334 research outputs found

    Alexander y Wilhelm von Humboldt: la ciencia de la naturaleza y la ciencia del lenguaje frente a la realidad americana

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    The present article examines the methodological influence of Alexander von Humboldt on Wilhelm von Humboldt’s theory of language. W. v. Humboldt’s studies of American languages, starting with his “Essai sur les langues du nouveau continent” (1812), evidence not just documentary elements from the geographer’s ethnological and naturalist research, but also various aspects of his method. This is connected with the proximity between the natural philosophy and the linguistic studies of Romanticism. On the other hand, the points of view of the researcher and those of the traveler are frequently juxtaposed in A. v. Humboldt’s essays on the American continent. In particular, in Vues des Cordillères et monuments des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique (vol. XV and XVI of Voyage aux regions équinoxiales du nouveau continent) the treatment of nature as an imaginary, poetic representation of the Naturganzes, the objective expression of which are the natural and cultural monuments. Here the aim is to prove that the praxis of the language researcher needed the complement of the diaries, letters and chronicles of A. v. Humboldt in order to compose, also by way of a narrative, the objective reality of the American languages as a class of phenomena ordered by the laws of language.El siguiente artículo presenta la influencia metodológica de Alexander von Humboldt sobre la teoría del lenguaje de Wilhelm von Humboldt. En las investigaciones americanas de W. v. Humboldt, a partir de su “Essai sur les langues du nouveau continent” (1812), se traslucen no sólo elementos documentales de la investigación etnológica y naturalista del geógrafo, sino también diferentes aspectos de su método, lo cual guarda conexión con la cercanía entre la filosofía de la naturaleza y los estudios lingüísticos del Romanticismo. Por otro lado, la perspectiva del investigador y la del viajero con frecuencia se yuxtaponen en los ensayos americanos de A. von Humboldt. Particularmente en Vues des Cordillères et monuments des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique (vol. XV y XVI de Voyage aux régions équinoxiales du nouveau continent) resulta notable el tratamiento de la naturaleza como una representación imaginaria, poética, del Naturganzes, cuyas expresiones objetivas son los monumentos naturales y culturales. Se intentará demostrar que la praxis del investigador del lenguaje requirió de la complementación de los diarios, cartas y crónicas de A. von Humboldt para componer, también por medio del relato, la realidad objetiva de las lenguas americanas como un conjunto de fenómenos en el orden de las leyes del lenguaje

    New Insights into the Nutritional Value of Grass

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    Key points The rumen environment in cattle grazing high quality forage is different to that reported for cattle fed indoors with diets based on processed feedstuffs. Temperate pasture is an excellent source of nutrients for ruminants but a high energy:protein imbalance can occur when it is offered at the stage of optimal digestion. Beef and milk produced on grass in temperate regions have a composition with nutritional advantages over beef or milk produced in indoor systems based on concentrate. Increasing water soluble carbohydrate content of grasses would diminish environmental contamination by reducing the excretion of urea through the urine. Increasing the digestibility of the forage would reduce methane production per unit of animal product

    Nestroy, Johann: "El talismán"

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    \u27Un Ratito\u27 & \u27Stargazing\u27

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    Distributed cognition applied to the empirical analysis of computer supported collaborative kowledge management interactions

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    In the field of Human Computer Interaction, and more specifically in the field of Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Knowledge Management, cognitive and sociological dimensions cannot be neglected in the design of value analysis. The material and social environment models almost all cognitive processes because the vast majority of them are mediated by the interaction with other agents and other artifacts. Computers connected to the Internet, are becoming fundamental elements of these interactions. Following these premises, in this paper, a methodological framework is applied, called MAIA (Methodology for the analysis of the interaction between agents of a socio-technical system), structured and based on distributed cognition in order to facilitate the analysis of a collaborative Web system oriented to knowledge management in an academic context, at high university level. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the interactions of cognitive agents that occur during the cycle of knowledge management (activities to use, create, distribute and share knowledge), and on how they affect coordination, communication and collaboration, key aspects of group work.XI Workshop de Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

