3,428 research outputs found

    L-deprenyl, A Selective MAO-B Inhibitor

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    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are now recognized as effective medications in the treatment of major depression (1). However, their clinical use has been limited by the risk of severe hypertensive reactions to oral tyramine challenge. Prevention of this so-called cheese effect requires adherence to diet restrictions that can lead to problems with patient compliance to MAOIs. L-deprenyl is a selective MAO-B inhibitor that is reportedly free of the cheese effect (2). This review will discuss the clinical and theoretical importance of this interesting drug

    Comparative efficacy of escitalopram in the treatment of major depressive disorder

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    Mazen K Ali, Raymond W LamDepartment of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, and Mood Disorders Centre, University of British Columbia Hospital, Vancouver, CanadaBackground: Escitalopram is an allosteric selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) with some indication of superior efficacy in the treatment of major depressive disorder. In this systematic review, we critically evaluate the evidence for comparative efficacy and tolerability of escitalopram, focusing on pooled and meta-analysis studies.Methods: A literature search was conducted for escitalopram studies that quantitatively synthesized data from comparative randomized controlled trials in MDD. Studies were excluded if they did not focus on efficacy, involved primarily subgroups of patients, or synthesized data included in subsequent studies. Outcomes extracted from the included studies were weighted mean difference or standard mean difference, response and remission rates, and withdrawal rate owing to adverse events.Results: The search initially identified 24 eligible studies, of which 12 (six pooled analysis and six meta-analysis studies) met the criteria for review. The pooled and meta-analysis studies with citalopram showed significant but modest differences in favor of escitalopram, with weighted mean differences ranging from 1.13 to 1.73 points on the Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale, response rate differences of 7.0%–8.3%, and remission rate differences of 5.1%–17.6%. Pooled analysis studies showed efficacy differences compared with duloxetine and with serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors combined, but meta-analysis studies did not. The effect sizes of the efficacy differences increased in the severely depressed patient subgroups.Conclusion: Based on pooled and meta-analysis studies, escitalopram demonstrates superior efficacy compared with citalopram and with SSRIs combined. Escitalopram shows similar efficacy to serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors but the number of trials in these comparisons is limited. Efficacy differences are modest but clinically relevant, especially in more severely depressed patients.Keywords: escitalopram, depressive disorders, meta-analysis, pooled analysis, efficacy, antidepressant

    Estsitalopraami efektiivsus depressiooni ravis võrrelduna konventsionaalsete selektiivsete serotoniini tagasihaarde inhibiitorite ja venlafaksiin XRiga: metaanalüüs

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    Estsitalopraam on kõige selektiivsem selektiivsete serotoniini tagasihaarde inhibiitorite rühma kuuluv antidepressant. Varasemad uuringud on näidanud, et estsitalopraam on oma toimelt tõhusam kui tsitalopraam. Artiklis on antud ülevaade metaanalüüsi uuringutest, milles estsitalopraami võrreldi teiste antidepressantidega (tsitalopraam, fluoksetiin, paroksetiin, sertraliin ja venlafaksiin XR). Estsitalopraam oli efektiivsem kui kõik teised võrdlusravimid nii üldise raviefekti, ravile reageerimise määra kui ka remissiooni saavutamise määra poolest. Eri ravimirühmade analüüs näitas, et estsitalopraam oli oluliselt tõhusam kui konventsionaalsed SSRId ja võrdväärne venlafaksiiniga, ehkki uuringu üldised tulemused ei näita tingimata, et estsitalopraam oleks oluliselt efektiivsem kui iga SSRI eraldi. Sarnased tulemused leiti ka raske depressiooniga patsientide seas. Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (11): 739–75

    Domperidone for Drug-Induced Orthostatic Hypotension-A Review

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    Drug-induced orthostatic hypotension (OH) is a common side effect of heterocyclic and MAOI antidepressant medications. It usually does not respond to conservative treatment and drug treatments with mineralocorticoids or central dopaminergic antagonists such as metoclopramide have significant long-term side effects that limit their use. Domperidone, a peripherally acting dopaminergic antagonist with few side effects, has been used in a number of small clinical trials to treat OH of various etiologies. We reviewed 9 studies of domperidone in the treatment of OH. Although limited by small sample sizes and poor design, these studies generally showed successful treatment of OH by domperidone. Further controlled studies of domperidone for antidepressant induced OH in relevant patient samples are warranted

    Direct health care costs of treating seasonal affective disorder: a comparison of light therapy and fluoxetine.

