189 research outputs found

    Two-stage electrochemical synthesis of double molybdenum carbides

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    A new two-stage synthesis of double molybdenum and nickel carbides and high-activity and stable catalytic coatings of nickel-promoter molybdenum carbides in salt melts is developed. The first stage includes the formation of molybdenum-nickel alloys by an electrolytic method and currentless transfer in chloride melts. The second stage consists in the carbonization of the alloys in a chloride-carbonate melt under various synthesis conditions. The stabilities of the nickel-promoter catalytic systems are studied, and their catalytic activities in the back water-gas shift reaction are determined

    Simulation study of a pulsed DBD with an electrode containing charge injector parts

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    By using a multispecies fluid model, the tunability and controllability of plasma parameters such as distributions of electron density, electron energy, ion density, and electric field in a microdielectric barrier discharge (DBD) with a charge injector electrode and driven by negatively polarized nanosecond pulsed voltage superimposed on a positive DC bias voltage are investigated. To this end, the effects of changing features of pulsed voltage like pulse rise time (10–20 ns), pulse peak width (10–15 ns), and pulse fall time (20–30 ns) on characteristics of argon plasma formed inside the reactor are studied. The results show that with the increase in pulse width and pulse rise time, the density of electron and ion increases, while fall time change does not significantly affect the plasma parameters. Generally, the results of this study explicitly prove the possibility of controlling plasma formed inside DBD reactors driven by negative pulse voltage combined with a positive DC voltage, which is very important in waste gas conversion applications

    Third and fourth degree collisional moments for inelastic Maxwell models

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    The third and fourth degree collisional moments for dd-dimensional inelastic Maxwell models are exactly evaluated in terms of the velocity moments, with explicit expressions for the associated eigenvalues and cross coefficients as functions of the coefficient of normal restitution. The results are applied to the analysis of the time evolution of the moments (scaled with the thermal speed) in the free cooling problem. It is observed that the characteristic relaxation time toward the homogeneous cooling state decreases as the anisotropy of the corresponding moment increases. In particular, in contrast to what happens in the one-dimensional case, all the anisotropic moments of degree equal to or less than four vanish in the homogeneous cooling state for d2d\geq 2.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures; v2: addition of two new reference

    Performance of novel CaO-based sorbents in high temperature CO2 capture under RF heating

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    The problem of CO₂ mitigation on a small and medium scale can be resolved by developing a combined system of CO₂ capture and its consecutive conversion into valuable products. The first stage of CO₂ looping, however, should be reliable, effective and easy to control and radiofrequency heating, as a new advanced technology, can be used to improve the process. CO₂ absorption and desorption RF units can be installed within power plants and powered during the periods of low energy demand thus stabilizing the electrical grid. In this work, a CaO sorbent produced by template synthesis was studied as a sorbent for a CO₂ looping system under RF heating which offers short start-up times, highly controlled operation, high degree of robustness and low price. The sorbent reached its stable CO₂ capacity of 15.4 wt.% already after 10 temperature cycles (650/850 °C) under RF heating. Higher CO₂ desorption rate and lower degree of the sorbent sintering was observed under RF heating as compared to conventional heating

    Жесткость сосудистой стенки у пациентов с анкилозирующим спондилитом, принимающих нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты

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    Changes in vessel wall stiffness are a sign of endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling at reversible, preclinical stages and may be a marker for cardiovascular disease, including in the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).Objective: to study changes in vessel wall stiffness indicators in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (AS) without cardiovascular diseases during short- and long-term therapy with NSAIDS.Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 164 AS patients aged older than 18 years. Of them 60 patients took amtolmetin guacil (AMG) daily for 3 months within the framework of the CORONA trial, the other 104 patients received nimesulide at least thrice weekly for 60 months (the index of NSAID use was 56%) within the framework of the PROGRESS study. Vessel wall stiffness indicators (augmentation indices and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWVao)) were studied in all the patients at baseline and after 3 (for those who took AMG) and 60 (for those who received nimesulde) months.Results. At baseline, AS activity and cardiovascular risk factors were comparable in the short- and long-term follow-up groups. The mean values of aortic augmentation index (AixAo) in the patients taking AMG were 13.5% [6.08; 22.08] at baseline and 14.25% [9.4; 24.25] after 3 months of therapy (p=0.18); PWVao was 7.7 [6.72; 9.41] and 8.46 [7.28; 9.96] m/sec, respectively (p=0.007). At the same time, PWVao was >10 m/sec only in 6 (10%) patients at baseline and in 12 (20%) following 3 months. In the group of patients taking NSAIDs long, AixAo was 21.5% [11.08; 34.25] at baseline and 18.25% [09.33; 26.28] at week 12 (p=0.3); PWVao was as high as 7.6 [6.56; 7.91] at baseline and 7.8 [7.22; 8.1] m/sec at week 12 (p=0.12). The PWVao of >10 m/sec was found in 20 (19.2%) patients at baseline and in 22 (21.15%) after 60 months of follow-up and treatment. The number of patients with unidirectional changes in vessel wall stiffness indicators did not differ in the 3- and 60-month use of NSAIDs. Conclusion. During 3-month NSAID therapy, the patients with AS showed a slight increase in PWVao in the absence of changes in the other indicators of vessel wall stiffness. At the same time, the mean values of PWVao remained within the normal range and its increase >10 m/sec was detected only in 20% of the patients. Long-term NSAID therapy in AS patients without cardiovascular diseases was unaccompanied by a change in the values of vessel wall stiffness and PWVao.Изменение жесткости сосудистой стенки является признаком дисфункции эндотелия и сосудистого ремоделирования на обратимых, доклинических этапах и может быть маркером поражения сердечно-сосудистой системы, в том числе при приеме нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП).Цель исследования – изучение изменений показателей жесткости сосудистой стенки у пациентов с активным анкилозирующим спондилитом (АС) без сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний на фоне краткосрочной и долгосрочной терапии НПВП.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 164 больных АС старше 18 лет. Из них 60 пациентов в рамках исследования КОРОНА в течение 3 мес ежедневно принимали амтолметин гуацил (АМГ), остальные 104 пациента в рамках исследования ПРОГРЕСС получали нимесулид в течение 60 мес не менее 3 раз в неделю (индекс приема НПВП составил 56%). У всех больных изучали показатели жесткости сосудистой стенки (индексы аугментации и скорость пульсовой волны в аорте – PWVAo) исходно, через 3 мес (для получавших АМГ) и через 60 мес (для получавших нимесулид).Результаты. Исходно активность АС, факторы сердечно-сосудистого риска в группах краткосрочного и долгосрочного наблюдения были сопоставимы. Исходно средние значения индекса аугментации в аорте (AixAo) у пациентов, принимавших АМГ, составляли 13,5% [6,08; 22,08], через 3 мес терапии – 14,25% [9,4; 24,25] (p=0,18); PWVAo – 7,7 м/с [6,72; 9,41] и 8,46 м/с [7,28; 9,96] соответственно (p=0,007). При этом только у 6 (10%) пациентов исходно и у 12 (20%) через 3 мес PWVAo была >10 м/с. В группе больных, длительно принимавших НПВП, AixAo исходно составлял 21,5% [11,08; 34,25], на 12-й неделе – 18,25% [09,33; 26,28] (p=0,3); PWVAo исходно достигала 7,6 м/с [6,56; 7,91], на 12-й неделе –7,8 м/с [7,22; 8,1] (p=0,12). При этом исходно PWVAo >10 м/с выявлена у 20 (19,2%) пациентов, а через 60 мес наблюдения и лечения – у 22 (21,15%). Количество пациентов с однонаправленными изменениями показателей жесткости сосудистой стенки при 3- и 60-месячном приеме НПВП не различалось.Выводы. На фоне 3-месячной терапии НПВП у больных АС отмечено незначительное повышение PWVAo при отсутствии изменения других показателей жесткости сосудистой стенки. При этом среднее значение PWVAo оставалось в пределах нормы, а повышение ее >10 м/с выявлено только у 20% пациентов. При длительной терапии у больных АС, не имеющих сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, прием НПВП не сопровождался изменением показателей жесткости сосудистой стенки и PWVAo


