537 research outputs found

    “Ratifikasi Piagam ASEAN Berdasarkan Kedaulatan Hukum Indonesia”

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    This paper discuss about whether the ratification of the ASEAN Charter in accordance with Indonesian sovereignty. Results of this study indicate that a treaty is apply before it was officially implemented in Indonesia. This is because UU (the Act) of Ratification is interpreted as approval's DPR (House of Representative) that given to President to ratify a treaty or a charter. That's why, ASEAN Charter applies first before it was enacted in Indonesia. Result of this construction is illogical, how can be possible, Indonesia is bound to a treaty or a charter which hasn't applied yet. Although Indonesia has been engaged in a treaty, but as a sovereign country, Indonesia still has the right to independently (unilateral) to withdraw from the treaty if it is detrimental to the sovereignty of the Indonesia state. Therefore, as the State supremacy of the constitution, a new foundation need to be formalized in UUD 1945 (the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945) by amending Article 11 of the UUD 1945

    Penggunaan Analytical Hierarchy Process dalam Penentuan Prioritas Penyuluhan Perikanan di Wilayah Perkotaan pada Pengelolaan Usaha Budidaya Perikanan: Kasus di Kota Bogor

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    Kegiatan penyuluhan budidaya ikan merupakan salah satu faktor yang dianggap penting untuk diterapkan dengan baik di Bogor sebagai salah satu wilayah perkotaan di negara ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) menentukan materi/informasi penyuluhan perikanan yang akan disampaikan untuk mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan dan aspek-aspek terkini dalam USAha budidaya perikanan di wilayah perkotaan; (2) menentukan prioritas terhadap materi/ informasi penyuluhan perikanan; (3) menentukan pilihan alternatif sebagai strategi penyuluhan perikanan yang efektif pada pengelolaan USAha budidaya ikan di wilayah perkotaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain eksplorasi yang diarahkan untuk memprioritaskan isu-isu tersebut dengan menerapkan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Sampel penelitian merupakan panel pakar/ahli yang terdiri dari sembilan responden (mewakili pembudidaya ikan, pejabat pembina, pengambil keputusan, dan akademisi) dibentuk untuk mengembangkan prioritas masalah penyuluhan budidaya perikanan secara sistematis dengan menggunakan AHP. Ada delapan isu utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, dimana setiap isu terdiri dari tiga sampai lima sub isu. Metode analisis data pada penelitian ini terdiri dari: (a) penilaian/pembandingan elemen berpasangan; (b) penyusunan matriks eigenvector berpasangan ternormalisasi dan uji konsistensi; dan (c) penetapan prioritas pada masing-masing hirarki. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa penerapan budidaya yang ramah lingkungan dan pelestarian ekosistem berada dalam prioritas utama dari kriteria materi/informasi penyuluhan di kota Bogor. Pengembangan USAha budidaya ikan yang produktif dan berkelanjutan adalah prioritas lain yang dianggap sebagai sub-kriteria utama dari materi/informasi penyuluhan budidaya perikanan. Selain itu, juga ditemukan bahwa kegiatan penyuluhan budidaya perikanan berbasis keterampilan adalah strategi yang paling efektif di daerah perkotaan seperti Kota Bogor

    Peranan Lembaga Beslag dan Pelaksanaannya dalam Perkara Perdata di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Negeri Jambi

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    The purpose of this researc is to describe the roles and implementation of confiscation in Jambi court. The sample was taken by purpisive sampling technique and tha date was analysed by qualitative-descriptve technique. From the analysis it is concluded that the roles and the implementation of confiscation in Jambi court depend on the litigants and the accused. It is also found out that the litigants feel assissted during the process of the confiscation. Another finding is that third party frequently take over the ownership of the goods in the dispute. Effor that has been taken to solve this problems is tha the goods are carefully recorded. Besides, there should be collaboration with RT or Kelurahan