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    Objective. To compare the direct mental health care costs between individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder randomized to either fluoxetine or light therapy. Methods. Data from the CANSAD study was used. CANSAD was an 8-week multicentre double-blind study that randomized participants to receive either light therapy plus placebo capsules or placebo light therapy plus fluoxetine. Participants were aged 18-65 who met criteria for major depressive episodes with a seasonal (winter) pattern. Mental health care service use was collected for each subject for 4 weeks prior to the start of treatment and for 4 weeks prior to the end of treatment. All direct mental health care services costs were analysed, including inpatient and outpatient services, investigations, and medications. Results. The difference in mental health costs was significantly higher after treatment for the light therapy group compared to the medication group-a difference of 111.25(z=3.77,P=0.000).However,whentheamortizedcostofthelightboxwastakenintotheaccount,thegroupswereswitchedwiththefluoxetinegroupincurringgreaterdirectcarecostsadifferenceof111.25 (z = -3.77, P = 0.000). However, when the amortized cost of the light box was taken into the account, the groups were switched with the fluoxetine group incurring greater direct care costs-a difference of 75.41 (z = -2.635, P = 0.008). Conclusion. The results suggest that individuals treated with medication had significantly less mental health care cost after-treatment compared to those treated with light therapy

    Which Depressive Symptoms and Medication Side Effects Are Perceived by Patients as Interfering Most with Occupational Functioning?

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    Background. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with significant impairment in occupational functioning. This study sought to determine which depressive symptoms and medication side effects were perceived by patients with MDD to have the greatest interference on work functioning. Methods. 164 consecutive patients with MDD by DSM-IV criteria completed a standard assessment that included a self-rated questionnaire about the degree to which symptoms and side effects interfered with work functioning. Results. The symptoms perceived by patients as interfering most with work functioning were fatigue and low energy, insomnia, concentration and memory problems, anxiety, and irritability. The medication side effects rated as interfering most with work functioning were daytime sedation, insomnia, headache, and agitation/anxiety. There were no differences between men and women in symptoms or side effects that were perceived as interfering with work functioning. Limitations. This was a cross-sectional study; only subjective assessments of work functioning were obtained; the fact that patients were using varied medications acts as a potential confound. Conclusions. Specific depressive symptoms and medication side effects were perceived by patients as interfering more with occupational functioning than others. These factors should be considered in treatment selection (e.g., in the choice of antidepressant) in working patients with MDD

    Structured digital tables on the Semantic Web: toward a structured digital literature

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    In parallel to the growth in bioscience databases, biomedical publications have increased exponentially in the past decade. However, the extraction of high-quality information from the corpus of scientific literature has been hampered by the lack of machine-interpretable content, despite text-mining advances. To address this, we propose creating a structured digital table as part of an overall effort in developing machine-readable, structured digital literature. In particular, we envision transforming publication tables into standardized triples using Semantic Web approaches. We identify three canonical types of tables (conveying information about properties, networks, and concept hierarchies) and show how more complex tables can be built from these basic types. We envision that authors would create tables initially using the structured triples for canonical types and then have them visually rendered for publication, and we present examples for converting representative tables into triples. Finally, we discuss how ‘stub' versions of structured digital tables could be a useful bridge for connecting together the literature with databases, allowing the former to more precisely document the later

    Direct Health Care Costs of Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Comparison of Light Therapy and Fluoxetine

