412 research outputs found

    El sociĂłlogo y su filosofĂ­a

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    Entre las obras recientes de Pierre Bourdieu, las Meditaciones pascalianas ocupan un lugar bien particular. En esta obra no se revela la “urgencia”, sino ante todo la promesa de responder a preguntas que frecuentemente se formulan, a saber: la relaciĂłn de Pierre Bourdieu con la “filosofĂ­a”, y aĂșn mĂĄs, su propia situaciĂłn en la historia del “campo” universitario. Se trata, desde luego, de una obra madura, que debe servir como guĂ­a para la discusiĂłn del pensamiento de conjunto del autor, puesto que nos proporciona tanto una versiĂłn “autorizada” de su biografĂ­a intelectual, como una reflexiĂłn ambiciosa sobre las implicaciones antropolĂłgicas o filosĂłficas de su teorĂ­a social. Indudablemente, lo mĂĄs fĂĄcil es partir de la visiĂłn que Bourdieu tiene de la filosofĂ­a, antes que examinar los aspectos de su obra sociolĂłgica. Meditaciones pascalinas no es un libro de “filosofĂ­a”, sino mĂĄs bien una obra personal (dirĂ­amos un “ensayo”), en la que el sociĂłlogo se esfuerza por explicar la “idea del hombre”, implicada en “la gestiĂłn” y los “resultados” de las “ciencias del hombre” —lo que permitirĂ­a realizar, mejor que una filosofĂ­a en sĂ­ misma, todo un trabajo destinado a la “defensa de la razĂłn”

    Le droit, la libertĂ© et la puissance. PortĂ©e et limites de la juridicisation de l’ordre politique

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    PlutĂŽt que d’exposer des thĂšses « normatives » sur les relations entre droit et politique, je voudrais ici esquisser une interprĂ©tation gĂ©nĂ©rale de certaines tendances fortes de la politique contemporaine, qui me semblent affecter simultanĂ©ment l’ordre interne des dĂ©mocraties et l’ordre international des Etats. Le fait majeur, me semble-t-il, est ici le prestige que connaĂźt aujourd’hui l’idĂ©e de la soumission de la « politique » au « droit », qui va d’ailleurs de pair avec le prestige croissa..

    L\u27activité des Cotorep en 2005

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    Une démarche pour l'enseignement des réseaux et de la communication

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    Cet article se propose de faire le point sur l'enseignement de l'informatique dans le domaine des réseaux. Il s'appuie sur nos expériences pédagogiques post-baccalauréat dans les filiÚres informatiques ( BTS, IUT, MIAG, MAITRISE, DEA, DESS... ).Nous décrivons dans une premiÚre partie le « concept réseau » et son rÎle prépondérant dans l'informatique d'aujourd'hui. Face aux problÚmes posés par ce domaine complexe, nous énonçons quelques « rÚgles d'or » pour une approche progressive et applicative conduisant à expérimenter des systÚmes de communications locaux.Nous exposons notre démarche didactique pour l'une des rÚgles énoncées : « Apprendre la communication ». Nous l'illustrons à travers l'utilisation d'un logiciel d'enseignement assisté par ordinateur. Ce produit réalisé par notre équipe concerne le R.N.I.S. (Réseau Numérique à Intégration de Service). Il permet à un étudiant de se familiariser avec les concepts, les services, l'architecture et la mise en oeuvre d'un réseau R.N.I.S

    Silver oxalate-based solders: New materials for high thermal conductivity microjoining

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    Micrometric oxalate powders can be decomposed starting from temperatures as low as 90°C, leading to the formation of temporary nanometric grains of metallic silver with a high propensity for sintering. The decomposition being highly exothermic, this additional energy favours the sintering, i.e. the soldering, process. Solders processed at 300°C and very low pressure (<0.5 MPa) displayed a thermal conductivity close to 100 W m-1 K-1, making silver oxalate very promising for safe, moderate temperature and very low pressure bonding

    Validation of the French Version of the Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index: Psychometric Properties in French Speaking School-Aged Children

