13 research outputs found

    A GIS-based multivariate clustering for characterization and ecoregion mapping from a viticultural perspective

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    In wine-growing regions, zoning studies define areas according to their potential to produce specific wines and also identify the key drivers behind their variability and optimize vineyard management for sustainable viticulture. However, delineation of homogeneous zones is difficult because of the complex combination of factors which could affect zone classifications. One possibility to capture potential variability is the use of natural environmental properties as they are related to success in grape growing. With the aim of characterizing the spatial variability of the main vine-related environmental variables and determining different zones, climate and topographical data were obtained for Extremadura (southwestern Spain), an important wine region. Firstly, accurate maps of all climate indices were generated by using regression-kriging as the most suitable algorithm in which exhaustive secondary information on elevation was incorporated, and maps of topography-derived variables were obtained using GIS (Geographical Information System) tools. Secondly, principal component analysis and multivariate geographic classification were used to define homogeneous classes, resulting in three zones. Each zone was further characterized by overlaying the zonation map with a geology map and all enviromental layers. It was obtained that although a wide part of the Extremaduran territory has warm climate characteristics, the zones have different viticultural potential and a high proportion of the region lays on suitable substrate. This zonation in Extremadura is the basis for further zoning studies at more detailed field scale and the modeling of vineyard response to climate change.Trabajo financiado por: Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda TIC008 y TPR009peerReviewe

    Las matemáticas empresariales en el marco de cualificaciones del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (QF-EHEA)

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    Haremos comparaciones entre las metodologías docentes de las asignaturas de Matemáticas Empresariales impartidas en las principales universidades europeas, proponiendo medidas para la mejora de la calidad de estas asignaturas en nuestra universidad

    Plasma engineering of microstructured piezo – Triboelectric hybrid nanogenerators for wide bandwidth vibration energy harvesting

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    We introduce herein the advanced application of low-pressure plasma procedures for the development of piezo and triboelectric mode I hybrid nanogenerators. Thus, plasma assisted deposition and functionalization methods are presented as key enabling technologies for the nanoscale design of ZnO polycrystalline shells, the formation of conducting metallic cores in core@shell nanowires, and for the solventless surface modification of polymeric coatings and matrixes. We show how the perfluorinated chains grafting of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) provides a reliable approach to increase the hydrophobicity and surface charges at the same time that keeping the PDMS mechanical properties. In this way, we produce efficient Ag/ZnO convoluted piezoelectric nanogenerators supported on flexible substrates and embedded in PDMS compatible with a contact–separation triboelectric architecture. Factors like crystalline texture, ZnO thickness, nanowires aspect ratio, and surface chemical modification of the PDMS are explored to optimize the power output of the nanogenerators aimed for harvesting from low-frequency vibrations. Just by manual triggering, the hybrid device can charge a capacitor to switch on an array of color LEDs. Outstandingly, this simple three-layer architecture allows for harvesting vibration energy in a wide bandwidth, thus, we show the performance characteristics for frequencies between 1 Hz and 50 Hz and demonstrate the successful activation of the system up to ca. 800 Hz.EMERGIA Junta de Andalucía programUniversity of Seville the VI PPIT-USICMS and the CITIUS from the University of Sevill

    Ultrathin Plasma Polymer Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells for Improved Stability and Reproducibility

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    Despite the youthfulness of hybrid halide perovskite solar cells, their efficiencies are currently comparable to commercial silicon and have surpassed quantum-dots solar cells. Yet, the scalability of these devices is a challenge due to their low reproducibility and stability under environmental conditions. However, the techniques reported to date to tackle such issues recurrently involve the use of solvent methods that would further complicate their transfer to industry. Herein a reliable alternative relaying in the implementation of an ultrathin plasma polymer as a passivation interface between the electron transport layer and the hybrid perovskite layer is presented. Such a nanoengineered interface provides solar devices with increased long-term stability under ambient conditions. Thus, without involving any additional encapsulation step, the cells retain more than 80% of their efficiency after being exposed to the ambient atmosphere for more than 1000 h. Moreover, this plasma polymer passivation strategy significantly improves the coverage of the mesoporous scaffold by the perovskite layer, providing the solar cells with enhanced performance, with a champion efficiency of 19.2%, a remarkable value for Li-free standard mesoporous n-i-p architectures, as well as significantly improved reproducibility

    Highly Anisotropic Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanowalls Grown by Glancing-Angle Deposition

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    Polarizers are ubiquitous components in current optoelectronic devices as displays or photographic cameras. Yet, control over light polarization is an unsolved challenge, since the main drawback of the existing display technologies is the significant optical losses. In such a context, organometal halide perovskites (OMHP) can play a decisive role given their flexible synthesis with tunable optical properties such as bandgap and photoluminescence, and excellent light emission with a low non-radiative recombination rate. Therefore, along with their outstanding electrical properties have elevated hybrid perovskites as the material of choice in photovoltaics and optoelectronics. Among the different OMHP nanostructures, nanowires and nanorods have lately arisen as key players in the control of light polarization for lighting or detector applications. Herein, the fabrication of highly aligned and anisotropic methylammonium lead iodide perovskite nanowalls by glancing-angle deposition, which is compatible with most substrates, is presented. Their high alignment degree provides the samples with anisotropic optical properties such as light absorption and photoluminescence. Furthermore, their implementation in photovoltaic devices provides them with a polarization-sensitive response. This facile vacuum-based approach embodies a milestone in the development of last-generation polarization-sensitive perovskite-based optoelectronic devices such as lighting appliances or self-powered photodetectors

    Las Matemáticas Empresariales en el marco Erasmus Mundus

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    La creciente importancia de los métodos cuantitativos en las ciencias económicas y empresariales nos motiva a proponer una revisión detallada de los syllabus de las materias de matemáticas que se imparten en el Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, con el objetivo de Investigar las correspondencias entre nuestros syllabus y los de las mas importantes universidades a nivel internacional (en el marco Erasmus Mundus). La investigación que proponemos llevará a cabo comparaciones exhaustivas de los temarios de esta categoría de asignaturas y sus metodologías docentes, y detectará las posibles discrepancias existentes en este tipo de estudios dependiendo de la universidad que los imparte. En una segunda fase, estudiaremos las causas de las posibles diferencias detectadas y, finalmente, produciremos un sistema capaz de sugerir medidas concretas que solventen los posibles problemas detectados

    Redescubriendo África

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    Convocatoria Proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2017/2018Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el CEIP Ntra. Sra. De Gracia de Santa Marta (Badajoz), en el que partiendo de la realidad del centro en el que se encuetran matriculados alumnos de varios países africanos, se hace un recorrido por algunos de ellos para conocer sus costumbres, paisajes, gastronomía, su diversidad cultural, etc. y para descubrir y comparar cuánto tienen en común con los alumnos del centro. Otros objetivos del proyecto fueron: conseguir aprendizajes significativos en los alumnos mediantes actividades prácticas y lúdicas; potenciar en los alumnos la búsqueda de información, su procesamiento y comunicación utilizando recursos tecnológicos, así como tener una actitud crítica y reflexiva en la valoración de la información de que disponen; involucrar a la comunidad educativa en la participación en las actividades que contribuyan en el aprendizaje del alumnado; reconocer la diversidad étnica en el aula, valorándola como fuente de enriquecimiento y empleándola didácticamente; fomentar la educación en valores con el fin de sensibilizar al alumnado ante situaciones de pobreza, injusticia y desigualdad y promover la cooperación y solidaridad hacia los demásExtremaduraES

    Espacio abierto

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    El trabajo obtuvo un Premio Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso 2017/2018. Modalidad BSe describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES San José (Badajoz) que conllevaba la creación de zonas físicas nuevas, la mejora y potenciación de otras, la apertura y cambios de uso de las existentes, y la puesta en práctica de actuaciones que potencien el sentido de pertenencia del alumnado del centro, su confort, la mejoría de sus habilidades sociales y de la relación entre ellos y con el profesorado, y que supongan nuevas y más interesantes formas de conseguir aprendizajes. Otros objetivos del proyecto eran: orientar el tiempo de ocio, mejorar las competencias digitales y de tratamiento de la información, promover la actividad física y deportiva, sensibilizar sobre la protección del ecosistema y el valor de reciclaje y mejorar la transición del alumnado de primaria a secundariaExtremaduraES