    The Impact of Design Correlations on Rate-based Modeling of a Large Scale CO2 Capture with MEA

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    AbstractHydrodynamics and mass transfer correlations for the design of structured packed columns have been studied in order to compare the effect of different design correlations on the rate-based modeling of a large scale CO2 capture process with a chemical solvent. The commonly used correlations like the Bravo et al.,[1] and Billet and Schultes [2] were applied in this study for the prediction of mass transfer in an absorber column. Two cases are considered: absorption of CO2 from a gas-fired power plant (430 MWe) and absorption of CO2 from a coal-fired power plant (800 MWe). In this work a scale-up analysis with respect to the effect of correlations used on the performance of the system for CO2 capture with MEA was done within the Aspen RateSep simulator. The study showed that there is significant uncertainty associated with applying the proposed correlations for large scale packed columns for capturing CO2 from gas-fired and coal-fired power plants. The height of packed column varies in both gas-fired and coal-fired power plants with the selected correlations. It was found that there is more uncertainty in using the selected correlations for absorption of CO2 from gas fired power plant compared to a coal-fired power plant because of the lower CO2 concentration. The differences are caused by both the mass transfer and the effective interfacial area models

    A Highly Antibacterial Achievement of Hollow Fiber Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles

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    A highly antibacterial of hollow fiber polyethersulfone (PES) membrane was prepared by loading silver nanoparticles within the PES graft acrylamide (AAm)-membrane. The grafted layers of AAm were provided the matrix for silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) entrapment. The characterization of the prepared hollowfiber (HF) PES membrane loaded with silver nanoparticles were examined by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). To examine the antibacterial property of the prepared AgNPs-AAm-PES membrane, the halo zone and the shaking flask test were carried out. In these tests, both of unmodified PES membrane and AgNPs-AAm-PES membrane were exposed to pure culture suspension of Escherichia coli (E. Coli) bacteria with the concentration of 107 CFU/ml. The viable bacteria formed within the membrane surfaces and themembrane circumferences were observed by the halo zone formation, while the percentage of bacteria killing ratio was determined by shaking flask test method. The TEM results showed that the silver nanoparticles were formed within grafted layers of AAm-PES membrane and the size of silver nanoparticleswere about 10 nm. The AgNPs-AAm-PES membrane were highly effective to prevent the membrane biofouling as shown by the clearly halo zone formation compared with the unmodified PES membrane. The shake flask test were also revealed that almost 99.9 percent of the E. coli bacteria were killed when theyhaving exposed to the AgNPs-AAm-PES membrane. This was due to the silver ions are allowed to release from its membrane surfac

    Determinasi Peran dan Strategi Pengembangan Pusat Pelatihan Mandiri Kelautan dan Perikanan di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Pengkajian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan desain eksploratori dalam penentuan prioritas terhadap peran dan alternatif strategi pengembangan P2MKP didasarkan atas bobot prioritas atau kepentingannya dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Keterpaduan antara program pelatihan P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan” merupakan strategi yang paling diprioritaskan dalam membangun sinergitas P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan perikanan, dengan bobot 31,52%, kemudian strategi “pengikutsertaan koordinator penyuluh daerah sebagai pembina P2MKP”, dengan bobot 28,56% sebagai prioritas kedua, dan strategi “sebagian instruktur berasal dari penyuluh perikanan” dengan bobot 24,17% sebagai strategi prioritas ketiga dalam membangun sinergitas P2MKP dengan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan perikanan. Dari beberapa strategi pengembangan P2MKP yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka mendukung proses peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia kelautan dan perikanan: Strategi “pengikutsertaan/ peningkatan peran penyuluh perikanan” merupakan strategi pengembangan P2MKP yang paling diprioritaskan, kemudian strategi “optimalisasi penyelenggaraan pelatihan” sebagai prioritas kedua, dan strategi “pembangunan kemitraan strategis” sebagai strategi prioritas ketiga
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