26 research outputs found

    Video animation as teaching aid for engineering drawing course in Malaysia vocational college

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    The rapid development of information and communications technology (ICT) today has given a new breath to use of computer in education. One of the increasingly popular nowadays is a multimedia technology that merges a variety of media such as text, graphics, animation, video and audio controlled by a computer. With this technology, a wide range of multimedia software can be developed to improve the quality of education. This study aims to develop a multimedia educational animated video based interactive teaching and learning theory and design appropriate for Engineering Drawing subject in the title of Orthographic Projection according to the syllabus of Malaysia Vocational College. This research involved 30 respondents from Industrial Machining students in Vocational College. The research design was conducted by simple survey to collect data from the respondents. The instruments used in the form of a questionnaire to obtain information. Data was collected and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 24. The study found that the interactive multimedia materials that have visual graphics, text, audio, video and animation, capable of increasing the rate of their acceptance more than 30% compared to using traditional learning methods

    The characteristics of the Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) through Moodle: a view on students’ knowledge construction process

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    Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is based on the pedagogical process of observation where students will learn progressively through active group interaction. CSCL is an emerging branch of the learning sciences concerned with studying on how people can learn together with the help of computers. Thus, this research was conducted to measure the characteristics of the CSCL learning environment through Moodle that assists the process of students’ knowledge construction during the teaching and learning process. The CSCL learning environment is an educational learning system which develops to help the teachers and students in managing School Based Assessment (SBA) in selected secondary school in Malaysia. Samples involved two groups of students and two Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teachers from two different schools. A total of 61 students, who were taught using CSCL approach through Moodle, underwent the process of teaching and learning using their school computer laboratory. The finding shows that the characteristics of the CSCL learning approach that used in this learning environment for the first group are at a high level with overall mean of 4.17 and the second group at moderate level with overall mean of 3.62. The result proves that the characteristics of the CSCL learning environment help students to build their knowledge during teaching and learning process at the high level with an overall mean score of 3.87. The mean of these two groups may vary according to students’ background, as well as learning environment facilities. Although, CSCL leads to students’ self-development, improving learning quality, sharing knowledge and assisting students’ in the process of building their knowledge, implementation of CSCL must first considering the technology relevant facilities, especially computer laboratory and internet accessibility in school. The implication is that designing a good CSCL must also taking into account the targeted users’ cultural background and socioeconomic factor

    Level of readiness to become entrepreneurs among lifelong learning programmes participants in Malaysian community colleges

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    An entrepreneur needs to be physically and mentally prepared, with creative thinking skills, risk taker attitudes, as well as being a wise decision maker. Individuals aiming to be successful entrepreneurs need to have adequate entrepreneurial readiness with respect to knowledge, interests, motivation and abilities. The purpose of the research is to measure the level of readiness towards becoming entrepreneurs among participants of the lifelong learning programme in Malaysian community colleges. This research focuses on four elements of readiness comprising knowledge, interest, motivation and ability which were measured using a self-perception questionnaire. The sample for this research consisted of 236 participants from 305 students in the Lifelong Learning (LL) programme for Pastry making at Malaysian community colleges under the Ministry of Education. Data were analysed using mean and Kruskal Wallis test. The data analyses results show that the level of readiness from the aspect of knowledge (M = 3.67, SD = 0.58) is moderate, interest (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high, motivation (M = 4.13, SD = 0.55) is high and ability (M = 3.8852, SD = 0.64) is moderate. No difference was found on entrepreneurial readiness between participants of different age groups indicating that age may not be a contributing factor towards entrepreneurship among pastry making LL programme participants

    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and iot

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    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and IoT was for helping chicken breeders to address the issue of chicken production shortages. To produce large numbers of poultry production, eggs hatching is one of the major step that needs to pay attention to. There are several reasons why egg hatching process fails, such as lack of care by hen, eaten by rooster, and unsuitable hatching environment and temperature. In addition, if the eggs are not incubated within 1 week, the eggs will be damaged having producing a hatching machine and egg storage can help the chicken breeders to produce a better amount of chicken production. Internet of Things (IoT) elements such as the Arduino and Blynk are also used to make this egg hatching and storage machine attractive and to meet the needs and requirements of users. The objectives of this study were to design, develop and evaluate the functionality of egg hatching and storage machines in combination with cooling and heating systems along with IoT. Methodology is a technique and method that incorporates methods and approaches used to achieve the objectives and objectives of the study. The model used is the ADDIE model which consists of 5 phases namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This product has received expert confirmation in terms of design and functionality. The results show that the egg hatching and storage machine is well developed and can attract users when using this hatching and storage machine

    Elements of Competency for Facility Engineers in The Field of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

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    The challenge for institutions of higher learning today is to provide the human capital that this industry desperately needs. Past studies have shown that most graduates of local institutions of higher learning do not have the necessary work skills and competencies in the market and there seems to be mismatch in the preparation of graduates for the local job market. In this regard, universities are often blamed for failing to meet the needs of industry and employers. On this basis, this study is hoped to open further discussion space and can help the parties involved in making improvements to improve the quality of graduates especially producing skilled workforce according to industry demand. This study aims to explore the elements of competency that a facility engineer should have in the field of air conditioning and air conditioning. This study was done to provide a comprehensive overview of the elements of competency that need to be presented to the Facility Engineers in order to help the graduates of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology course at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) to be better prepared for the occupational environment. This study used the Modified Delphi Technique – MDT approach for the purpose of obtaining expert approval on constructs in questionnaire instruments as well as using literature survey study through analysis documents. The research instrument used was a set of questionnaires prepared to obtain evaluation from experts. The data were processed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software to obtain the mean score, median and Interquartile Range (IQR) for each item. The findings of the literature review through document analysis produced ten elements and 64 items. Meanwhile, the findings of the modified Delphi study produced the competence of Facility Engineers which has 10 elements and 62 items