    Supplementation of Temperate Pastures

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    Generally in temperate regions, beef and milk were produced on extensive systems with forage from perennial pasture and natural grassland being the main component of animal diet. Supplementation on pasture was usually applied strategically to supply nutrients to grazing cattle only when forage availability was not enough to satisfy animal’s requirements. At present beef and dairy production systems have become more intensive and even when forage from pasture continue being the main component of the diet higher level of different type of supplement are fed to the animals. Intensive systems are characterized by a higher stocking rate capable of consuming the spring regrowth of pasture, and by an increment in the amount of supplement offered to the animal. Two factors affect nutrient intake when cattle on grazing are supplemented with concentrate: 1) substitution rate of pasture by concentrate, and 2) the depression on fiber digestion. On high quality pasture the effect of supplementation on substitution rate is more important than the effect on fiber digestion while in low quality pasture the opposite occur, it means the depression on fiber digestion is what more affect nutrient intake. In winter forage production is minimum and cattle is supplemented to maintain the stocking rate needed to graze efficiently pasture in spring. Corn silage is generally supplemented in winter and in this case animal performance will be affected by the energy contents of corn silage, which it will depend mainly on the grain content in the total plant and the digestibility of the rest of the plant. In autumn the grazing diet is usually unbalanced in term of energy and protein because an excess of degradable protein in temperate pasture normally occur causing high levels of ammonium nitrogen in rumen fluid. Starch contained in barley and wheat grain or in high moisture corn are more readily available at ruminal level that starch from dry corn or sorghum being therefore those grain a better energy supplement to cows on grazing in the fall. However in several trial trying to balance autumn pasture with readily available starch, even when some effect on ruminal level was observed, not always an effect on milk yield or body weight gain was obtained. Summer supplementation on beef production is generally done to increase body weight gain when quality of mature pasture decrease and to finish the animals with an optimum fat deposition before slaughtering. Due to the importance that meat quality and composition is getting in the international market, different type and amount of grain supplementation on grazing or finishing in feedlot will have to be considered in order to produce the type of meat that each specific market will demand. Beef from grazing steers had a lower content of cholesterol, a higher amount of n-3 linolenic acid and a lower n-6/n-3 linolenic ratio. Linolenic acid from pasture would be the source for this conjugated unsaturated fatty acid in beef. The importance of those fatty acids relay on their incidence in reducing the risk of arterial coronary diseases. Pasture-finished steers had lower predicted lean yields, smaller rib-eye areas, and darker colored meat than grain-finished steers. Although a yellowish fat was obtained in steers finished on pasture, grain feeding did not change fat texture, nor tenderness, juiciness, flavor and overall acceptability by consumers. Even when drylot steers had a higher performance and better carcass characteristics, compared to grazing steers, those parameters were improved when grazing was supplemented with grain. In dairy, considering the high losses of dietary nitrogen occurring in temperate pasture it could be suggested that the amount of amino acids reaching duodenum and available for absorption could be not enough to satisfy nutrient requirements of high yielding cows. However, responses to protein supplementation on milk production and composition are quite variable and generally disappointed. On milk quality, there is currently limited opportunity for dairy farmer with grazing systems to manipulate the composition of the N components in milk by supplementing different type of concentrate. As conclusion it could be said that there is not a unique approach to supplement animals on grazing. Each situation would require its own analysis to produce at the lowest cost the product that the specific marker requires

    Distributed cognition applied to the empirical analysis of computer supported collaborative kowledge management interactions

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    In the field of Human Computer Interaction, and more specifically in the field of Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Knowledge Management, cognitive and sociological dimensions cannot be neglected in the design of value analysis. The material and social environment models almost all cognitive processes because the vast majority of them are mediated by the interaction with other agents and other artifacts. Computers connected to the Internet, are becoming fundamental elements of these interactions. Following these premises, in this paper, a methodological framework is applied, called MAIA (Methodology for the analysis of the interaction between agents of a socio-technical system), structured and based on distributed cognition in order to facilitate the analysis of a collaborative Web system oriented to knowledge management in an academic context, at high university level. Specifically, the analysis focuses on the interactions of cognitive agents that occur during the cycle of knowledge management (activities to use, create, distribute and share knowledge), and on how they affect coordination, communication and collaboration, key aspects of group work.XI Workshop de Ingeniería de SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

    Soil indexes related to irrigated corn yields : in a typic torrifluvent of Mendoza (Argentina)

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    In this work we took advantage of the great variability among replicates of the same fertilizer treatments in order to find relationships between soil characteris-tics and grain and stubble yield of eaeh plol. In this loamy alluvial soil of ca. 60 cm deep over the stony subsoil (pebbles, gravel.etc). The grain yield in the 12 non fertilized plots ranged between ca. 5 t/ha and 15 Uha, and the stubble between 7.75 Uha and 26,65 t/ ha. The general CV was 45%. The irrigation regime was optimized keeping the minimum available water at 30% of the total. Among the many soil characteris-tics studied total soil nitrogen (Nt) was the one that correlated most with the yield; P extracted with C02 satura-ted water at a 1: 1O relation (P-C02 1: 1O) and exchangea-ble potassium with amonium acetate (Ke-NH4) also showed some degree of correlation but the two of them showed significant correlations to Nt. Regression equations were calculated. Two group of plots were separated among the total 96 in the assay, and the minimum and maximum values of the related soil indexes were given. The group 1 was characterized by a minimum grain yield of ca. 14 Uha and group 11 by a maximum yield of 5 Uha. The minimum values fer group I and the maximum for group 11, as mg/kg in the 0-60 cm soillayer were, respectively : Nt 725 and 319 ; P-C02 1:103.68 and 2.43; Ke-NH4 180 and 147. In the 12 non fertilized plots the regression equation found between grain yield in kg/ha (Y) and total Nt mg/kg in the 0-60 cm soillayer was: Y =-3 393 + 24.04 X, r2 0.945 and the Standard error of estimation ± 916.Fil: Nijensohn, León. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Maffei, José A. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Rearte, Emilio . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícol

    Incidencia de las características de la Facultad sobre la probabilidad de que un alumno universitario posea vocación emprendedora

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el impacto que ejercen las características de la facultad y su localización sobre la probabilidad de que un alumno posea vocación emprendedora. Las facultades incluidas en la muestra son de gestión pública y privada, y en ellas se dictan carreras de administración, economía e ingeniería. Se encuentran localizadas en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, ciudad de 3 millones de habitantes, y en ciudades del Gran Buenos Aires y del resto de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires, cuyos tamaños oscilan entre los 200.000 y 650.000 habitantes. Mediante un modelo lineal generalizado mixto se estima la probabilidad de que un alumno con ciertas características personales y actitudinales, que asiste a una determinada facultad, posea vocación emprendedora. Los resultados indican que dicha probabilidad es mayor si el alumno estudia en una universidad privada o ubicada, en ciudades de mayor tamaño.Fil: Liseras, Natacha. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.Fil: Gennero de Rearte, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina