66 research outputs found

    Managing human capital to engineer process improvement for team interfaces: a case study Team Interfaces: A Case Research

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    Process improvements of existing team interfaces in the organisation Zygus Engineering India Pvt Ltd are used in this case study to explore challenges in human resource management of project-based organisations. The findings suggest that both design and interventions in engaging human capital, and their subsequent impact, play a critical role in determining the effectiveness and efficiencies in project team environments

    Enhancer-like Properties of an RNA Element That Modulates Tombusvirus RNA Accumulation

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    AbstractPrototypical defective interfering (DI) RNAs of the plus-strand RNA virus tomato bushy stunt virus contain four noncontiguous segments (regions I–IV) derived from the viral genome. Region I corresponds to 5′-noncoding sequence, regions II and III are derived from internal positions, and region IV represents a 3′-terminal segment. We analyzed the internally located region III in a prototypical DI RNA to understand better its role in DI RNA accumulation. Our results indicate that (1) region III is not essential for DI RNA accumulation, but molecules that lack it accumulate at significantly reduced levels (∼10-fold lower), (2) region III is able to function at different positions and in opposite orientations, (3) a single copy of region III is favored over multiple copies, (4) the stimulatory effect observed on DI RNA accumulation is not due to region III-mediated RNA stabilization, (5) DI RNAs lacking region III permit the efficient accumulation of head-to-tail dimers and are less effective at suppressing helper RNA accumulation, and (6) negative-strand accumulation is also significantly depressed for DI RNAs lacking region III. Collectively, these results support a role for region III as an enhancer-like element that facilitates DI RNA replication. A scanning-type mutagenesis strategy was used to define portions of region III important for its stimulatory effect on DI RNA accumulation. Interestingly, the results revealed several differences in the requirements for activity when region III was in the forward versus the reverse orientation. In the context of the viral genome, region III was found to be essential for biological activity. This latter finding defines a critical role for this element in the reproductive cycle of the virus

    A Woman as a Decision-Maker: Exploring the Lived Experience at Home and Outside

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    In this research paper, we look at decision-making by women in India from a contextual perspective. This study looks at decision making by women as based on four possible contexts that may arise, and where decisions are called for. These contexts are qualified based on two broad parameters, namely the level of involvement (dictated by the stakes at play) and the predisposition displayed. Involvement is qualified as high or low (on a continuum), whilst predisposition is stated as either cognitive or affective. The results of the research study reveal a difficult act of balancing that women have to do in terms of decision making at home. They need to get their decisions, whether it is about their career, or their choice of mate, about home, marriage, children ratified by their husbands or parents, women also try to ensure that such decisions do not reflect poorly on their homes. This calls for them to balance between options and often sacrifice their self-interest in the interest of their “home.

    Analysis of Escherichia coli RNase E and RNase III activity in vivo using tiling microarrays

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    Tiling microarrays have proven to be a valuable tool for gaining insights into the transcriptomes of microbial organisms grown under various nutritional or stress conditions. Here, we describe the use of such an array, constructed at the level of 20 nt resolution for the Escherichia coli MG1655 genome, to observe genome-wide changes in the steady-state RNA levels in mutants defective in either RNase E or RNase III. The array data were validated by comparison to previously published results for a variety of specific transcripts as well as independent northern analysis of additional mRNAs and sRNAs. In the absence of RNase E, 60% of the annotated coding sequences showed either increases or decreases in their steady-state levels. In contrast, only 12% of the coding sequences were affected in the absence of RNase III. Unexpectedly, many coding sequences showed decreased abundance in the RNase E mutant, while more than half of the annotated sRNAs showed changes in abundance. Furthermore, the steady-state levels of many transcripts showed overlapping effects of both ribonucleases. Data are also presented demonstrating how the arrays were used to identify potential new genes, RNase III cleavage sites and the direct or indirect control of specific biological pathways

    The TRIM-NHL protein NHL-2 is a Novel Co-Factor of the CSR-1 and HRDE-1 22G-RNA Pathways [preprint]

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    Proper regulation of germline gene expression is essential for fertility and maintaining species integrity. In the C. elegans germline, a diverse repertoire of regulatory pathways promote the expression of endogenous germline genes and limit the expression of deleterious transcripts to maintain genome homeostasis. Here we show that the conserved TRIM-NHL protein, NHL-2, plays an essential role in the C. elegans germline, modulating germline chromatin and meiotic chromosome organization. We uncover a role for NHL-2 as a co-factor in both positively (CSR-1) and negatively (HRDE-1) acting germline 22G-small RNA pathways and the somatic nuclear RNAi pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NHL-2 is a bona fide RNA binding protein and, along with RNA-seq data point to a small RNA independent role for NHL-2 in regulating transcripts at the level of RNA stability. Collectively, our data implicate NHL-2 as an essential hub of gene regulatory activity in both the germline and soma

