14 research outputs found

    Effect of microwave irradiation on radiative recombination of GaAs

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    The paper considers the impact of powerful short-term microwave radiation (f= 2.45 GHz) on the defect states of GaAs monocrystals by investigating the luminescence spectra in a domain of 0.6–2.5 μm at 77 K. It has been found experimentally that microwave treatment affects the luminescence characteristics of crystals due to variation of concentration of centers of radiative and nonradiative recombination. The results of the inquiries show advantages of application of microwave radiation in technological processes for modification of the impurity-defect subsystem of semiconductor materials

    The impact of microwave radiation on radiative recombination of CdS

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    The paper considers the impact of a powerful short-term microwave radiation (f= 2.45 GHz) on defect states of CdS monocrystals with the aid of investigation of the luminescence spectra in a domain of 0.6–2.5 μm at 77 K. It has been found experimentally that the microwave processing affects the luminescence characteristics of the crystals because of a change in concentration of cation vacancies (centers of photosensitivity) and in concentration of centers of fast (nonradiative) recombination. The results of the investigations point to the prospects in applying the microwave radiation in technological processes for the control of photosensitivity and of the luminescence spectra of cadmium chalcogenide

    Contribution of Academic Science to the Development of a University: to the 100th Anniversary of the Kuban State Medical University

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    The academic potential of the Kuban State Medical University has been formed as a result of close interaction between university and academic science. Such collaboration encourages the development of highly qualifi ed academic and teaching staff, increases the importance of conducting fundamental studies and forms an information basis for boosting research and educational processes in the university. Over a century, academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) have contributed to the development of the Kuban State Medical University by taking part in fundamental research projects and creating scientifi c schools. The Kuban State Medical University has received ongoing intellectual support from representatives of academic science both in the formation of long-term developmental strategies and implementation of individual scientifi c projects. The collaboration between RAS and the university has been carried out under different socio-economic and political conditions. The Kuban State Medical University will continue implementation of fundamental research projects in close interaction with the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) in the foreseeable future. This article presents a brief biography of 15 RAS academicians and corresponding members having made a signifi cant contribution to the development of the Kuban State Medical University, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year