19 research outputs found

    Commentary on Cramer

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    Commentary on Johnson

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    Commentary on van Belle

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    Review of Deliberation, Democracy, and Civic Forums: Improving Equality and Publicity by Christopher F. Karpowitz and Chad Raphael (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014)

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    Review of Deliberation, Democracy, and Civic Forums: Improving Equality and Publicity by Christopher F. Karpowitz and Chad Raphael (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014)

    Principles of rhetorical democracy

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    Este art铆culo cuestiona la aproximaci贸n a la democracia deliberativa que realizan algunos cientistas pol铆ticos. Cuando la palabra "ret贸rica" es invocada como palabra clave, su 谩mbito de significaci贸n se restringe la mayor铆a de las veces al "estilo" -c贸mo algo es nombrado para construir el consenso de una manera que no se preste a la manipulaci贸n-. En la mayor铆a de las formulaciones, la racionalidad es opuesta al discurso persuasivo, ya que no se ha de confiar en este como medio de asegurar el acuerdo entre iguales. Mi objetivo es proveer un esquema algo m谩s claro para el papel que juega la ret贸rica en el proceso deliberativo. Comienzo sosteniendo que el "punto de partida" para la democracia deliberativa -su compromiso para buscar el consenso entre iguales- es precisamente el movimiento equivocado para el mantenimiento del debate deliberativo. Voy a presentarlo como el primero de cuatro principios fundamentales que subyacen a la instanciaci贸n de lo que estoy llamando una "democracia ret贸rica" -en parte para distinguir este proyecto de quienes rechazan el rol inherente de la ret贸rica para favorecer un entorno en el que la democracia pueda florecer-. El resto de los principios pone la atenci贸n en la aceptaci贸n de la diferencia cultural, as铆 como el papel potencial que la incivilidad podr铆a jugar, el sentido positivo en el que el discurso te帽ido emocionalmente anticipa la acci贸n social, y el papel m谩s preciso de construir y expresar los argumentos para favorecer la democracia ret贸rica.This essay challenges the approach to deliberative democracy that is taken by several political scientists. When "rhetoric" is invoked as a key term, its province is restricted for the most part to "style" -how something is languaged in manufacturing consensus in a manner not given to manipulation. Rationality is, in most formulations, opposed to persuasive discourse, as the latter is not to be trusted as a means of ensuring agreement among equals. My goal is to provide a somewhat clearer blueprint for the role rhetoric plays in the deliberative process. I begin by arguing that the "starting point" for deliberative democracy -its commitment to seeking consensus among equals- is precisely the wrong move for the preservation of deliberative inquiry. I will advance this as the first of four fundamental principles underlying the instantiation of what I am calling a "rhetorical democracy" -in part to distinguish this project from those that reject rhetoric's inherent role in enhancing an environment in which democracy might flourish. The remaining principles focus attention on the acceptance of cultural difference, as well as the potential role incivility may play, the positive sense in which emotionally tinged discourse advances social action, and the more precise role of constructing and expressing arguments in enhancing rhetorical democracy

    Review of Deliberation, Democracy, and Civic Forums: Improving Equality and Publicity by Christopher F. Karpowitz and Chad Raphael (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

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    Review of Deliberation, Democracy, and Civic Forums: Improving Equality and Publicity by Christopher F. Karpowitz and Chad Raphael (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2014)