9 research outputs found

    Development of electrodes for restoration of details working in conditions of abrasive wear

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    In this work was reviewed the effect of various elements on the phase composition of the deposited metal. The chemical composition of alloying electrodes was developed in this work.В данной статье рассмотрено влияние различных элементов на фазовый состав наплавленного металла. В работе разработан химический состав наплавочных электродов

    Integration methods of a vehicles emergency response system based on navigational units

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    Studying the state of the art of current integration methods of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using neural networks to orchestrate the methods of integration of a car engine with the automobile mechatronic system by using algorithmic electronic control based on new neural networks; to formulate the methodology of electronic model control of an engine with a mechatronic adapter; to design a model enabling calculation of input-output data; to analyze results of cold and hot tests of an engine, develop methods improving tests with the help of mechatronic adapter; to reason power and torque of an engine integrated with the mechatronic adapter; conceptualize the method of assessing fuel economy and environmental performances of an engine; put forward a guidance on research application and estimate economic efficiency. The article discusses the topic of improving the safety of transportation by introducing the latest capabilities of advanced technologies. The proposed solution uses the composition of engineering networks to expand such networks as ERA-GLONASS and e Call, which allows not only to transmit additional information, but also to combine information to determine the necessary means of emergency assistance and coordinate the entire emergency response operation. The key concept of the approach is to model the cyber-physical components of the human device using collections of resources that reflect them. Services have the ability to self-regulate, which allows them to independently adapt their behavior to the context of the vehicle driver's environment

    Comparison of the resistance to cavitation and abrasive wear of deposited layers prepared from steels 06X19H9T and Fe-Cr-Ti-Al

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    The resistance of deposited layers to cavitation erosion and abrasive wear was evaluated for the steels AISI 321 (known as 06X19H9T manufactured according to the Russian standard GOST 18143-72) and Fe-Cr-Ti-Al (two materials namely Ural AS-3 and PPM-6). The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW or TIG) process was utilized to deposit these welding material wires onto a medium carbon steel substrate AISI 1040. Cavitation test was conducted by using ultrasonic vibratory method to induce the erosion. In addition, a three-body abrasion test was used to evaluate the resistance of the studied materials to abrasive wear. The material loss criterion and wear rate of each material as a function to testing time were evaluated and discussed. The cavitation and abrasive wear tests have shown similar results regarding the PPM-6 steel. Among the tested material, PPM-6 exhibited the better resistance to cavitation and abrasion. The 06X19H9T stainless steel exhibited a higher resistance to cavitation comparing with the Ural AS-3. With respect to the abrasive wear, Ural AS-3 was to some degree better than the 06X19H9T in resistance to abrasion. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, FASIE: 0035960This work was done within the state order of IMP UB RAS on the subject no. AAAA-A18-118020190116-6, within the state order of IMP UB RAS on the subject ―Laser, and IES UB RAS on the subject no. AAAA-A18-118020790147-4. The present study was supported by FASIE, program Development-NTI 2017, project No. 0035960

    Characteristics of strain-induced martensitic transformation in welded joints with the structure of metastable austenite

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    Welded joints of medium-carbon steel were performed by arc welding in shielding gases using cored wire of 50Cr18 type. Phase transitions in the process of crystallization and subsequent thermal and deformation effects under loading were studied. For this purpose, the weldability, wear resistant tests and structure study results were analyzed. It was found that the structure contains an increased amount of metastable austenite, δ-ferrite and high-strength carbonaceous-chromiс martensite. Welded joints have a high capacity for intensive hardening during local deformation due to the TRIP effect. At the same time, they are highly resistant against the formation of cold cracks, which is the main defect in the welds of medium-carbon steels. It was shown that these features are reasoned from the heterophase dissipative structure of the weld metal formed under the conditions of a typical thermal-deformation cycle of the welded joint. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V


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    Исследовано влияние химического состава металлической основы сплавов на стабильность остаточного аустенита по отношению к деформационному мартенситному превращению и способность к упрочнению. Рассмотрено влияние разных режимов термической обработки на износостойкость.The effect of chemical composition metal base on residual austenite stability towards deformation martensite transformation and the hardenability had considered. The effect of various heat treatment regimens on the wear resistance


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    FIELD: metallurgy. SUBSTANCE: invention can be used to produce welded joints from medium-carbon medium-alloyed armour steels. Welding wire contains components in the following ratio, wt. %: chromium 18.5–22.0, carbon 0.3–0.4, nitrogen 0.1–0.2, aluminium 0.05–0.1, titanium 0.08–0.2, iron - the rest. EFFECT: welding wire provides high bullet resistance of welded joints.Изобретение может быть использовано для получения сварных соединений из среднеуглеродистых среднелегированных броневых сталей. Сварочная проволока содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас. %: хром 18,5-22,0, углерод 0,3-0,4, азот 0,1-0,2, алюминий 0,05-0,1, титан 0,08-0,2, железо – остальное. Сварочная проволока обеспечивает высокую пулестойкость сварных соединений

    A synoptic overview of golden jackal parasites reveals high diversity of species

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