5 research outputs found

    (Examining Role of Environmental Design (Architecture and Urban Design) in Crime Prevention in the Iran's Urban Spaces, Case Study: Public Spaces in Residential Districts of Sanandaj at Present Time)

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    The importance of policies, plans and tactics for crime prevention, considering penal justice inefficiency, are undeniable. One of the crime prevention physical methods is "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED), which first time proposed by American criminologist C. R. Jeffery in a Book by the same name. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design can be defined: Space and built environment effective and efficient design that result in decreasing criminally opportunity, fear of crime and life quality improvement. This theory is based on this idea that people behaviors in the built environment are influenced by its design. This theory emphasize that criminals can be prevented and controlled by making inspection opportunities better, clear and distinguished definition of realm and positive imagination of environment. This theory six section: Territorial Reinforcement, Natural Surveillance, Natural access control, Maintenance, Access control hardening and activity support. In this research some practical approaches in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design are presented by illustrated design methods and public residential urban spaces in Sanandaj has been investigated

    How to identify and apply the inhabiting characteristics of the Kurdish culture to today's residential design

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    Culture has a wide and deep meaning and finds its identity through belonging to a society of human beings in a specific place. When we consider the Kurdish people, this identity includes various, distinctive characteristics, which some parts of them are related to the methods and rules of living in residential accommodations. Those inhabiting characteristics which are specific to the Kurdish culture and distinguish it from other cultures are blood-based relationships, hospitality and entertainment, ceremonies and customary visits, behavioral patterns of space using, believing and traditional values, spiritual and mental needs and interests, and the coexistence of several families together. In this article, after examining the human’s behavioral principles, characteristics, and specifications in the mentioned cultural issues, the possibility of making good environment to realize them in a house designed and built according to the common patterns of today’s architecture in this region is surveyed and some approaches are suggested to apply them. These approaches include the kind, relation, form, and dimensions of the spaces of a residential unit and the elements attached to those spaces

    (Effective Factors on Changing, Sustainability and Recovery of Functional Identity of Sanandaj's Urban Public Spaces)

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    The foresighted functions for urban public spaces maybe change by various parameters during passing time and because of belonging Function to one of Architecture knowledge triple areas; this will change Identity of space. This identity changing, causes weakening in urban space definition and disturbance in its valuable characteristics, and finally results in disorder and mess in the city. Recognition of kind and amount of this identity changing, its reasons, methods for change preventing and regaining original identity, are main issues of this research. Functional identity changing of urban public spaces which are not belong to personal people and their main usage are connection and movement, is to three kind: commercial, social and recreative. Also pedestrian and riding urban movement routes have unwished interferences. These functional changes mostly occur in Sanandajs' city center and causes increasing in existing problems of this area. In this research after recognition and examining these changes, some solutions have proposed for improving current situation and preventing current problems

    (In Search of Urban Identity in Sanandaj)

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    In this book different aspects which have created the identity for city of Sanandaj have been identified, described and analysed. This includes historical, cultural, social and built environment characteristics and features. Definitions and meaning of identity and its relation to habitation and dwelling in urban scale have been investigated. Various parameters which contribute to make and identify for this city are introduced in detail: historical origins and city growth stages, literature and linguistics, geographical and environmental features, traditional and cultural characteristics, and main elements of art in the context are presented. The main part of this research is investigating and analysing the built environment including old districts and significant ancient buildings. Physical and spatial structure development stages of the city, urban and architectural design principles and specifications within a detailed research on district parts and building components and details are explained, described and explored

    Climate change impact on a green building

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    The concept of a green building (GB) implies a building that has implemented several sustainable strategies to increase its resilience to climate change. These types of buildings are designed to be aligned with the climate and location where they stand. Therefore, the strategies used are highly dependent on the outdoor climate and may require changes in the future due to global warming. Evaluating the present energy performance in these buildings and predicting any changes in future climate scenarios is crucial to understand if the strategies adopted initially will maintain efficient. This research aims to predict the resilience of a GB to global warming. It predicts the impact of climate change and determines the thermal comfort and energy performance of a GB by comparing three future climate scenarios with present climate conditions. Hence, a university GB was simulated and calibrated with measured data. Then, to predict climate conditions in the 2050 s and 2090 s, several future weather files based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) were used. The results show a reduction in heating energy use and an increase in cooling, leading to a combined impact increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 17.8% (RCP 8.5). The overall energy use tends to remain almost constant through the different scenarios with a maximum predicted increase of 4% in GHG emissions. Similarly, the electricity production from the 625 m2 photovoltaic system in the GB slightly increases through the scenarios with an overall average of 2.17%. Finally, it is predicted that the case study GB maintains the required levels of thermal comfort over time given global warming