(Examining Role of Environmental Design (Architecture and Urban Design) in Crime Prevention in the Iran's Urban Spaces, Case Study: Public Spaces in Residential Districts of Sanandaj at Present Time)


The importance of policies, plans and tactics for crime prevention, considering penal justice inefficiency, are undeniable. One of the crime prevention physical methods is "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED), which first time proposed by American criminologist C. R. Jeffery in a Book by the same name. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design can be defined: Space and built environment effective and efficient design that result in decreasing criminally opportunity, fear of crime and life quality improvement. This theory is based on this idea that people behaviors in the built environment are influenced by its design. This theory emphasize that criminals can be prevented and controlled by making inspection opportunities better, clear and distinguished definition of realm and positive imagination of environment. This theory six section: Territorial Reinforcement, Natural Surveillance, Natural access control, Maintenance, Access control hardening and activity support. In this research some practical approaches in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design are presented by illustrated design methods and public residential urban spaces in Sanandaj has been investigated

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