58 research outputs found

    Congenital absence of lunate and triquetrum with hypoplastic scaphoid – a case report and review of literature

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    The absence or hypoplasia of bones or deformities associated with various bones have been documented in the past by various authors. These absent or hypoplastic carpal bones have mostly been associated with various congenital syndromes and anomalies. Here, a case is reported with absent lunate and triquetrum with hypoplastic scaphoid bone without any congenital anomaly or syndrome

    Studies on Liver Marker Enzymes (SGOT and SGPT) of Fish Heteropneustes Fossilis (Bloch.) After Famfos Intoxication

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    Pesticide pollution is on increase through its increasing application in almost every field either it is household or agriculture where it is used widely. These pesticides reach to aquatic life by means of runoff water and other ways. The residual impact is increasing in aquatic fauna. Fishes are the best indicator of aquatic pollution and also used for human consumption. The residual effect adversely affects the liver marker enzymes (in serum) of fishes which are measured and discussed in the present study to assess the extent of damage caused by non-target effect of famfos to Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)

    Studies on Liver Marker Enzymes (SGOT and SGPT) of fish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.) after Famfos intoxication

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    Pesticide pollution is on increase through its increasing application in almost every field either it is household or agriculture where it is used widely. These pesticides reach to aquatic life by means of runoff water and other ways. The residual impact is increasing in aquatic fauna. Fishes are the best indicator of aquatic pollution and also used for human consumption. The residual effect adversely affects the liver marker enzymes (in serum) of fishes which are measured and discussed in the present study to assess the extent of damage caused by non-target effect of famfos to Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch.)

    Emergence of Lumpy Pox Virus and Their Preventive Measures: A Global Livestock Threat

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    In the last few years viral disease not only affect the human but also the other life on this planet and result epidemic condition at global level. The highly transmissible viral disease called Lumpy skin disease (LSD) spread in sequential manner at worldwide level affecting the cattle or dairy animals of caprine, ovine and bovine family. The highly mutational efficiency of this viral strains affects the large-scale population and still no effective cure for it. Different vaccines designed at national and international level as a preventive measure to overcome the reoccurrence of this virus e.g., Bovivax-LSD™, Lumpivax™, Poxvac™, Lumpi-ProVacInd. However, still the mortality of LSD are low, not affect humans but emergence of the mutational variants demands novel vaccines

    Isolation and adaptation of bovine herpes virus Type 1 in embryonated chicken eggs and in Madin–Darby bovine kidney cell line

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    Aim: Objective of the present study was to isolate bovine herpes virus Type 1 (BHV-1) from semen of infected bull and to adapt it onto embryonated eggs and Madin–Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cell line. Further, the virus was identified by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. Materials and Methods: Semen samples were collected from five BHV-1 positive bulls previously confirmed for the presence of antibodies against BHV-1 using avidin-biotin enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test. The virus from semen samples was adapted in chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of 11-day-old embryonated chickens eggs and in MDBK cell line. The presence of BHV-1 in infected CAM and cell culture fluid was confirmed by AGID test. Results: Virus infected CAM showed edema, congestion and thickening at first passage level. Small foci ranged from 1 to 2 mm in diameter, scattered all over the membrane were observed at first passage. More severe changes were observed in CAM after serial passaging. The large pock lesions, round in shape with opaque raised edge and depressed gray central area of necrosis ranged from 3 to 5 mm in diameter were developed at fourth passage. Blind passages in MDBK cell culture were made. The MDBK cell line at second passage level showed characteristic cytopathic effect viz. rounding of cells with shrinkage, followed by aggregation or clumping of cells which progressed rapidly and appeared as “bunch of grapes” at 72 h post inoculation. Few cells become elongated when compared with uninfected controls. A homogenate of CAM with distinct pock lesions and infected cell culture fluid developed precipitation line within 48 h against specific anti-BHV-1 immune serum by AGID test. Conclusion: BHV-1 was easily adapted in CAM of chicken embryos and in MDBK cell line. Virus infected CAM and cell culture fluid showed precipitin band by AGID test

    Synthesis, Isolation and Characterization of Process- Related Impurities in Oseltamivir Phosphate

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    Abstract: Three known impurities in oseltamivir phosphate bulk drug at level 0.1% (ranging from 0.05-0.1%) were detected by gradient reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. These impurities were preliminarily identified by the mass number of the impurities. Different experiments were conducted and finally the known impurities were synthesized and characterized

    Spin-Valve-Like Magnetoresistance in Mn2NiGa at Room Temperature

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    Spin valves have revolutionized the field of magnetic recording and memory devices. Spin valves are generally realized in thin film heterostructures, where two ferromagnetic (FM) layers are separated by a nonmagnetic conducting layer. Here, we demonstrate spin-valve-like magnetoresistance at room temperature in a bulk ferrimagnetic material that exhibits a magnetic shape memory effect. The origin of this unexpected behavior in Mn2NiGa has been investigated by neutron diffraction, magnetization, and ab initiotheoretical calculations. The refinement of the neutron diffraction pattern shows the presence of antisite disorder where about 13% of the Ga sites are occupied by Mn atoms. On the basis of the magnetic structure obtained from neutron diffraction and theoretical calculations, we establish that these antisite defects cause the formation of FM nanoclusters with parallel alignment of Mn spin moments in a Mn2NiGa bulk lattice that has antiparallel Mn spin moments. The direction of the Mn moments in the soft FM cluster reverses with the external magnetic field. This causes a rotation or tilt in the antiparallel Mn moments at the cluster-lattice interface resulting in the observed asymmetry in magnetoresistance

