74 research outputs found

    Epidemiological aspects of cancer registration in Slovenia, Yugoslavia

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    An outline of the development of radiotherapy in Slovenia

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    Preparation of the measuring box for seperate measuring of noise of vacuum sucking unit

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    V tem delu je predstavljeno merjenje hrupa sesalne enote na strani, kjer zrak v enoto vstopa ter na strani, kjer zrak iz nje izstopa, z namenom, da se potrdi kako naj bi bila sesalna enota pozicionirana znotraj sesalnika prahu, da bi bil hrup le tega čim nižji. Meritev je bila izvedena znotraj merilne škatle, ki je bila skonstruirana tako, da je možno ločeno pomeriti prispevek hrupa elektromotorja (prevladuje elektromagnetni hrup) in prispevek hrupa turbokolesa, na katerem prevladuje aerodinamični vir hrupa. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je raven zvočnega tlaka odvisna od lege opazovalne točke.This work presents measurements of noise of vacuum sucking unit, which were made on both sides of vacuum sucking unit - at first at side, where air is entering into the unit, later at side, where air is leaving the unit. Intention of measurements is display of the most favourable position of the vacuum sucking unit inside of the vacuum cleaner unit considering wish of reducing noise of the vacuum cleaner unit. Measurements were made inside of measuring box, which was engineered in a way that the noise of electric motor and noise of centrifugal wheel can be tried for size separately. Final finding is, that level of sound pressure depends upon point of observation

    Onkološko zdravstveno varstvo-boj proti raku

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    Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer – collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 58 515 women with breast cancer and 95 067 women without the disease

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    Alcohol and tobacco consumption are closely correlated and published results on their association with breast cancer have not always allowed adequately for confounding between these exposures. Over 80% of the relevant information worldwide on alcohol and tobacco consumption and breast cancer were collated, checked and analysed centrally. Analyses included 58 515 women with invasive breast cancer and 95 067 controls from 53 studies. Relative risks of breast cancer were estimated, after stratifying by study, age, parity and, where appropriate, women's age when their first child was born and consumption of alcohol and tobacco. The average consumption of alcohol reported by controls from developed countries was 6.0 g per day, i.e. about half a unit/drink of alcohol per day, and was greater in ever-smokers than never-smokers, (8.4 g per day and 5.0 g per day, respectively). Compared with women who reported drinking no alcohol, the relative risk of breast cancer was 1.32 (1.19–1.45, P<0.00001) for an intake of 35–44 g per day alcohol, and 1.46 (1.33–1.61, P<0.00001) for ⩾45 g per day alcohol. The relative risk of breast cancer increased by 7.1% (95% CI 5.5–8.7%; P<0.00001) for each additional 10 g per day intake of alcohol, i.e. for each extra unit or drink of alcohol consumed on a daily basis. This increase was the same in ever-smokers and never-smokers (7.1% per 10 g per day, P<0.00001, in each group). By contrast, the relationship between smoking and breast cancer was substantially confounded by the effect of alcohol. When analyses were restricted to 22 255 women with breast cancer and 40 832 controls who reported drinking no alcohol, smoking was not associated with breast cancer (compared to never-smokers, relative risk for ever-smokers=1.03, 95% CI 0.98–1.07, and for current smokers=0.99, 0.92–1.05). The results for alcohol and for tobacco did not vary substantially across studies, study designs, or according to 15 personal characteristics of the women; nor were the findings materially confounded by any of these factors. If the observed relationship for alcohol is causal, these results suggest that about 4% of the breast cancers in developed countries are attributable to alcohol. In developing countries, where alcohol consumption among controls averaged only 0.4 g per day, alcohol would have a negligible effect on the incidence of breast cancer. In conclusion, smoking has little or no independent effect on the risk of developing breast cancer; the effect of alcohol on breast cancer needs to be interpreted in the context of its beneficial effects, in moderation, on cardiovascular disease and its harmful effects on cirrhosis and cancers of the mouth, larynx, oesophagus and liver

    Analiza procesa patentiranja s poudarkom na fazah raziskovalnega procesa

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    This article presents some findings about the process of patenting of Slovenian and foreign researchers in scientific research. Based on the reviewed literature and with help of our conceptual model, we establish that the patenting process can be divided into three separate phases: knowledge detection phase, knowledge dissemination phase and knowledge transfer phase. During the process of researching and patenting, a variety of factors affect the results, which can be divided into two groups: internal and external factors. In Slovenia, patents are statistically significant for researchers working and exploring in the fields of natural science and engineering. Research results in the form of a patent largely depend on financial support and work experiences of individual researchers or research groups. The commercialization of a patent means a successful ending of the research process, as many positive benefits are expected.Članek predstavlja ugotovitve glede procesa patentiranja slovenskih in tujih raziskovalcev v znanstveno-raziskovalni sferi. Na podlagi pregledane literature in s pomočjo modela ugotavljamo, da lahko proces patentiranja razdelimo v tri ločene faze, in sicer fazo odkrivanja znanja, fazo diseminacije znanja in fazo aplikacije/prenosa znanja. Na proces raziskovanja in posledično na patentiranje vplivajo različni dejavniki, ki smo jih razdelili na notranje in zunanje. V Sloveniji so patenti statistično značilni za tiste raziskovalce, ki izhajajo oziroma raziskujejo na naravoslovno-tehničnem področju. Rezultati raziskovanj v obliki patenta so v veliki meri odvisni od finančne podpore in delovnih izkušenj, tako posameznega raziskovalca, kot raziskovalne skupine. Komercializacija patenta je uspešen zaključek raziskovanj, od katere se pričakuje številne pozitivne koristi