23 research outputs found

    El secuestro del Santa María en la prensa del régimen franquista

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    In January, 1961 there took place the kidnapping of the Portuguese transatlantic Santa Maria, executed by a group of 24 persons organized under the DRIL (Revolutionary Iberian Directory of Liberation). Their intention was to denounce before the world the Iberian dictatorships of Franco and Salazar. Almost the whole world press gathered this event in their pages. In the francoist Spain, newspaper of unquestionable adhesion to the regime as ABC, Ya and Arriba emphasized this fact as an act of piracy and terrorism. The manipulation and the propaganda in the Spanish diaries concealed the society from the real characteristics of the event, as well as the motives, consequences and all the details of the same one

    La prensa jurídica en el tardofranquismo: el Proceso 1001

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    During the last years of the Franco’s regime it took place in Spain one of the summaries most important and key to understand the institutional repression of the dictatorship, the so called Process 1001. The above mentioned process, directed against the union CCOO and besides against the working movement, was not followed by the attention deserved due to a happened event the same day, the murder of the Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco to ETA’s hands. The national press specializing in juridical topics and of courts dedicated their attention and certain space to the process in their corresponding sections, a space clearly insufficiently

    Guerrilleros contra Franco: un conflicto mediado por la propaganda

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    El uso de la propaganda ha sido consustancial a los conflictos armados y en el caso del movimiento guerrillero español de los años 40 también lo fue. La resistencia armada frente a la dictadura de Franco comprendió desde sus inicios que la propaganda debía ser un elemento de acompañamiento fundamental en sus acciones contra el régimen. A través de un variado repertorio de actividades propagandísticas que incluían la edición y difusión de pequeñas publicaciones periódicas, la confección de octavillas y hojas sueltas, la realización de pintadas en fechas conmemorativas o los mítines tras la toma momentánea de alguna localidad, la propaganda fue un fenómeno presente en todo momento en la actividad del maquis. Por otro lado, el régimen franquista también utilizó la propaganda de forma sistemática en su lucha contra las partidas guerrilleras. No solo silenció sus actividades en la prensa, utilizando la censura como herramienta habitual, sino que también supo emplear el terror y la represión como instrumentos de persuasión dirigidos contra los miembros de las guerrillas, pero también contra la población susceptible de prestarles apoyo. La criminalización y el intento de despojar de cualquier sentido político a la lucha guerrillera fueron algunas de sus armas en este campo

    Internet como fuente de estudio de la guerrilla antifranquista

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    La red puede ser una herramienta de extraordinaria importancia para abordar el estudio de la guerrilla antifranquista en España. A través de internet tenemos acceso a páginas y enlaces que ofrecen una gran cantidad de información que en algunas ocasiones no pueden ser encontrados mediante otras fuentes más tradicionales. La red nos aporta un modo distinto de acercarnos al universo informativo, y más concretamente al fenómeno del maquis en nuestro país, que lo hace diferente del resto de medios tradicionales utilizados a la hora de indagar sobre la resistencia antifranquista en el interior del estado español. Además, internet aporta una característica sin duda enriquecedora como es la actualidad, ya que las páginas son actualizadas periódicamente, aportando datos que facilitan el estudio diacrónico de la historia e investigaciones acerca del maquis

    La prensa jurídica en el tardofranquismo: el Proceso 1001

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    During the last years of the Franco’s regime it took place in Spain one of the summaries most important and key to understand the institutional repression of the dictatorship, the so called Process 1001. The above mentioned process, directed against the union CCOO and besides against the working movement, was not followed by the attention deserved due to a happened event the same day, the murder of the Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco to ETA’s hands. The national press specializing in juridical topics and of courts dedicated their attention and certain space to the process in their corresponding sections, a space clearly insufficiently

    La idea de República en la propaganda de la guerrilla antifranquista

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    La idea de República es un referente constante a lo largo de la propaganda de la guerrilla antifranquista. La República aparece como símbolo de todos aquellos valores que se consideran perdidos a causa de la guerra: democracia, libertad, justicia, etc., llegando en ocasiones a magnificar e idealizar ese sentimiento republicano.The idea of Republic is a referring constant along the propaganda of the antifrancoist guerrilla warfare. The Republic appears as symbol of all those values that are considered to be lost because of the war: democracy, freedom, justice, etc., managing in occasions to praise and idealize this republican feelin

    Sea Port SO2 atmospheric emissions influence on air quality and exposure at Veracruz, Mexico

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    In this work, we identify the current atmospheric sulfur dioxide emissions of the Veracruz port, an important Mexican seaport experiencing rapid growth, and its influence on the surrounding areas. Sulfur dioxide emissions based on port activity, as well as meteorology and air quality simulations, are used to assess the impact. It was found that using marine fuel with low sulfur content reduces emissions by 88%. Atmospheric emission estimates based on the bottom-up methodology range from 3 to 7 Mg/year and can negatively impact air quality up to 3 km downwind. After evaluating different characteristics of vessels in CALPUFF, it was found that maximum sulfur dioxide concentrations ranging between 50 and 88 µg/m3 for a 24-h average occurred 500 m from the port. During 2019, five days had unsatisfactory air quality. The combination of a shallow planetary boundary layer, low wind speed, and large atmospheric emissions significantly degraded local air quality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Randomized Comparison of Drug-Eluting Balloon Versus Everolimus-Eluting Stent in Patients With Bare-Metal Stent–In-Stent Restenosis The RIBS V Clinical Trial (Restenosis Intra-stent of Bare Metal Stents: Paclitaxel-eluting Balloon vs. Everolimus-eluting Stent)

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to compare the efficacy of drug-eluting balloons (DEB) with that of everolimus-eluting stents (EES) in patients with bare-metal stents (BMS) in-stent restenosis (ISR).BackgroundTreatment of patients with ISR remains a challenge.MethodsThis was a prospective, multicenter, randomized trial comparing DEB with EES in patients with bare-metal stents (BMS) in-stent restenosis (ISR). The primary endpoint was the minimal lumen diameter at 9 months' follow-up.ResultsA total of 189 patients with BMS-ISR from 25 Spanish sites were included (95 were allocated to DEB and 94 to EES). Procedural success was achieved in all patients. At late angiography (median 249 days; 92% of eligible patients), patients in the EES arm had a significantly larger minimal lumen diameter (2.36 ± 0.6 mm vs. 2.01 ± 0.6 mm, p < 0.001; absolute mean difference: 0.35 mm; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.16 to 0.53) and a lower percent of diameter stenosis (13 ± 17% vs. 25 ± 20%, p < 0.001). However, late loss (0.04 ± 0.5 mm vs. 0.14 ± 0.5 mm, p = 0.14) and binary restenosis rate (4.7% vs. 9.5%, p = 0.22) were very low and similar in both groups. Clinical follow-up (median 365 days) was obtained in all (100%) patients. Occurrences of the combined clinical outcome measure (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revascularization; 6% vs. 8%; hazard ratio [HR]: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.26 to 2.18, p = 0.6) and the need for target vessel revascularization (2% vs. 6%; HR: 0.32: 95% CI: 0.07 to 1.59, p = 0.17) were similar in the 2 groups.ConclusionsIn patients with BMS-ISR, both DEB and EES provided excellent clinical results with a very low rate of clinical and angiographic recurrences. However, compared with DEB, EES provide superior late angiographic findings. (Restenosis Intra-stent of Bare Metal Stents: Paclitaxel-eluting Balloon vs. Everolimus-eluting Stent [RIBS V]; NCT01239953