    Adenosine deamination in human transcripts generates novel microRNA binding sites

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    Animals regulate gene expression at multiple levels, contributing to the complexity of the proteome. Among these regulatory events are post-transcriptional gene silencing, mediated by small non-coding RNAs (e.g. microRNAs), and adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing, generated by adenosine deaminases that act on double-stranded RNA (ADAR). Recent data suggest that these regulatory processes are connected at a fundamental level. A-to-I editing can affect Drosha processing or directly alter the microRNA (miRNA) sequences responsible for mRNA targeting. Here, we analyzed the previously reported adenosine deaminations occurring in human cDNAs, and asked if there was a relationship between A-to-I editing events in the mRNA 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs) and mRNA:miRNA binding. We find significant correlations between A-to-I editing and changes in miRNA complementarities. In all, over 3000 of the 12 723 distinct adenosine deaminations assessed were found to form 7-mer complementarities (known as seed matches) to a subset of human miRNAs. In 200 of the ESTs, we also noted editing within a specific 13 nucleotide motif. Strikingly, deamination of this motif simultaneously creates seed matches to three (otherwise unrelated) miRNAs. Our results suggest the creation of miRNA regulatory sites as a novel function for ADAR activity. Consequently, many miRNA target sites may only be identifiable through examining expressed sequences

    Large-scale interaction profiling of PDZ domains through proteomic peptide-phage display using human and viral phage peptidomes

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    The human proteome contains a plethora of short linear motifs (SLiMs) that serve as binding interfaces for modular protein domains. Such interactions are crucial for signaling and other cellular processes, but are difficult to detect because of their low to moderate affinities. Here we developed a dedicated approach, proteomic peptide-phage display (ProP-PD), to identify domain-SLiM interactions. Specifically, we generated phage libraries containing all human and viral C-terminal peptides using custom oligonucleotide microarrays. With these libraries we screened the nine PSD-95/ Dlg/ZO-1 (PDZ) domains of human Densin-180, Erbin, Scribble, and Disks large homolog 1 for peptide ligands. We identified several known and putative interactions potentially relevant to cellular signaling pathways and confirmed interactions between fulllength Scribble and the target proteins β-PIX, plakophilin-4, and guanylate cyclase soluble subunit a-2 using colocalization and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. The affinities of recombinant Scribble PDZ domains and the synthetic peptides representing the C termini of these proteins were in the 1- to 40-μM range. Furthermore, we identified several well-established host-virus protein- protein interactions, and confirmed that PDZ domains of Scribble interact with the C terminus of Tax-1 of human T-cell leukemia virus with micromolar affinity. Previously unknown putative viral protein ligands for the PDZ domains of Scribble and Erbin were also identified. Thus, we demonstrate that our ProP-PD libraries are useful tools for probing PDZ domain interactions. The method can be extended to interrogate all potential eukaryotic, bacterial, and viral SLiMs and we suggest it will be a highly valuable approach for studying cellular and pathogen-host protein-protein interactions

    RNAcontext: A New Method for Learning the Sequence and Structure Binding Preferences of RNA-Binding Proteins

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    Metazoan genomes encode hundreds of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). These proteins regulate post-transcriptional gene expression and have critical roles in numerous cellular processes including mRNA splicing, export, stability and translation. Despite their ubiquity and importance, the binding preferences for most RBPs are not well characterized. In vitro and in vivo studies, using affinity selection-based approaches, have successfully identified RNA sequence associated with specific RBPs; however, it is difficult to infer RBP sequence and structural preferences without specifically designed motif finding methods. In this study, we introduce a new motif-finding method, RNAcontext, designed to elucidate RBP-specific sequence and structural preferences with greater accuracy than existing approaches. We evaluated RNAcontext on recently published in vitro and in vivo RNA affinity selected data and demonstrate that RNAcontext identifies known binding preferences for several control proteins including HuR, PTB, and Vts1p and predicts new RNA structure preferences for SF2/ASF, RBM4, FUSIP1 and SLM2. The predicted preferences for SF2/ASF are consistent with its recently reported in vivo binding sites. RNAcontext is an accurate and efficient motif finding method ideally suited for using large-scale RNA-binding affinity datasets to determine the relative binding preferences of RBPs for a wide range of RNA sequences and structures