263 research outputs found

    Drought forecasting in eastern Australia using multivariate adaptive regression spline, least square support vector machine and M5Tree model

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    Drought forecasting using standardized metrics of rainfall is a core task in hydrology and water resources management. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a rainfall-based metric that caters for different time-scales at which the drought occurs, and due to its standardization, is well-suited for forecasting drought at different periods in climatically diverse region. This study advances drought modelling using multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), least square support vector machine (LSSVM), and M5Tree models by forecasting SPI in eastern Australia. MARS model incorporated rainfall as mandatory predictor with month (periodicity), Southern Oscillation Index, Pacific Decadal Oscillation Index and Indian Ocean Dipole, ENSO Modoki and Nino 3.0, 3.4 and 4.0 data added gradually. The performance was evaluated with root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (r2). Best MARS model required different input combinations, where rainfall, sea surface temperature and periodicity were used for all stations, but ENSO Modoki and Pacific Decadal Oscillation indices were not required for Bathurst, Collarenebri and Yamba, and the Southern Oscillation Index was not required for Collarenebri. Inclusion of periodicity increased the r2 value by 0.5–8.1% and reduced RMSE by 3.0–178.5%. Comparisons showed that MARS superseded the performance of the other counterparts for three out of five stations with lower MAE by 15.0–73.9% and 7.3–42.2%, respectively. For the other stations, M5Tree was better than MARS/LSSVM with lower MAE by 13.8–13.4% and 25.7–52.2%, respectively, and for Bathurst, LSSVM yielded more accurate result. For droughts identified by SPI ≤ − 0.5, accurate forecasts were attained by MARS/M5Tree for Bathurst, Yamba and Peak Hill, whereas for Collarenebri and Barraba, M5Tree was better than LSSVM/MARS. Seasonal analysis revealed disparate results where MARS/M5Tree was better than LSSVM. The results highlight the importance of periodicity in drought forecasting and also ascertains that model accuracy scales with geographic/seasonal factors due to complexity of drought and its relationship with inputs and data attributes that can affect the evolution of drought events

    Application of the extreme learning machine algorithm for the prediction of monthly Effective Drought Index in eastern Australia

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    The prediction of future drought is an effective mitigation tool for assessing its adverse consequences on water resources, agriculture, ecosystems and hydrology. Data-driven model predictions using machine learning algorithms are promising tenets for these purposes as they require less developmental time, minimal inputs and are relatively less complex than the dynamic or physical model. This paper authenticates a computationally simple, fast and efficient non-linear algorithm known as extreme learning machine (ELM) for the prediction of Effective Drought Index (EDI) in eastern Australia using input data trained from 1957–2008 and the monthly EDI predicted over the period 2009–2011. The predictive variables for the ELM model were the rainfall and mean, minimum and maximum temperatures, supplemented by the large-scale climate mode indices of interest as regression covariates, namely the Southern Oscillation Index, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, Southern Annular Mode and the Indian Ocean Dipole moment. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed data-driven model a performance comparison in terms of the prediction capabilities and learning speeds was conducted between the proposed ELM algorithm and the conventional artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm trained with Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation. The prediction metrics certified an excellent performance of the ELM over the ANN model for the overall test sites, thus yielding Mean Absolute Errors, Root-Mean Square Errors, Coefficients of Determination and Willmott’s Indices of Agreement of 0.277, 0.008, 0.892 and 0.93 (for ELM) and 0.602, 0.172, 0.578 and 0.92 (for ANN) models. Moreover, the ELM model was executed with learning speed 32 times faster and training speed 6.1 times faster than the ANN model. An improvement in the prediction capability of the drought duration and severity by the ELM model was achieved. Based on these results we aver that out of the two machine learning algorithms tested, the ELM was the more expeditious tool for prediction of drought and its related properties

    Electrical energy demand forecasting model development and evaluation with maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform-online sequential extreme learning machines algorithms

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    To support regional electricity markets, accurate and reliable energy demand (G) forecast models are vital stratagems for stakeholders in this sector. An online sequential extreme learning machine (OS-ELM) model integrated with a maximum overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) algorithm was developed using daily G data obtained from three regional campuses (i.e., Toowoomba, Ipswich, and Springfield) at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. In training the objective and benchmark models, the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) was first employed to select the most significant lagged input variables that captured historical fluctuations in the G time-series data. To address the challenges of non-stationarities associated with the model development datasets, a MODWT technique was adopted to decompose the potential model inputs into their wavelet and scaling coefficients before executing the OS-ELM model. The MODWT-PACF-OS-ELM (MPOE) performance was tested and compared with the non-wavelet equivalent based on the PACF-OS-ELM (POE) model using a range of statistical metrics, including, but not limited to, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE%). For all of the three datasets, a significantly greater accuracy was achieved with the MPOE model relative to the POE model resulting in an MAPE = 4.31% vs. MAPE = 11.31%, respectively, for the case of the Toowoomba dataset, and a similarly high performance for the other two campuses. Therefore, considering the high efficacy of the proposed methodology, the study claims that the OS-ELM model performance can be improved quite significantly by integrating the model with the MODWT algorithm

