11 research outputs found

    Coherent soft X-ray pulses from an echo-enabled harmonic generation free-electron laser

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    X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs), which amplify light emitted by a relativistic electron beam, are extending nonlinear optical techniques to shorter wavelengths, adding element specificity by exciting and probing electronic transitions from core levels. These techniques would benefit tremendously from having a stable FEL source, generating spectrally pure and wavelength-tunable pulses. We show that such requirements can be met by operating the FEL in the so-called echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) configuration. Here, two external conventional lasers are used to precisely tailor the longitudinal phase space of the electron beam before emission of X-rays. We demonstrate high-gain EEHG lasing producing stable, intense, nearly fully coherent pulses at wavelengths as short as 5.9 nm (~211 eV) at the FERMI FEL user facility. Low sensitivity to electron-beam imperfections and observation of stable, narrow-band, coherent emission down to 2.6 nm (~474 eV) make the technique a prime candidate for generating laser-like pulses in the X-ray spectral region, opening the door to multidimensional coherent spectroscopies at short wavelengths. © 2019, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited

    Coupling of autoionizing states by a chirped laser pulse

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    We have observed the autoionization of the laser-coupled 2s2p 1Po and 2p2 1Se resonances in helium. The ions were collected while varying the frequency and delay of the extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) excitation pulse with respect to the linearly chirped visible (VIS) laser pulse. From the measured frequency-delay map the Autler- Townes splitting, the EUV-VIS cross-correlation and the linear chirp parameter were extracted

    Interference of two-photon transitions induced by XUV light

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    International audienceThe relative phase of first ( ω 1 ) and third harmonics ( ω 3 ) extreme ultraviolet light pulses was varied to control the population of the 2 s 2 state in helium through the interference of ω 1 + ω 1 and ω 3 − ω 1 two-photon excitation paths. The population was monitored by observing the total electron yield due to the 2 s 2 autoionization decay. Maximum yield occurs when the relative phase of the two harmonics matches the phase difference of complex atomic amplitudes governing the two excitation paths. The calculated trend of atomic phase differences agrees well with the measured data in the spectral region of the resonance, provided that time-reversed − ω 1 + ω 3 path is also taken into account. These results open the way to accessing phase differences of two-photon ionization paths involving energetically distant intermediate states and to perform interferometry in the extreme ultraviolet range by monitoring final state populations