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    Objective: to assess liver function changes in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) taking NSAIDs regularly over a long period.Patients and methods. The data obtained during a 10-year PROGRESS prospective single-center cohort study of functional status, activity, and comorbidity (including gastrointestinal tract diseases) in patients with SpA were analyzed. The data of 363 SpA patients receiving NSAIDs regularly over a long period and followed up for 10 years were also explored. The changes that had occurred over a decade in the liver enzyme levels, the number of discontinued NSAID treatments because of a persistent increase in liver enzyme levels, and the number of prescriptions of hepatoprotective agents were analyzed.Results. For 10 years, 18 patients with SpA discontinued their NSAID intake due to elevated liver enzyme levels (≥3 times greater than the reference value); during that time, the same increase in enzyme levels was observed in 2 healthy individuals (χ2 =1.39; p=0.2). In the patients with SpA as compared to the healthy individuals, the relative risk of abnormal liver function was 1.19 (95% CI, 1.009–1.405); odds ratio was 2.9 (95% CI, 0.65–12.95). There was no increased risk for discontinuation of some NSAIDs, including nimesulide (χ2 =0.03, p=0.85), the frequency of using hepatoprotective drugs was proved to be highest for diclofenac sodium, ibuprofen, nimesulide, and ketoprofen.Conclusion. The regular long-term (as long as 10 years) use of NSAIDs to treat SpA is associated with treatment discontinuation because of elevated enzyme levels in every 10 patients. The maximum rate of discontinuation of NSAIDs due to a persistent increase in liver enzyme levels is observed 6–8 years after their regular use, so long-term NSAID therapy requires continuous monitoring of hepatic safety. The longterm intake of nimesulide, as compared with other NSAIDs, is shown to be unassociated with the higher rate of its discontinuation because of worse liver function. Hepatoprotectors are less frequently prescribed to patients taking nimesulide than to those receiving diclofenac sodium or ibuprofen and more frequently to patients using meloxicam. In most cases, prescribing hepatoprotective agents to patients receiving NSAIDs does not require discontinuation of anti-inflammatory therapy. Длительное назначение нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов (НПВП) требует повышенного внимания к безопасности лечения, в том числе в отношении функции печени.Цель исследования – оценка изменения функции печени у больных спондилоартритами (СпА), регулярно длительно применявших НПВП.Пациенты и методы. Проведен анализ данных, полученных в ходе 10-летнего проспективного когортного одноцентрового исследования, посвященного изучению функционального статуса, активности и сопутствующей патологии (включая заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта) у пациентов со СпА (ПРОГРЕСС). Проанализированы данные 363 больных СпА, наблюдавшихся в течение 10 лет, регулярно длительно принимавших НПВП. Анализировали произошедшие за 10 лет изменения уровня печеночных ферментов, число отмен лечения НПВП по причине стойкого повышения уровня печеночных ферментов и число назначений гепатопротекторов.Результаты. За 10 лет у 18 больных СпА из-за повышения уровня печеночных ферментов (≥3 норм) был прерван прием НПВП, за это время такое же повышение уровня ферментов отмечено у 2 здоровых лиц (χ2 =1,39, p=0,2). Относительный риск нарушения функции печени у пациентов со СпА по сравнению со здоровыми составил 1,19 (95% ДИ 1,009–1,405), отношение шансов – 2,9 (95% ДИ 0,65–12,95). Не отмечено повышения риска отмены НПВП для отдельных препаратов, включая нимесулиды (χ2 =0,03, p=0,85), частота назначения гепатопротекторов оказалась максимальной для диклофенака натрия, ибупрофена, нимесулида и кетопрофена.Выводы. Регулярный длительный (до 10 лет) прием НПВП при СпА ассоциируется с отменой лечения из-за повышения уровня печеночных ферментов у 1 из 10 больных. Максимальная частота отмен НПВП вследствие стойкого повышения уровня печеночных ферментов отмечается через 6–8 лет их регулярного приема, поэтому длительная терапия НПВП требует постоянного мониторинга печеночной безопасности. Прием препаратов нимесулида в долгосрочной перспективе не ассоциируется с большей частотой их отмен из-за ухудшения функции печени по сравнению с другими НПВП. Пациентам, принимающим нимесулид, гепатопротекторы назначаются реже, чем пациентам, получающим диклофенак натрия или ибупрофен, и чаще, чем пациентам, принимающим мелоксикам. В большинстве случаев назначение гепатопротекторов на фоне приема НПВП не требует отмены противовоспалительной терапии.


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    By the end of the first decade of the 21st century, spondyloarthritis studies have accumulated a certain number of terms that are obsolete, but used by physicians in their everyday speech, on the one hand, and a great variety of different definitions, on the other hand. In January 2014, the first organizational meeting of the Expert Group on Spondyloarthritis, Association of Rheumatologists of Russia, decided that its primary task should be to order the terminology used in this area. The authors primarily collected the terms, which had been already used in medical vocabulary, and then divided them into two categories: obsolete definitions and terms to be finalized and unified. This publication gives guidelines for using the medical terms relevant to spondyloarthritis and separately discusses how to correctly write the term sacroiliitis

    Approaches to the therapy of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Resolution of an online meeting of the Volga Federal District experts

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    At an online meeting of experts held on May 14, 2021 additional research results on a sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor empagliflozin in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction were considered. According to the data from the EMPEROR-Reduced international study, cardiovascular and renal effects of empagliflozin therapy in patients with and without type 2 diabetes (T2D) were analyzed. A number of proposals and recommendations was accepted regarding the further study of cardiovascular and renal effects of empagliflozin and its use in clinical practice in patients with heart failure, regardless of the T2D presence