    Selection of representative feature training sets with self-organized maps for optimized time series modeling and prediction: application to forecasting daily drought conditions with ARIMA and neural network models

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    While the simulation of stochastic time series is challenging due to their inherently complex nature, this is compounded by the arbitrary and widely accepted feature data usage methods frequently applied during the model development phase. A pertinent context where these practices are reflected is in the forecasting of drought events. This chapter considers optimization of feature data usage by sampling daily data sets via self-organizing maps to select representative training and testing subsets and accordingly, improve the performance of effective drought index (EDI) prediction models. The effect would be observed through a comparison of artificial neural network (ANN) and an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models incorporating the SOM approach through an inspection of commonly used performance indices for the city of Brisbane. This study shows that SOM-ANN ensemble models demonstrate competitive predictive performance for EDI values to those produced by ARIMA models

    Hybrid data intelligent models and applications for water level prediction

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) models have been successfully applied in modeling engineering problems, including civil, water resources, electrical, and structure. The originality of the presented chapter is to investigate a non-tuned machine learning algorithm, called self-adaptive evolutionary extreme learning machine (SaE-ELM), to formulate an expert prediction model. The targeted application of the SaE-ELM is the prediction of river water level. Developing such water level prediction and monitoring models are crucial optimization tasks in water resources management and flood prediction. The aims of this chapter are (1) to conduct a comprehensive survey for AI models in water level modeling, (2) to apply a relatively new ML algorithm (i.e., SaE-ELM) for modeling water level, (3) to examine two different time scales (e.g., daily and monthly), and (4) to compare the inspected model with the extreme learning machine (ELM) model for validation. In conclusion, the contribution of the current chapter produced an expert and highly optimized predictive model that can yield a high-performance accuracy

    Optimization of windspeed prediction using an artificial neural network compared with a genetic programming model

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    The precise prediction of windspeed is essential in order to improve and optimize wind power prediction. However, due to the sporadic and inherent complexity of weather parameters, the prediction of windspeed data using different patterns is difficult. Machine learning (ML) is a powerful tool to deal with uncertainty and has been widely discussed and applied in renewable energy forecasting. In this chapter, the authors present and compare an artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic programming (GP) model as a tool to predict windspeed of 15 locations in Queensland, Australia. After performing feature selection using neighborhood component analysis (NCA) from 11 different metrological parameters, seven of the most important predictor variables were chosen for 85 Queensland locations, 60 of which were used for training the model, 10 locations for model validation, and 15 locations for the model testing. For all 15 target sites, the testing performance of ANN was significantly superior to the GP model

    Correcting satellite precipitation data and assimilating satellite-derived soil moisture data to generate ensemble hydrological forecasts within the HBV rainfall-runoff model

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    An implementation of bias correction and data assimilation using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) as a procedure, dynamically coupled with the conceptual rainfall-runoff Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) model, was assessed for the hydrological modeling of seasonal hydrographs. The enhanced HBV model generated ensemble hydrographs and an average stream-flow simulation. The proposed approach was developed to examine the possibility of using data (e.g., precipitation and soil moisture) from the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Satellite Application Facility for Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (H-SAF), and to explore its usefulness in improving model updating and forecasting. Data from the Sola mountain catchment in southern Poland between 1 January 2008 and 31 July 2014 were used to calibrate the HBV model, while data from 1 August 2014 to 30 April 2015 were used for validation. A bias correction algorithm for a distribution-derived transformation method was developed by exploring generalized exponential (GE) theoretical distributions, along with gamma (GA) and Weibull (WE) distributions for the different data used in this study. When using the ensemble Kalman filter, the stochastically-generated ensemble of the model states generally induced bias in the estimation of non-linear hydrologic processes, thus influencing the accuracy of the Kalman analysis. In order to reduce the bias produced by the assimilation procedure, a post-processing bias correction (BC) procedure was coupled with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF), resulting in an ensemble Kalman filter with bias correction (EnKF-BC). The EnKF-BC, dynamically coupled with the HBV model for the assimilation of the satellite soil moisture observations, improved the accuracy of the simulated hydrographs significantly in the summer season, whereas, a positive effect from bias corrected (BC) satellite precipitation, as forcing data, was observed in the winter. Ensemble forecasts generated from the assimilation procedure are shown to be less uncertain. In future studies, the EnKF-BC algorithm proposed in the current study could be applied to a diverse array of practical forecasting problems (e.g., an operational assimilation of snowpack and snow water equivalent in forecasting models

    Copula-based agricultural conditional value-at-risk modelling for geographical diversifications in wheat farming portfolio management

