568 research outputs found

    On Z-graded loop Lie algebras, loop groups, and Toda equations

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    Toda equations associated with twisted loop groups are considered. Such equations are specified by Z-gradations of the corresponding twisted loop Lie algebras. The classification of Toda equations related to twisted loop Lie algebras with integrable Z-gradations is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, talk given at the Workshop "Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems" (Dubna, January, 2007

    Role of magnetic degrees of freedom in a scenario of phase transformations in steel

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    The diversity of mesostructures formed in steel at cooling from a high-temperature austenite ("gamma") phase is determined by the interplay of shear reconstructions of crystal lattice and diffusion of carbon. Combining first-principles calculations with large-scale phase-field simulations we demonstrate a decisive role of magnetic degrees of freedom in the formation of energy relief along the Bain path of "gamma"-"alpha" transformation and, thus, in this interplay. We show that there is the main factor, namely, the magnetic state of iron and its evolution with temperature which controls the change in character of the transformation. Based on the computational results we propose a simple model which reproduces, in good agreement with experiment, the most important curves of the phase transformation in Fe-C, namely, the lines relevant to a start of ferrite, bainite, and martensite transformations. Phase-field simulations within the model describe qualitatively typical patterns at these transformations

    Free Energy of the Eight Vertex Model with an Odd Number of Lattice Sites

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    We calculate the bulk contribution for the doubly degenerated largest eigenvalue of the transfer matrix of the eight vertex model with an odd number of lattice sites N in the disordered regime using the generic equation for roots proposed by Fabricius and McCoy. We show as expected that in the thermodynamic limit the result coincides with the one in the N even case.Comment: 11 pages LaTeX New introduction, Method change

    Dependent coordinates in path integral measure factorization

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    The transformation of the path integral measure under the reduction procedure in the dynamical systems with a symmetry is considered. The investigation is carried out in the case of the Wiener--type path integrals that are used for description of the diffusion on a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with the given free isometric action of the compact semisimple unimodular Lie group. The transformation of the path integral, which factorizes the path integral measure, is based on the application of the optimal nonlinear filtering equation from the stochastic theory. The integral relation between the kernels of the original and reduced semigroup are obtained.Comment: LaTeX2e, 28 page

    Luminescence of LaBr3:Ce,Hf scintillation crystals under UV-VUV and X-ray excitation

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    The present study was carried out by means of the low temperature time-resolved luminescence UV–VUV spectroscopy as well as the optical and thermally activation spectroscopy. The Ce3+ centers in regular lattice sites and located in the vicinity of the point defects of crystal structure were observed. Spectral and kinetic characteristics of the luminescence of these centers were defined. A photoluminescence of new point defects of the crystal structure are also manifested. We evaluated the energy of the interband transitions as Eg ≈ 6.2 eV in LaBr3. At the excitation energies Eexc>13 eV (higher than 2Eg) the effect of the electronic excitations multiplication was detected

    A comparative study of replicative properties of antitumor recombinant vaccinia viruses on human glioblastoma cell culture U87 and monkey kidney cell culture CV-1

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    In the world of today, virotherapy is one of the rapidly developing areas in the treatment of cancer, and its advantage is selective destruction of cancer cells with minimizing the destructive effect on normal cells of the body. A promising basis for the creation of oncolytic drugs is orthopoxviruses, which have a number of advantages over other viral vectors, and one of these advantages is a large capacity of the genome, which allows genes encoding proteins with antitumor properties to be cloned into their genome. In this study, we compared the replicative properties of ten variants of vaccinia virus (the strain LIVP of VACV) using human glioblastoma cell culture; some of these viruses have additional genes, such as the gene encoding granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, gene encoding apoptosis-inducing protein TRAIL and gene encoding green fluorescent protein. Furthermore, the virus with five virulence genes deleted (genes encoding hemagglutinin, γ-interferonbinding protein, thymidine kinase, complementbinding protein and Bcl2-like inhibitor of apoptosis), which has significantly lower reactogenicity and neurovirulence compared to the original strain LIVP of VACV, was studied. These data suggest that variants of vaccinia virus with a defective gene encoding thymidine kinase most actively replicate in glioblastoma cell culture

    Asymptotics of Toeplitz Determinants and the Emptiness Formation Probability for the XY Spin Chain

