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    Detta examensarbetet har utförts vid Scania AB i SödertĂ€lje. Syftet var att genom en fallstudie undersöka möjligheter till ökad produktivitet och minskade slöserier genom införandet av en ny verkstadslayout. Examensarbetet baseras dels pĂ„ en litteraturstudie dĂ€r ett antal leanprinciper, olika sorters produktionssystem och layoutarbete behandlas samt en empirisk studie pĂ„ Scania AB. Fallstudien var uppdelad i tre faser: KartlĂ€ggning av nulĂ€get Layoututformning Analys av den föreslagna layouten Till kartlĂ€ggning av nulĂ€get utfördes en datainsamling. Datainsamlingen bestod av bĂ„de tillhandahĂ„llen sekundĂ€rdata frĂ„n fallföretaget samt primĂ€rdata frĂ„n egna mĂ€tningar, observationer och intervjuer för öka arbetets trovĂ€rdighet. UtifrĂ„n datainsamlingen gjordes en analys av nulĂ€get dĂ€r problemomrĂ„den identifierades och dokumenterades. Analysen visade frĂ€mst att Scania AB hade problem med lĂ„nga ledtider och svĂ„righeter att hĂ„lla FIFO pĂ„ grund av höga PIA-nivĂ„er. En stor anledning till de höga PIA-nivĂ„erna gĂ€llde en organisatorisk uppdelning av produktionen i tvĂ„ delar med en stor mellanbuffert mellan de bĂ„da delarna. De identifierade problemomrĂ„dena, cykeltider samt prognos för framtida behov anvĂ€ndes sedan som inputparametrar vid layoutarbetet som följde Muthers (1961) metod Systematisk Layoutplanering (SLP) . Slutresultatet blev ett layoutförslag som ökade produktiviteten med ca 37% och minskade mĂ€ngden slöserier pĂ„ flera plan. Bland annat uppskattades ledtiden kunna sĂ€nkas frĂ„n cirka 5.4 dagar till cirka 1.5 dagar och mellanbufferten helt byggas bort.This thesis has been carried out at as a single case study at Scania AB in SödertĂ€lje, Sweden. The purpose of the study was to examine possibilities to increase the productivity and eliminate waste through the implementation of a new workshop layout at Scania’s crankhaft production. The thesis was based on a literature study where different lean principles, production systems and layout shaping were covered as well as an empirical study at Scania AB. The case study was divided into four phases: Mapping of present state Layout shaping Analysis of the proposed layout A data collection was carried out before mapping the current state. The data collection consisted of both given secondary data from the case company and the primary data from own measurements, observations and interviews in order to gain credibility to the study. With the collected data an analysis of the current state was done where problem areas were identified and documented. The analysis mainly showed that Scania AB had problems with long lead times and difficulties to maintain FIFO due to high WIP-levels. A significant reason to the high WIP-levels was the result of a big inventory between the two organisational departments in the workshop. The identified problem areas, cycle times and future sale forecasts were then used as input parameters to develop a new layout using Muther’s (1968) method Systematic Layout Planning (SLP). The final result rendered in a new layout proposal which increased the productivity with 37% and eliminated waste in different areas. The lead time was estimated to decrease from the initial 5,4 days to 1,5 days with a significant decrease in the inventory mentioned above

    Design of a new workshop layout to increase productivity and reduce waste : A case study at DMB Scania AB

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    Detta examensarbetet har utförts vid Scania AB i SödertĂ€lje. Syftet var att genom en fallstudie undersöka möjligheter till ökad produktivitet och minskade slöserier genom införandet av en ny verkstadslayout. Examensarbetet baseras dels pĂ„ en litteraturstudie dĂ€r ett antal leanprinciper, olika sorters produktionssystem och layoutarbete behandlas samt en empirisk studie pĂ„ Scania AB. Fallstudien var uppdelad i tre faser: KartlĂ€ggning av nulĂ€get Layoututformning Analys av den föreslagna layouten Till kartlĂ€ggning av nulĂ€get utfördes en datainsamling. Datainsamlingen bestod av bĂ„de tillhandahĂ„llen sekundĂ€rdata frĂ„n fallföretaget samt primĂ€rdata frĂ„n egna mĂ€tningar, observationer och intervjuer för öka arbetets trovĂ€rdighet. UtifrĂ„n datainsamlingen gjordes en analys av nulĂ€get dĂ€r problemomrĂ„den identifierades och dokumenterades. Analysen visade frĂ€mst att Scania AB hade problem med lĂ„nga ledtider och svĂ„righeter att hĂ„lla FIFO pĂ„ grund av höga PIA-nivĂ„er. En stor anledning till de höga PIA-nivĂ„erna gĂ€llde en organisatorisk uppdelning av produktionen i tvĂ„ delar med en stor mellanbuffert mellan de bĂ„da delarna. De identifierade problemomrĂ„dena, cykeltider samt prognos för framtida behov anvĂ€ndes sedan som inputparametrar vid layoutarbetet som följde Muthers (1961) metod Systematisk Layoutplanering (SLP) . Slutresultatet blev ett layoutförslag som ökade produktiviteten med ca 37% och minskade mĂ€ngden slöserier pĂ„ flera plan. Bland annat uppskattades ledtiden kunna sĂ€nkas frĂ„n cirka 5.4 dagar till cirka 1.5 dagar och mellanbufferten helt byggas bort.This thesis has been carried out at as a single case study at Scania AB in SödertĂ€lje, Sweden. The purpose of the study was to examine possibilities to increase the productivity and eliminate waste through the implementation of a new workshop layout at Scania’s crankhaft production. The thesis was based on a literature study where different lean principles, production systems and layout shaping were covered as well as an empirical study at Scania AB. The case study was divided into four phases: Mapping of present state Layout shaping Analysis of the proposed layout A data collection was carried out before mapping the current state. The data collection consisted of both given secondary data from the case company and the primary data from own measurements, observations and interviews in order to gain credibility to the study. With the collected data an analysis of the current state was done where problem areas were identified and documented. The analysis mainly showed that Scania AB had problems with long lead times and difficulties to maintain FIFO due to high WIP-levels. A significant reason to the high WIP-levels was the result of a big inventory between the two organisational departments in the workshop. The identified problem areas, cycle times and future sale forecasts were then used as input parameters to develop a new layout using Muther’s (1968) method Systematic Layout Planning (SLP). The final result rendered in a new layout proposal which increased the productivity with 37% and eliminated waste in different areas. The lead time was estimated to decrease from the initial 5,4 days to 1,5 days with a significant decrease in the inventory mentioned above