119 research outputs found

    The Corruption Challenge for Accelerating National Savings in Pakistan: A Fiscal Policy Perspective

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    The paper focuses on the theory of national savings and role of socio-economic factors; predominantly “control of corruption” & “institutions” in affecting the savings rate in Pakistan. The paper employs ADRL model to empirically test the concern of rising corruption in developing country like Pakistan. The results suggest that gross domestic product, net exports, government expenditures, control of corruption, age dependency ratio and real interest rate share a long run relationship with national savings in Pakistan. On the same hand, the results from short-run parameters (ECM) suggest that all explanatory variables except control of corruption (current year) and age dependency ratio have significant impact on saving rate. Since, institutions are embodied in the social structure of a countries and its process of ages to move to open access social order and thus, control of corruption shows results in long run.  Policies targeting strong institutions, with a focus on control of corruption (taken as socio-economic determinant of national savings) would breed efficiency and transparency in system which would lead to more employment opportunities

    Portrayal of Women in National and International Advertisements in Pakistani Magazines: Why Need to Rethink

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    This research examines the portrayal of women in the national and international advertisements of Pakistani leading magazines “The Mag” to explores that how women are presented in advertisement of print media. Four main categories regarding women portrayal with sub categories were used to apprehend the interpretation of the portrayal of the women by adopting comparative approach towards the national and international advertisements. The content analysis of the advertisements in the leading magazine is conducted to analyze the glamour, seductive smile and wearing short dresses in the advertisement to comprehend the portrayal of the women. Findings suggests that in Pakistani magazines women are used as decoratively through glamour look they are presented with glossy makeup and attractive hairstyle with flashy lights on their face in magazines. Outcomes of the comparative analysis indicates that the national advertisements in the female magazines are presenting women with more seductive and facial expressions appeals. Keywords: Advertisements, Respective, submissive, serious, smiling, seductive, with man, alone, full eastern dresses, short western dresses, natural makeup, heavy.

    Comparison of pre operative curvature with postoperative curvature In root canals treated with K 3 rotary systems

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    BACKGROUND: With root canal treatment, the organic debris and micro-organisms from pulp space is removed and an ideal canal preparation is achieved that is conducive of hermetic obturation. The purpose of this study was to correlate the pre-operative canal curvature with the postoperative curvature in human extracted teeth prepared with K-3 rotary systems. METHODS: The root canal preparation was carried out on extracted human molars and premolars using K-3 endodontic rotary files. A pre and post-operative image of the teeth using digital radiograph were taken in order to compare pre and post-operative canal curvature. The images were saved in an images retrieval system (Gendex software, USA). Change in the canal curvature was measured using the software measuring tool (Vixwin software, USA). Student paired t-test and Pearson correlation test was applied at 0.05 level of significance. RESULTS: There is a statistically significant difference between pre-operative and post-operative canal curvature (p-value \u3c0.001) and a strong positive correlation (91% correlation) between pre-operative and post-operative canal curvature in teeth prepared with the K-3 rotary files. CONCLUSIONS: A significant difference between pre and post instrumentation curvature was found. Degree of canal curvature was not correlated with time taken for canal preparation

    Remaining dentine thickness of root canals prepared with K-3 and ProTaper rotary systems

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    Objective: To compare the remaining dentine thickness of root canals prepared with K-3 and ProTaper files..Methods: This in-vitro experimental study was conducted from 1st April-30th September 2015 at the dental clinics of Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised human teeth. Extracted human premolars and molars were included in the study using non-probability consecutive sampling. Canals were randomly allocated into two groups i.e. K-3 and ProTaper. Changes in inner and outer walls of canals were measured using Vixwin software at 1mm, 4mm, 7mm and 10mm from the apex. SPSS 20 was used for data analysis.Results: Of the 214 canals, 107(50%) were assigned to each group. No statistically significant difference was found in the remaining dentine thickness at 1mm, 4mm, 7mm and 10mm from the apex of the teeth prepared with in K-3 versus ProTapers system (p\u3e0.05).CONCLUSIONS: The remaining dentine thickness of the root canals prepared with K-3 files was similar to that of canals prepared with ProTaper files

    Practice Of Endodontic Re-Treatment In Four Cities Of Pakistan

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    Background: Root canal re-treatment is the procedure of choice when the primary root treatment fails but patient is inclined toward salvage of the tooth. The re-treatment is often a challenging procedure owing to lack to the predictability in the outcomes. Since, there is a no single way of planning and executing such procedure, a study was planned to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding endodontic re-treatment among Pakistani dentists. The effect of clinical experience on the re-treatment planning was also determined.Methods: A survey was conducted by distributing a questionnaire among 240 dentists practicing in four major cities of Pakistan. Frequency distribution of the gender, experience, designation of the participants etc. was determined. A case scenario was also shared and responses upon decision making were noted. Chi square test was applied to see if re-treatment decision of experienced dentists (\u3e5 years\u27 practice) was significantly different than less experienced dentists.Results: Out of 240 forms, 160 were received (response rate of 66.67%). The most commonly reported reason for endodontic re-treatment was under prepared/ under filled canals. Nearly 40% participants reported doing re-treatment with hand instruments only and 15% did not employ any solvent during re-treatment. There were no significant differences between the less experienced and the more experienced dentists on re-treatment decisions.CONCLUSIONS: Almost half of the dentists reported inappropriate decision making in re-treatment. This shows that in endodontic re-treatment practice in major cities of Pakistan falls short of internationally accepted standards. There is a significant difference in treatment planning done by more experienced dentists compared to ones with \u3c5 \u3eyears\u27 clinical experience