    The Cellular Stress Response Interactome and Extracellular Matrix Cross-Talk during Fibrosis: A Stressed Extra-Matrix Affair

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    Diverse internal and external pathologic stimuli can trigger cellular stress response pathways (CSRPs) that are usually counteracted by intrinsic homeostatic machinery, which responds to stress by initiating complex signaling mechanisms to eliminate either the stressor or the damaged cells. There is growing evidence that CSRPs can have context-dependent homeostatic or pathologic functions that may result in tissue fibrosis under persistence of stress. CSRPs can drive intercellular communications through exosomes (trafficking and secretory pathway determinants) secreted in response to stress-induced proteostasis rebalancing. The injured tissue environment upon sensing the stress turns on a precisely orchestrated network of immune responses by regulating cytokine-chemokine production, recruitment of immune cells, and modulating fibrogenic niche and extracellular matrix (ECM) cross-talk during fibrotic pathologies like cardiac fibrosis, liver fibrosis, laryngotracheal stenosis, systemic scleroderma, interstitial lung disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Immunostimulatory RNAs (like double stranded RNAs) generated through deregulated RNA processing pathways along with RNA binding proteins (RBPs) of RNA helicase (RNA sensors) family are emerging as important components of immune response pathways during sterile inflammation. The paradigm-shift in RNA metabolism associated interactome has begun to offer new therapeutic windows by unravelling the novel RBPs and splicing factors in context of developmental and fibrotic pathways. We would like to review emerging regulatory nodes and their interaction with CSRPs, and tissue remodeling with major focus on cardiac fibrosis, and inflammatory responses underlying upper airway fibrosis

    Inhibitor of Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium-ATPase Impairs Multiple Steps of Paramyxovirus Replication

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    Sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA) is a membrane-bound cytosolic enzyme which is known to regulate the uptake of calcium into the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum. Herein, we demonstrate for the first time that SERCA can also regulate virus replication. Treatment of Vero cells with SERCA-specific inhibitor (Thapsigargin) at a concentration that is nontoxic to the cells significantly reduced Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) replication. Conversely, overexpression of SERCA rescued the inhibitory effect of Thapsigargin on virus replication. PPRV and NDV infection induced SERCA expression in Vero cells, which could be blocked by Thapsigargin. Besides inducing enhanced formation of cytoplasmic foci, Thapsigargin was shown to block viral entry into the target cells as well as synthesis of viral proteins. Furthermore, NDV was shown to acquire significant resistance to Thapsigargin upon long-term passage (P) in Vero cells. As compared to the P0 and P70-Control, the fusion (F) protein of P70-Thapsigargin virus exhibited a unique mutation at amino acid residue 104 (E104K), whereas no Thapsigargin-associated mutations were observed in HN gene. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing the virus-supportive role of SERCA and a rare report suggesting that viruses may acquire resistance even in the presence of an inhibitor that targets a cellular factor

    Unveiling the combined effect of nano fertilizers and conventional fertilizers on crop productivity, profitability, and soil well-being

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    It is widely accepted that deficiency of macro (nitrogen) and micronutrients (zinc, copper etc.) affects the plant growth and development which cause a significant threat to crop production and food security. The Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO) developed nano-urea (nano-N), nano-zinc (nano-Zn), and nano-copper (nano-Cu) liquid fertilizer formulations to enhance the crop yields, simultaneously addressing the nutrient deficiency, without causing toxicity. Therefore, this study was formulated to evaluate the effectiveness of nano-N (nano-urea), nano-Zn, and nano-Cu at varying N levels [0, 50, 75, and 100% of the recommended rates of nitrogen (RRN)] on maize-wheat and pearl millet-mustard systems during 2019–20 and 2020–21. The results exhibited that the application of nano-N + nano-Zn with 100% RRN exhibited significantly higher grain yields in maize (66.2–68.8%), wheat (62.6–61.9%), pearl millet (57.1–65.4%), and mustard (47.2–69.0%), respectively, over absolute control plots and combinations of three nano-fertilizers like nano-N + nano-Zn + nano-Cu applied plots. This was mainly attributed to the higher N and Zn uptake by the crops. However, 75% RRN with nano-N + nano-Zn also produced comparable yields. Thus, applying nano-N and nano-Zn via foliar applications, in conjunction with conventional urea, has the potential to reduce the required nitrogen fertilizer amount by up to 25%, while simultaneously maintaining equivalent yield levels. Similarly, 100% RRN and 75% RRN + nano-N + nano-Zn registered comparable profitability, soil mineral N, dehydrogenase activity (DHA), and soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), during both the study years. However, further research and field trials on nano fertilizers alone or in combination with conventional fertilizers are essential to fully unlock its benefits and ascertain its long-term effects which may offer a pathway to more efficient and eco-friendly crop nourishment