optional vaccines were significantly higher in private setting compared to the government setting. All mothers opined that compliance to immunization schedule is important, had recommended vaccination to others and maintained a vaccination card. Gender of the child, birth order, mothers’ educational status, monthly income of parents and religion significantly affected the vaccination status while mother’s employment did not influence it.Conclusion: Although childhood immunization practices and attitudes are satisfactory, majority do not have specific knowledge on vaccines and the duration of protection they offer. Socio-demographic factors had a significant influence on the immunization status. Hence, efforts should be focused on improving them also besides educating them about vaccines to improve their knowledge

    Studies on the blends of n-butylme thacrylate ethyl acrylate copolymers chlorinated rubber as top coat

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    The copolymers of n-butylmethacrylate-ethylacrylate were blended with chlorinated rubber in solution. The lacquers were formulated based on each blends and their utility as top coats on leather substrates were assessed. It was concluded that the blends resulted out of the above two polymer systems serve as the source for the formulation of top coats on leather substrate

    Hemodynamic, ventilatory and metabolic effects of light isometric exercise in patients with chronic heart failure

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    AbstractLight isometric exercise, such as lifting or carrying loads that require 25% of a maximal voluntary contraction, is frequently reported to cause dyspnea in patients with heart failure. The pathophysiologic mechanisms responsible for the appearance of this symptom, however, are unknown. Accordingly, hemodynamic, metabolic and ventilatory responses to 6 min of light isometric forearm exercise were examined and compared in 20 patients with chronic heart failure and abnormal ejection fraction (24 ± 9%) and 17 normal individuals. In contrast to findings in normal volunteers, exercise cardiac index did not increase whereas exercising forearm and mixed venous lactate concentrations increased (p < 0.05) above levels at rest in patients with heart failure; at 90 s of recovery, blood lactate concentration remained elevated (p < 0.05). The venous lactate concentration of the nonexercising arm, unlike that of the exercising forearm, was not altered. Oxygen uptake, carbon droxide production and minute ventilation increased similarly in patients and nomal subjects durings exercise, but only in patients did each increase further (p < 0.05) during recovery.Thus, in patients with heart failure, light iaometric forearm exercise represents an anaerobic contraction with lactate production. The subsequent increase in carbon dioxide production leads to a disproportionate increase in minute ventilation and oxygen uptake during recovery that may be perceived as breathlessness

    Associations between purine metabolites and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia

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    Background: The antioxidant defense system, which is known to be dysregulated in schizophrenia, is closely linked to the dynamics of purine pathway. Thus, alterations in the homeostatic balance in the purine pathway may be involved in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Methodology/Principal Findings: Breakdown products in purine pathway were measured using high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with a coulometric multi-electrode array system for 25 first-episode neuroleptic-naïve patients with schizophrenia at baseline and at 4-weeks following initiation of treatment with antipsychotic medication. Associations between these metabolites and clinical and neurological symptoms were examined at both time points. The ratio of uric acid and guanine measured at baseline predicted clinical improvement following four weeks of treatment with antipsychotic medication. Baseline levels of purine metabolites also predicted clinical and neurological symtpoms recorded at baseline; level of guanosine was associated with degree of clinical thought disturbance, and the ratio of xanthosine to guanosine at baseline predicted degree of impairment in the repetition and sequencing of actions. Conclusions/Significance: Findings suggest an association between optimal levels of purine byproducts and dynamics in clinical symptoms and adjustment, as well as in the integrity of sensory and motor processing. Taken together, alterations in purine catabolism may have clinical relevance in schizophrenia pathology

    A review of hyperandrogenism state in polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most prevalent endocrinopathy in premenopausal women. The pathophysiology of PCOS is not clear, however disturbance in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and abnormal steroidogenesis along with genetic and environmental factors act as main contributors to this disorder. The steroidogenic pathway is affected by the overexpression of the CYP11A, CYP17, and CYP19 genes in PCOS, which results in a hyperandrogenic condition. The initial effect of too much androgen in PCOS is impaired folliculogenesis. The most frequent clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism in women with PCOS include hirsutism, acne, and androgenic alopecia. Women with PCOS may have an excess of androgen during foetal life due to the elevated expression of P450c17a during the whole pregnancy. PCOS is believed to be formed in utero by the influence of androgen excess on gene expression in adolescence and adulthood, which offers more solid evidence that real PCOS can be induced by prenatal androgenization. A prenatal androgen excess-induced epigenetic phenomena is suggested by the current theory of PCOS's developmental genesis. It is currently believed that the many tiny follicles seen in polycystic ovaries and the considerable irregularity in the very early stages of folliculogenesis are associated to the formation of anovulation in PCOS

    Knowledge, anxiety levels and attitudes of infertile couples towards COVID-19 and its impact on self-funded fertility treatment : a cross-sectional questionnaire survey

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    Acknowledgement We thank the couples who were willing to participate in the study. Funding This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Homeostatic Imbalance of Purine Catabolism in First-Episode Neuroleptic-Naïve Patients with Schizophrenia

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    Background: Purine catabolism may be an unappreciated, but important component of the homeostatic response of mitochondria to oxidant stress. Accumulating evidence suggests a pivotal role of oxidative stress in schizophrenia pathology. Methodology/Principal Findings:Using high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with a coulometric multi-electrode array system, we compared 6 purine metabolites simultaneously in plasma between first-episode neuroleptic-naïve patients with schizophrenia (FENNS, n = 25) and healthy controls (HC, n = 30), as well as between FENNS at baseline (BL) and 4 weeks (4w) after antipsychotic treatment. Significantly higher levels of xanthosine (Xant) and lower levels of guanine (G) were seen in both patient groups compared to HC subjects. Moreover, the ratios of G/guanosine (Gr), uric acid (UA)/Gr, and UA/Xant were significantly lower, whereas the ratio of Xant/G was significantly higher in FENNS-BL than in HC. Such changes remained in FENNS-4w with exception that the ratio of UA/Gr was normalized. All 3 groups had significant correlations between G and UA, and Xan and hypoxanthine (Hx). By contrast, correlations of UA with each of Xan and Hx, and the correlation of Xan with Gr were all quite significant for the HC but not for the FENNS. Finally, correlations of Gr with each of UA and G were significant for both HC and FENNS-BL but not for the FENNS-4w. Conclusions/Significance: During purine catabolism, both conversions of Gr to G and of Xant to Xan are reversible. Decreased ratios of product to precursor suggested a shift favorable to Xant production from Xan, resulting in decreased UA levels in the FENNS. Specifically, the reduced UA/Gr ratio was nearly normalized after 4 weeks of antipsychotic treatment. In addition, there are tightly correlated precursor and product relationships within purine pathways; although some of these correlations persist across disease or medication status, others appear to be lost among FENNS. Taken together, these results suggest that the potential for steady formation of antioxidant UA from purine catabolism is altered early in the course of illness