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    An agricultural producer's crop yield and subsequent farming revenues are affected by many complex factors, including price fluctuations, government policy and climate (e.g., rainfall and temperature) extremes. Geographical diversification is identified as a potential farmer adaptation and decision support tool that could assist producers to reduce unfavourable financial impacts due to variabilities in crop price and yield, associated with climate variations. There has been limited research performed on the effectiveness of this strategy. The paper proposed a new statistical approach to investigate whether the geographical spread of wheat farm portfolios across three climate broad-acre (i.e., rain-fed) zones could potentially reduce financial risks for producers in Australian agro-ecological zones. A suite of popular and statistically robust tools applied in finance based on well-established statistical theories, comprised of the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and the joint copula model were employed to evaluate the effectiveness geographical diversification. CVaR is utilised to benchmark the loss (i.e., downside risk), while the copula function is employed to model joint distribution among marginal returns (i.e., profit in each zone). The mean-CVaR optimisations indicate that geographical diversification could be a feasible agricultural risk management approach for wheat farm portfolio managers in achieving their optimised expected returns while controlling the risks (i.e., targeting levels of risk). Further, in this study, the copula-based mean-CVaR model is seen to better simulate extreme losses compared to the conventional multivariate-normal models, which underestimate the minimum risk levels at a given target of expected return. Among the suite of tested copula-based models, the vine copula in this study is found to be a superior in capturing the tail dependencies compared to the other multivariate copula models investigated

    The role of internal transcribed spacer 2 secondary structures in classifying mycoparasitic Ampelomyces

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    Many fungi require specific growth conditions before they can be identified. Direct environmental DNA sequencing is advantageous, although for some taxa, specific primers need to be used for successful amplification of molecular markers. The internal transcribed spacer region is the preferred DNA barcode for fungi. However, inter- and intra-specific distances in ITS sequences highly vary among some fungal groups; consequently, it is not a solely reliable tool for species delineation. Ampelomyces, mycoparasites of the fungal phytopathogen order Erysiphales, can have ITS genetic differences up to 15%; this may lead to misidentification with other closely related unknown fungi. Indeed, Ampelomyces were initially misidentified as other pycnidial mycoparasites, but subsequent research showed that they differ in pycnidia morphology and culture characteristics. We investigated whether the ITS2 nucleotide content and secondary structure was different between Ampelomyces ITS2 sequences and those unrelated to this genus. To this end, we retrieved all ITS sequences referred to as Ampelomyces from the GenBank database. This analysis revealed that fungal ITS environmental DNA sequences are still being deposited in the database under the name Ampelomyces, but they do not belong to this genus. We also detected variations in the conserved hybridization model of the ITS2 proximal 5.8S and 28S stem from two Ampelomyces strains. Moreover, we suggested for the first time that pseudogenes form in the ITS region of this mycoparasite. A phylogenetic analysis based on ITS2 sequences-structures grouped the environmental sequences of putative Ampelomyces into a different clade from the Ampelomyces-containing clades. Indeed, when conducting ITS2 analysis, resolution of genetic distances between Ampelomyces and those putative Ampelomyces improved. Each clade represented a distinct consensus ITS2 S2, which suggested that different pre-ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) processes occur across different lineages. This study recommends the use of ITS2 S2s as an important tool to analyse environmental sequencing and unveiling the underlying evolutionary processes

    Application of Quantum Pre-Processing Filter for Binary Image Classification with Small Samples

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    Over the past few years, there has been significant interest in Quantum Machine Learning (QML) among researchers, as it has the potential to transform the field of machine learning. Several models that exploit the properties of quantum mechanics have been developed for practical applications. In this study, we investigated the application of our previously proposed quantum pre-processing filter (QPF) to binary image classification. We evaluated the QPF on four datasets: MNIST (handwritten digits), EMNIST (handwritten digits and alphabets), CIFAR-10 (photographic images) and GTSRB (real-life traffic sign images). Similar to our previous multi-class classification results, the application of QPF improved the binary image classification accuracy using neural network against MNIST, EMNIST, and CIFAR-10 from 98.9% to 99.2%, 97.8% to 98.3%, and 71.2% to 76.1%, respectively, but degraded it against GTSRB from 93.5% to 92.0%. We then applied QPF in cases using a smaller number of training and testing samples, i.e. 80 and 20 samples per class, respectively. In order to derive statistically stable results, we conducted the experiment with 100 trials choosing randomly different training and testing samples and averaging the results. The result showed that the application of QPF did not improve the image classification accuracy against MNIST and EMNIST but improved it against CIFAR-10 and GTSRB from 65.8% to 67.2% and 90.5% to 91.8%, respectively. Further research will be conducted as part of future work to investigate the potential of QPF to assess the scalability of the proposed approach to larger and complex datasets.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure
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