    Design and development of installer tool for file handle

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    This study discussed the tool installer's development process for File Handle to facilitate handle mounted on a file. This study aims to help the lab assistant who has trouble making the installation process for file handle where the files should have the installation neat and undamaged. Therefore, in this study, the Tools Installer File Handle study was developed to solve their problems in making the files' installation process handle more effectively. This is a product development study based on the ADDIE model with five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The study involved laboratory assistants in the Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in the mechanical field as experts in the final phase. The experts evaluated the functionality of the product. The expert evaluation and validation findings for Installer Tool File Handle show a high percentage of the suitability of the design and installation functions as a tool. In conclusion, this study proves that the product "Installer File Handle" is suitable for laboratory assistants to handle files' installation process and make the process more effective and reduce working time

    Learning Transfer Exploration Model from Skill Institute to Workplace, PLS-SEM Approach

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    Skills and job mismatch issues have become common and recurring issues in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET). This issue is associated with the transfer of learning that involves various factors such as the area of training, certification level, curriculum, instructors, facilities and resources and industry recognition. In line with the Baldwin & Ford model, learning transfer involves three major factors such as the trainee’s characteristics, the training design and working environment. Therefore, identify the factors which contribute to the effective transfer of learning is necessary. This study attempts to identify which factors are contributing to learning transfer based on National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS) system in skill institutes in Malaysia to workplace. This is because the lack of relevant studies related to the learning transfer on the NOSS system and at once makes it difficult to emphasize the factors to be considered for effective transfer of learning. The design of the survey study through the distribution of questionnaires to 309 Malaysian Skills Certificate trainees was done to generalize the study findings. This study used the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) tool to validate the model. PLS-SEM is choose because it can predict and explain constructs target. Then it can explore the relationship between the construct. Besides that, PLS SEM is chosen because this method can be done on complex structure equation model that consists more constructs and indicators. PLS-SEM can also control both a reflective and formative constructs. Findings indicate that work environment and training design positively influences learning transfer be represented by generalization and retention construct. The findings provide useful insight and information regarding the learning transfer that correlate with mismatch issues that policy makers, training provider, employers and trainees need to consider to produce highly skill workers subsequently completed this skills mismatch issue

    Designing An Augmented Reality Teaching Framework for Mechanical Students at College Vocational in Malaysia

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    With the impact of advanced technologies, people at young age have start using smartphones in their daily life. In the education sector, most researchers have started developing new teaching styles that can adapt to technology nowadays. This also including augmented reality technology that can be used as a teaching aid. However, there are no sufficient studies that analyze the suitable construct that can be formed as a framework as a reference for a mechanical teacher in College Vocational, Malaysia. In order to design a teaching framework to apply AR technology to the mechanical student the researcher performs a systematic literature review. This review analyses nine studies in the field. Based on the result that has been conducted, there are six constructs that have been explored: preparation, process, device, teaching approach, AR-type, and purpose. From this construct, several items has been extracted

    The Motivation Level Towards the Application of Google Apps Among Part-Time Students: A Case Study

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    The rapid development of technology nowadays has changed today’s education system, especially in facilitating teaching and learning, and increasing students’ motivation. The development in the area of applications such as google apps have positively impacted teaching fields as a medium to disseminate information and instructional strategies between a lecturer and students. However, students do not have a sense of motivation to learn a new learning environment that is based on technology. The aim of this study was to determine the level of students’ motivation towards google apps. This was a survey study using a set of questionnaire as the instrument. The data were analyzed using mean scores to determine the students’ level of motivation. These findings showed that the students’ motivation to use google apps were high accordingly in terms of Google Drive for attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction; Google Form for attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction; Google Spreadsheets for attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction, while Google PowerPoint for attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction. The findings helped to determine the appropriate google apps as instructional strategies to be applied in teaching and learning that would be able to increase the students’ motivation to learn. In general, this study supports the use of google apps in assisting learning process that can increase part-time students’ motivation. &nbsp

    Industrial communication networking: an ethernet based implementation

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    Recent advancements achieved in industrial communications and networking technology have made it possible to apply Ethernet-based communication networking system at all levels of industrial automation, especially at the controller level where the capacity to do data exchanges in real-time is mandatory. This paper describes the development of an industrial communications network based on the Ethernet protocol and its implementation in a Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system. The application of Ethernet protocol in such a system is aimed at overcoming the difficulties experienced when trying to communicate in real-time using serial communication networks, such as when attempting to access and retrieve data from other stations. Other advantages of this approach include the relative ease of achieving system integration and the possibility of simple upgrading to include the management and enterprise levels in the industrial automation system pyramid. In this work, the Ethernet module is installed onto a supervisory PLC to integrate all the stations present in the existing CIM system found in our laboratory. The workability of this approach is analyzed and compared with the conventional serial communication network