257 research outputs found

    Dynamics of highly unbalanced Bose-Bose mixtures: miscible vs immiscible gases

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    We study the collective modes of the minority component of a highly unbalanced Bose-Bose mixtures. In the miscible case the minority component feels an effective external potential and we derive an analytical expression for the mode frequencies. The latter is independent of the minority component interaction strength. In the immiscible case we find that the ground state can be a two-domain walls soliton. Although the mode frequencies are continuous at the transition, their behaviour is very different with respect to the miscible case. The dynamical behaviour of the solitonic structure and the frequency dependence on the inter- and intra-species interaction is numerically studied using coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Casimir forces and quantum friction from Ginzburg radiation in atomic BECs

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    We theoretically propose an experimentally viable scheme to use an impurity atom in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, in order to realize condensed-matter analogs of quantum vacuum effects. In a suitable atomic level configuration, the collisional interaction between the impurity atom and the density fluctuations in the condensate can be tailored to closely reproduce the electric-dipole coupling of quantum electrodynamics. By virtue of this analogy, we recover and extend the paradigm of electromagnetic vacuum forces to the domain of cold atoms, showing in particular the emergence, at supersonic atomic speeds, of a novel power-law scaling of the Casimir force felt by the atomic impurity, as well as the occurrence of a quantum frictional force, accompanied by the Ginzburg emis- sion of Bogoliubov quanta. Observable consequences of these quantum vacuum effects in realistic spectroscopic experiments are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Revised version accepted in PR

    Magnetic phase transition in coherently coupled Bose gases in optical lattices

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    We describe the ground state of a gas of bosonic atoms with two coherently coupled internal levels in a deep optical lattice in a one dimensional geometry. In the single-band approximation this system is described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. The system has a superfluid and a Mott insulating phase which can be either paramagnetic or ferromagnetic. We characterize the quantum phase transitions at unit filling by means of a density matrix renormalization group technique and compare it with a mean-field approach. The presence of the ferromagnetic Ising-like transition modifies the Mott lobes. In the Mott insulating region the system maps to the ferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXZ model in a transverse field and the numerical results compare very well with the analytical results obtained from the spin model. In the superfluid regime quantum fluctuations strongly modify the phase transition with respect to the well established mean-field three dimensional classical bifurcation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bogoliubov Theory of acoustic Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We apply the microscopic Bogoliubov theory of dilute Bose-Einstein condensates to analyze quantum and thermal fluctuations in a flowing atomic condensate in the presence of a sonic horizon. For the simplest case of a step-like horizon, closed-form analytical expressions are found for the spectral distribution of the analog Hawking radiation and for the density correlation function. The peculiar long-distance density correlations that appear as a consequence of the Hawking emission features turns out to be reinforced by a finite initial temperature of the condensate. The analytical results are in good quantitative agreement with first principle numerical calculations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Spin oscillations of the normal polarized Fermi gas at Unitarity

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    Using density functional theory in a time dependent approach we determine the frequencies of the compressional modes of the normal phase of a Fermi gas at unitarity as a function of its polarization. Our energy functional accounts for the typical elastic deformations exhibited by Landau theory of Fermi liquids. The comparison with the available experiments is biased by important collisional effects affecting both the {\it in phase} and the {\it out of phase} oscillations even at the lowest temperatures. New experiments in the collisionless regime would provide a crucial test of the applicability of Landau theory to the dynamics of these strongly interacting normal Fermi gases.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Quadrupole oscillation in a dipolar Fermi gas: hydrodynamic vs collisionless regime

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    The surface quadrupole mode of an harmonically trapped dipolar Fermi gas is studied in both the hydrodynamic and collisionless regimes. The anisotropy and long range effects of the dipolar force as well as the role of the trapping geometry are explicitly investigated. In the hydrodynamic regime the frequency is always slightly smaller than the 2ω⊥\sqrt{2}\omega_\perp value holding for gases interacting with contact interactions. In the collisionless regime the frequency can be either pretty smaller or larger than the non-interacting value 2ω⊥2\omega_\perp, depending on the cloud aspect ratio. Our results suggest that the frequency of the surface quadrupole oscillation can provide a useful test for studying, at very low temperatures, the transition between the normal and the superfluid phase and, in the normal phase at higher temperatures, the crossover between the collisional and collisionless regimes. The consequences of the anisotropy of the dipolar force on the virial theorem are also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Dipolar Drag in Bilayer Harmonically Trapped Gases

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    We consider two separated pancake-shaped trapped gases interacting with a dipolar (either magnetic or electric) force. We study how the center of mass motion propagates from one cloud to the other as a consequence of the long-range nature of the interaction. The corresponding dynamics is fixed by the frequency difference between the in-phase and the out-of-phase center of mass modes of the two clouds, whose dependence on the dipolar interaction strength and the cloud separation is explicitly investigated. We discuss Fermi gases in the degenerate as well as in the classical limit and comment on the case of Bose-Einsten condensed gases.Comment: Submitted to EPJD, EuroQUAM special issue "Cold Quantum Matter - Achievements and Prospects

    Andreev-Bashkin effect in superfluid cold gases mixture

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    We study a mixture of two superfluids with density-density and current-current (Andreev-Bashkin) interspecies interactions. The Andreev-Bashkin coupling gives rise to a dissipationless drag (or entrainment) between the two superfluids. Within the quantum hydrodynamics approximation, we study the relations between speeds of sound, susceptibilities and static structure factors, in a generic model in which the density and spin dynamics decouple. Due to translational invariance, the density channel does not feel the drag. The spin channel, instead, does not satisfy the usual Bijl-Feynman relation, since the f-sum rule is not exhausted by the spin phonons. The very same effect on one dimensional Bose mixtures and their Luttinger liquid description is analysed within perturbation theory. Using diffusion quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a system of dipolar gases in a double layer configuration, we confirm the general results. Given the recent advances in measuring the counterflow instability, we also study the effect of the entrainment on the dynamical stability of a superfluid mixture with non-zero relative velocity.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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