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    We study an asymptotic behavior of a special correlator known as the Emptiness Formation Probability (EFP) for the one-dimensional anisotropic XY spin-1/2 chain in a transverse magnetic field. This correlator is essentially the probability of formation of a ferromagnetic string of length nn in the antiferromagnetic ground state of the chain and plays an important role in the theory of integrable models. For the XY Spin Chain, the correlator can be expressed as the determinant of a Toeplitz matrix and its asymptotical behaviors for nn \to \infty throughout the phase diagram are obtained using known theorems and conjectures on Toeplitz determinants. We find that the decay is exponential everywhere in the phase diagram of the XY model except on the critical lines, i.e. where the spectrum is gapless. In these cases, a power-law prefactor with a universal exponent arises in addition to an exponential or Gaussian decay. The latter Gaussian behavior holds on the critical line corresponding to the isotropic XY model, while at the critical value of the magnetic field the EFP decays exponentially. At small anisotropy one has a crossover from the Gaussian to the exponential behavior. We study this crossover using the bosonization approach.Comment: 40 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. The poor quality of some figures is due to arxiv space limitations. If You would like to see the pdf with good quality figures, please contact Fabio Franchini at "[email protected]

    РПД-логия и совершенствование образования в XXI в.

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    The introduction to the article describes the situation that has developed in the system of higher education in Russia after Perestroika and has led to an unambiguous predominance of administration over professionally significant employees.The objective of the article is to arrange a detailed analysis of the reasons for the inversely proportional relationship between the level of creativity and the level of bureaucratization that is emerging in modern conditions. As an example, such an aspect of bureaucratic activity as the development and implementation of standards, represented, in particular, by the work programs of disciplines (WPD) and work programs of practices (WPP), is taken.The main research methodology is a comparative and comparative historical analysis, which allows to identify the features of the activities for the creation of WPD and WPP, which is considered necessary to improve the level of methodological work and the corresponding improvement in the quality of teaching.The result of the study allows us to show that the organization of methodological work is built hierarchically, with methodologists at the upper levels, and all teachers, including professors, at the lower levels. The work of the making of educational programs has turned, on the one hand, into a separate discipline, and, on the other hand, into a process, completely autonomous from educational and scientific activities. It is necessary not for educational activities, but exclusively for passing confirmations from authorities (attestations). In addition, rigid and constantly changing requirements for standards (including changes of the standards themselves) are reinforced by additional requirements for the quality of teaching staff, which are growing according to the awareness of the ineffectiveness of previous measures. This practice is considered in the context of the global trend of transformation of universities from “universities of culture” to the “universities of excellence” (in Bill Readings’ terminology).The authors of the article come to conclusion that as a result of the ongoing educational policy, a situation arises not just of imitation of education, but of imitation of imitation. The heyday of the WPD-logy is an important modern indicator that the real trajectory of development of most universities in modern Russia actually demonstrates a sign ificant decline of the level teaching.Введение. В статье характеризуется ситуация, сложившаяся в системе высшего образования в России после перестройки и приведшая к однозначному преобладанию администрирования над профессионально значимыми сотрудниками. Задачей статьи является детальный анализ причин складывающейся в современных условиях обратно пропорциональной связи между уровнем креативности и уровнем бюрократизации. В качестве примера берется такие аспекты бюрократической деятельности, как разработка и внедрение стандартов, представляемых, в частности, рабочими программами дисциплин (РПД) и практик (РПП).Основной методологией исследования является сравнительный и сравнительно-исторический анализ, позволяющий выявить особенности деятельности по созданию РПД и РПП, которая считается необходимой для повышения уровня методической работы и соответствующего повышения качества преподавания.Результат исследования позволяет показать, что организация методической работы построена иерархически, причем на верхних уровнях оказываются методисты, а на нижних – все преподаватели, включая профессоров. Работа по созданию учебных программ превратилась, с одной стороны, в отдельную дисциплину, а с другой ‒ в совершенно автономный от учебно-научной деятельности процесс, необходимый не для учебной деятельности, а исключительно для прохождения аттестаций. Кроме того, жесткие и постоянно меняющиеся требования к стандартам (включая и изменения самих стандартов) подкрепляются дополнительными требованиями к качеству педагогического состава, растущими по мере осознания неэффективности предшествующих мер. Такая практика рассматривается в контексте общемировой тенденции трансформации университетов от университетов культуры к университетам совершенства (по терминологии Риддингса).Авторы статьи приходят к выводу, что в результате проводимой образовательной политики возникает ситуация не просто имитации образования, но имитации имитации. Расцвет РПД-логии является важным современным индикатором того, что реальная траектория развития большинства университетов современной России фактически демонстрирует существенное снижение уровня преподавания