4 research outputs found

    Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den epistemischen Überzeugungen von angehenden Handelslehrkräften, Bankkaufleuten und Biologielehrkräften

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    Berding F, Brauer H, von Hebel K, Basten M, Rebmann K, Wilde M. Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den epistemischen Überzeugungen von angehenden Handelslehrkräften, Bankkaufleuten und Biologielehrkräften. Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2015;111(3):398-416

    Adoção do composto de marketing na indústria de food service: um estudo multicasos

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar como são aplicadas as variáveis do composto de marketing varejista nos restaurantes self-service em Campo Grande/MS. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo multicasos junto a cinco empresas independentes. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram: levantamento bibliográfico, entrevista em profundidade, observação não disfarçada e coleta de materiais promocionais. A análise dos dados permitiu constatar que os cinco restaurantes pesquisados contêm alguns padrões similares e que o mix de marketing por eles adotado é utilizado de forma intuitiva, apesar de conter ferramentas mercadológicas apropriadas.--------------------This study aims to verify how the variables of the retail marketing mix are applied in the selfservice restaurants in Campo Grande, Brazilian southwest. The data collection was performed with five independent companies. The instruments of research were: bibliographical research, qualitative research, observation and collection of materials. The data analysis permitted to verify that the five restaurants contain some similar patterns and that the marketing mix adopted by them is used in an intuitive form, although to contain appropriate marketing tools

    Adoção do composto de marketing na indústria de food service: um estudo multicasos

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar como são aplicadas as variáveis do composto de marketing varejista nos restaurantes self-service em Campo Grande/MS. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo multicasos junto a cinco empresas independentes. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram: levantamento bibliográfico, entrevista em profundidade, observação não disfarçada e coleta de materiais promocionais. A análise dos dados permitiu constatar que os cinco restaurantes pesquisados contêm alguns padrões similares e que o mix de marketing por eles adotado é utilizado de forma intuitiva, apesar de conter ferramentas mercadológicas apropriadas.--------------------This study aims to verify how the variables of the retail marketing mix are applied in the selfservice restaurants in Campo Grande, Brazilian southwest. The data collection was performed with five independent companies. The instruments of research were: bibliographical research, qualitative research, observation and collection of materials. The data analysis permitted to verify that the five restaurants contain some similar patterns and that the marketing mix adopted by them is used in an intuitive form, although to contain appropriate marketing tools.restaurante comercial, self service, serviços de alimentação, mix de marketing. commercial restaurant, self-service restaurant, food services, marketing mix., Agribusiness,

    Development of a Questionnaire for Assessing Beliefs About Learning in Biology

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    Berding F, Basten M, Brauer H, et al. Entwicklung von Skalen zur Erhebung domänenspezifischer Vorstellungen über das Lernen in der Biologie. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht. 2017;64(3):223-237.In this paper we describe the development of scales for assessing learners' beliefs about learning in biology. The scales can be used for conducting scientific studies or diagnosing learning prerequisites. The paper argues that reliable instruments for assessing beliefs about knowledge, knowing and learning are still missing. The need to differentiate between beliefs about knowledge and knowing on the one hand and beliefs about learning on the other hand is lined out. Based on a literature review, scales measuring the beliefs about ability, effort, and speed to learn are developed. 363 teacher students for biology and nature and life (Sachunterricht) participated in the study. Factor analyses provide evidence for the assumed beliefs about learning. All scales reach high values for Cronbach's a ranging between .71 and .86. Discriminant validity of the scales is proved by the strict Fornell-Larcker-Criterion. The paper draws conclusions for further scale development