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    Objective. To compare the direct mental health care costs between individuals with Seasonal Affective Disorder randomized to either fluoxetine or light therapy. Methods. Data from the CANSAD study was used. CANSAD was an 8-week multicentre double-blind study that randomized participants to receive either light therapy plus placebo capsules or placebo light therapy plus fluoxetine. Participants were aged 18–65 who met criteria for major depressive episodes with a seasonal (winter) pattern. Mental health care service use was collected for each subject for 4 weeks prior to the start of treatment and for 4 weeks prior to the end of treatment. All direct mental health care services costs were analysed, including inpatient and outpatient services, investigations, and medications. Results. The difference in mental health costs was significantly higher after treatment for the light therapy group compared to the medication group—a difference of 111.25(z=3.77,P=0.000).However,whentheamortizedcostofthelightboxwastakenintotheaccount,thegroupswereswitchedwiththefluoxetinegroupincurringgreaterdirectcarecostsadifferenceof111.25 (z = −3.77, P = 0.000). However, when the amortized cost of the light box was taken into the account, the groups were switched with the fluoxetine group incurring greater direct care costs—a difference of 75.41 (z = −2.635, P = 0.008). Conclusion. The results suggest that individuals treated with medication had significantly less mental health care cost after-treatment compared to those treated with light therapy

    Automated Long-Term Monitoring of Parallel Microfluidic Operations Applying a Machine Vision-Assisted Positioning Method

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    As microfluidics has been applied extensively in many cell and biochemical applications, monitoring the related processes is an important requirement. In this work, we design and fabricate a high-throughput microfluidic device which contains 32 microchambers to perform automated parallel microfluidic operations and monitoring on an automated stage of a microscope. Images are captured at multiple spots on the device during the operations for monitoring samples in microchambers in parallel; yet the device positions may vary at different time points throughout operations as the device moves back and forth on a motorized microscopic stage. Here, we report an image-based positioning strategy to realign the chamber position before every recording of microscopic image. We fabricate alignment marks at defined locations next to the chambers in the microfluidic device as reference positions. We also develop image processing algorithms to recognize the chamber positions in real-time, followed by realigning the chambers to their preset positions in the captured images. We perform experiments to validate and characterize the device functionality and the automated realignment operation. Together, this microfluidic realignment strategy can be a platform technology to achieve precise positioning of multiple chambers for general microfluidic applications requiring long-term parallel monitoring of cell and biochemical activities

    Preferred Features of E-Mental Health Programs for Prevention of Major Depression in Male Workers: Results From a Canadian National Survey

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    Background: Major depression is a prevalent mental disorder and imposes considerable burden on health and productivity. Men are not immune to major depression, yet they often delay seeking help because of perceived stigma and gender norms. E-mental health programs hold potential for early prevention of major depression. However, we have little knowledge about men\u27s preferences for design features of e-mental health programs. Objectives: The objective of this study was to (1) estimate and compare the proportions of Internet use for medical information, preferred design features, and likely use of e-mental health programs; (2) examine factors associated with the likely use of e-mental health programs; and (3) understand potential barriers to the use of e-mental health programs among Canadian working men, who were at high risk of a major depressive episode (MDE). Methods: A cross-sectional survey in 10 Canadian provinces was conducted between March and December 2015. Random digit dialing method was used through household landlines and cell phones to collect data from 511 working men who were at high risk of having an MDE and 330 working men who were at low risk of having an MDE. Results: High-risk men were more likely to endorse the importance of accessing health resources on the Internet than low-risk men (83.4% vs 75.0%, respectively; P=.01). Of the 17 different features assessed, the top three features most likely to be used by high-risk men were: information about improving sleep hygiene (61.3%), practice and exercise to help reduce symptoms of stress and depression (59.5%), and having access to quality information and resources about work stress issues (57.8%). Compared with men at low risk for MDE, men at high risk for MDE were much more likely to consider using almost every one of the different design features. Differences in preferences for the design features by age among men at high risk of MDE were found only for 3 of 17 features. Differences in preferences for design features between English- and French-speaking participants were found only for 4 out of the 17 features. Analysis of qualitative data revealed that privacy issues, perceived stigma, ease of navigation, personal relevance, and lack of personal interaction, time, and knowledge were identified as barriers to the use of e-mental health programs in working men who were at high risk of MDE. Conclusion: E-mental health programs may be a promising strategy for prevention of depression in working men. Development of e-mental health programs should consider men\u27s preferences and perceived barriers to enhance the acceptability of this approach