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    Background: Although the reliable and valid Child Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction Index (CPTS-RI) is a widely used measure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in children, it has not been validated in French-speaking populations. The present study aims to assess the psychometric properties of the CPTS-RI in three samples of French-speaking school-children. Methods: Data was obtained from three samples. Sample 1 was composed of 106 children (mean (SD) age = 11.7(0.7), 50% females) victims of an industrial disaster. Sample 2 was composed of 50 children (mean (SD) age = 10.8(2.6), 44% females) who had received an orthopaedic surgical procedure after an accident. Sample 3 was composed of 106 children (mean (SD) age = 11.7(2.2), 44% females) admitted to an emergency department after a road traffic accident. We tested internal consistency using Cronbach's alpha. We examined test-retest reliability using intraclass correlation coefficient. In order to assess the convergent validity of the French version of the CPTS-RI and the Clinician Administered PTS Scale-Child and Adolescent (CAPS-CA), spearman-correlation coefficient was computed. To verify the validity of the cut-off scores, a ROC curve was constructed which evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of each score compared to the diagnosis with the CAPS-CA. We also used principal components analysis with varimax rotation to study the structure of the French version of the CPTS-RI. Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.87 for the French version of the CPTS-RI. Two-week test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient (n = 30) was 0.67. The French version of the CPTS-RI was well correlated with the CAPS-CA (r = 0.76, p24 for the CPTS-RI, the sensitivity and specificities were 100% and 62.6%, respectively. The French version of the CPTS-RI demonstrated a three-factor structure. Conclusions: The CPTS-RI is reliable and valid in French-speaking children

    SystÚme et procédé de fabrication d'un produit composite à base de particules cellulosiques à défibrer et d'un liant thermoplastique

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    L’invention propose un procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication d'un produit composite Ă  base de particules cellulosiques Ă  dĂ©fibrer (21) et d’un liant thermoplastique (22), au moyen d'une machine d'extrusion (10) comprenant deux vis (11) parallĂšles engrenant l'une dans l'autre et entraĂźnĂ©es en rotation Ă  l'intĂ©rieur d'un fourreau allongĂ© (12), chaque vis Ă©tant constituĂ©e d’un arbre central et d’une pluralitĂ© d’élĂ©ments de vis (15) prĂ©sentant chacun un type, une longueur et un pas de vis dĂ©terminĂ©s. Selon l’invention les particules cellulosiques Ă  dĂ©fibrer et le liant thermoplastique sont Ă  l’état solide Ă  l’entrĂ©e, de sorte qu’on rĂ©alise, Ă  l'intĂ©rieur du fourreau (12) en un seul passage, un dĂ©fibrage des particules cellulosiques Ă  dĂ©fibrer (21), une fonte du liant thermoplastique (22) et un mĂ©lange intime des particules cellulosiques dĂ©fibrĂ©es obtenues avec le liant thermoplastique fondu et un agent de plastification (40) pour obtenir un produit composite extrudable (60)

    Silicon Carbide Controlled Current Limiter, Current Limitation Strategies, Foreseen Applications and Benefits

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    International audienceThe expansion of electricity networks (distribution of energy, telecommunication), strongly contributed to increase the risks of appearance of defects, such as surge or overload. This multiplicity and complexity of electric networks, the need to have reliable systems favoured the development of serial protection devices. Fuse solution allows an efficient and total protection but requires to replace an element in case of failure. Therefore, other solutions have been investigated. Complex systems have been developed, all based on serial compensation, such as supra-conductor material, GTO MOV combination ... Indeed, because of the strong energy appearance during a short circuit, it is necessary to limit and to dissipate the energy of the short circuit, under high bias. This constraint leads to a feasibility study of a current limiter in 4H silicon carbide (4H-SiC). A VJFET structure was retained focusing on a nominal current of IN = 1 A and a nominal voltage of VN = 690 V. The device was optimised, taking into account SiC excellent physical properties. The VJFET was designed checking the trade-off between a low on-resistance value, high voltage capability and the highest gate transconductance value. A first batch of component was made, validating the bi-directional limitation function in both current and voltage mode, (VMAX = 970 V). The efficiency of the protection was validated, demonstrating the capacity of a component to react very quickly (t < 1 ”s). Using such a device is very suitable in several applications (protection against short circuit, transient over current
) as it will allow to reduce transient phenomena and thus increase the efficiency and lifetime of the whole system