    A review of the failed cases of dental implants at a university hospital in Karachi

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    Abstract The retrospective study was conducted to assess the dental implants that experienced failure. It was conducted at the dental clinic of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised record of dental implants from July 2010 to June 2015. Variables such as patient age, gender and systemic status, length and diameter of implants, bone grafting, type of definitive prosthesis (crown or bridge or overdenture), nature of retention (cement versus screw retained), loading strategy (immediate versus delayed loading), etc. were analysed. Of the 220 implants placed, 6(2.7%) failed to integrate (as revealed by torque test) at the beginning of prosthetic phase. Besides, 1(0.5%) implant failed after six months of function. The 7(3.2%) failed cases had common variables like deficient bone volume in maxilla (or placement of bone graft), non-submerged placement protocol, early loading with prosthesis and the presence of diabetes

    Comparison of fracture and deformation in the rotary endodontic instruments: protaper versus K-3 system

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    Abstract This experimental study was done on extracted human teeth to compare the fracture and deformation of the two rotary endodontic files system namely K-3 and Protapers. It was conducted at the dental clinics of the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, A log of file deformation or fracture during root canal preparation was kept. The location of fracture was noted along with the identity of the canal in which fracture took place. The fracture in the two rotary systems was compared. SPSS 20 was used for data analysis. Of the 172(80.4%) teeth possessing more than 15 degrees of curvature, fracture occurred in 7(4.1%) cases and deformation in 10(5.8%). Of the 42(19.6%) teeth possessing less than 15 degrees of curvature, fracture occurred in none of them while deformation was seen in 1(2.4%). There was no difference in K-3 and Protaper files with respect to file deformation and fracture. Most of the fractures occurred in mesiobuccal canals of maxillary molars, n=3(21.4%). The likelihood of file fracture increased 5.65-fold when the same file was used more than 3 times. Irrespective of the rotary system, apical third of the root canal space was the most common site for file fracture

    Endophytic Potential of Entomopathogenic Fungi for the Remediation of Wastewater

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    Phytoremediation has the potential to significantly reduce water contamination caused by excessive harmful chemicals. The degradative properties of fungi are used in fungal phytoremediation to eliminate or neutralise the hazardous pollutants present in water. The goal of the current study was to endophytize water lettuce with the two entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopilae and Trichoderma harazium. The plant is inoculated with the fungus using the root-dipping procedure. There were two main treatments and a control all with five replications. The analysis of plant and wastewater were analyzed initially like frequency of fungus remained in plant weight, root length and for water that was Biological oxygen demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen demand (COD), and heavy metals (Copper, Nickle, Zinc and Cadmium). The data were taken for 3rd 5th and 7th day of the experiment. The results exhibit that T. harazium exhibited the 82.67 % followed by the M. anisopilae with 65.33 % as compared to control with 1.33 % mean frequency the 10th day of inoculation. Maximum weight 295.98 and 265.13 g and root length were maximum recorded 15.18 and 18.12 cm respectively at the end of the experiment. Performance of T. harazium endophytic plant found to be 90.7 % for BOD, 73.82 % for COD. The removal % of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd exhibited 75.13, 96.58, 87.14, 61.17 % after 7d of treatment. In case of M. anisopilae, 85.2 % for BOD, 69.38 % for COD. The removal % of Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd exhibited 66.48, 89.43, 77.42, 52.4 % after 7d of treatment. The treatments exhibited the remarkable reduction in pollutants and increase in plant weight and root length

    A 6-year Evaluation of 223 Tapered Dental Implants and associated prosthesis in 92 patients at a university hospital

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    Abstract The aim of the retrospective study was to assess the clinical and radiographic outcome of the dental implant surgery and prosthetics. It was conducted at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised of medical charts and radiographic records of patients visiting between 2010 and 2015. Variables such as implant dimensions, final prosthesis, method of retention, loading protocol and patient factors were analysed. A total of 223 implants (143(64.1%) in maxilla and 80(35.9%) in mandible) were placed in 92 subjects (50(54.3%) males and 42(45.7%) females). All implants were Zimmer tapered screw-vent. Length of 108(48.4%) implants was 11.5mm and diameter of 84(37.7%) implants was 4.7mm. Besides, 6(2.7%) implants failed to osseointegrate, whereas 1(0.4%) implant failed at 12 months of loading. Among the 216(96.9%) successful implants, 140(64.8%) served as bridge abutments, 72(33.3%) were single crown abutments and 4(1.9%) were overdenture abutments. Also, 37(17.1%) implants were immediately loaded. The six-year survival rate of implants was 96.9%

    An autonomous image-guided robotic system simulating industrial applications

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    This paper presents a robotic system based on a serial manipulator. The robot is a vertical articulated arm with 5 revolute joints having 6 Degree Of Freedom. Actuated with six precise servo motors, the system offers positional accuracy of ±0.5mm with a movement speed of 100mm/s. Forward and Inverse Kinematic model of the robot has been developed and its workspace has been analyzed to facilitate the use of robotic arm as a simulated industrial manipulator. Image processing has been done to make system more autonomous. Followed by a user's commands, the system acquires image of the environment using on-board camera. This image is processed to extract information about object's coordinates. Based on these coordinates, Inverse Kinematic model computes the required joint angles for the end-effector to reach at desired position and orientation thus enabling it to manipulate the object. The proposed system can be used in wide range of industrial applications involving pick and place, sorting and other object manipulation tasks. The system can also be potentially useful for heavy and 'giant' industrial applications after scaling up i.e. using huge robotic arm, employing multiple and better cameras and optimizing algorithms. © 2012 IEEE