7 research outputs found

    Evaporative Mass Transfer of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds From Exposed Contaminated Sediment and Dredged Materials.

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    Dredged sediment materials stored in confined disposal facilities (CDF) contain several hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC) such as polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), some of which are suspected carcinogens. The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the volatilization of HOCs from contaminated, exposed sediment dredged materials and contribute to the risk assessment framework being developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Laboratory experiments were performed to measure HOC tracer emissions to air from contaminated sediments (laboratory inoculated and field aged) placed in a specially designed flux chamber. Flux was influenced by a number of factors such as relative humidity of the air in contact with the surface, sediment moisture content, sediment porosity and sediment oil and grease content. These factors affected the concentration of chemical available for transport in the pore air as a result of differences in sorptive retardation of the chemical to the sediment and contaminant diffusion. Reworking of sediments enhanced fluxes from field sediments due to exposure of fresh sediments to the air. Capping of exposed dredged material, with two materials clean sand and clean sediment, resulted in significant decrease of the tracer chemical emission. There was satisfactory agreement between experimental data and model prediction. The effect of shrinkage cracks, on the surface of exposed dredged material, on emission was evaluated using an empirical expression developed from existing water evaporation data from a simulated crack. Air emissions from resuspended sediments were measured using an oscillating grid flux chamber containing a bed of contaminated sediment. The fluxes to air were directly related to the suspended sediment concentration. The observations in laboratory studies were verified in a field experiment using a pilot scale CDF and the measured fluxes were in good agreement with model predicted fluxes. The measured emission flux of phenanthrene from the pilot CDF were used in an atmospheric dispersion model to assess human exposure risk

    On distinguishing the natural and human-induced sources of airborne pathogenic viable bioaerosols: characteristic assessment using advanced molecular analysis

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    Ambient air consists of bioaerosols that constitute many microbes from biosphere due to natural and anthropogenic activities. Size-dependent ambient measurements of bioaerosols at two seminatural and three anthropogenic coastal sites in southern tropical India were taken during the summer 2017. All the five sites considered in this study considerably contributed to the bioaerosol burden with larger contribution from the dumping yard site followed by the marshland site, wastewater treatment plant, composting site, and Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The colony-forming units concentration for all the sites ranged from 17 to 2750 m−3 for bacteria and 42–2673 m−3 for fungi. Firmicutes and Actinomycetes were the dominant phyla observed in 698 bacterial OTUs obtained, and Ascomycota and Zygomycota were the dominant phyla observed in 159 fungal OTUs obtained in the study. Further, the study revealed the presence of pathogenic and ice-nucleating bacteria and fungi in the bioaerosols that can largely affect the well-being of the human population and vegetation in this region. Moreover, the statistical analysis revealed high bacterial abundance and diversity at the grit chamber of wastewater treatment plant and high fungal abundance and diversity at the dumping yard. Further, principal coordinate analysis of the sites studied inferred that the marshland, wastewater treatment plant, and the dumping yard sites shared similar microbial community composition indicating the existence of similar source materials and activities at the sites. Further, this study evidently brings out the fact that urban locations may play an important role in anthropogenic contribution of both pathogenic and ice-nucleating microorganisms. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Volatilization of contaminants from suspended sediment in a water column during dredging

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    Remedial dredging of contaminated bed sediments in rivers and lakes results in the suspension of sediment solids in the water column, which can potentially be a source for evaporation of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) associated with the sediment solids. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an oscillating grid chamber to simulate the suspension of contaminated sediments and flux to air from the surface of the water column. A contaminated field sediment from Indiana Harbor Canal (IHC) and a laboratory-inoculated University Lake (UL) sediment, Baton Rouge, LA, were used in the experiments, where water and solids concentration and particle size distribution were measured in addition to contaminant fluxes to air. A transient model that takes into account contaminant desorption from sediment to water and evaporation from the water column was used to simulate water and sediment concentrations and air fluxes from the solids suspension. In experiments with both sediments, the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration and the average particle diameter of the suspended solids decreased with time. As expected, the evaporative losses were higher for compounds with higher vapor pressure and lower hydrophobicity. For the laboratory-inoculated sediment (UL), the water concentrations and air fluxes were high initially and decreased steadily implying that contaminant release to the water column from the suspended solids was rapid, followed by evaporative decay. For the field sediments (IHC), the fluxes and water concentrations increased initially and subsequently decreased steadily. This implied that the initial desorption to water was slow and that perhaps the presence of oil and grease and aging influenced the contaminant release. Comparison of the model and experimental data suggested that a realistic determination of the TSS concentration that can be input into the model was the most critical parameter for predicting air emission rates

    Vapor-phase transport of explosives from buried sources in soils

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    The fate and transport of explosives in the soil pore vapor spaces affects both the potential detection of buried ordnance by chemical sensors and vadose zone transport of explosives residues. The efficacy of chemical sensors and their potential usefulness for detecting buried unexploded ordnance (UXO) is difficult to determine without understanding how its chemical signatures are transported through soil. The objectives of this study were to quantify chemical signature transport through soils under various environmental conditions in unsaturated soils and to develop a model for the same. Flux chambers, large soil containers, and batch tests were used to determine explosives signature movement and process descriptors for model development. Low signatures were observed for explosives (2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, and 1,3-dinitrobenzene) under all environmental conditions. A diffusion model was used to describe the chemical transport mechanism in the soil pore air. The soil-air partition constant was treated as a fit parameter in the model owing to the uncertainty in its a priori estimation. The model predictions of the trends in experimental fluxes and the soil concentration were only marginal at best. It was concluded that better estimates of the partition constant are required for more accurate estimation of the chemical concentration at the soil-air interface. Chemical sensors will need to be very sensitive because of low signatures. However, this may result in many false alarms because of explosives residues not associated with UXO on firing ranges. Low explosives signatures also should result in insignificant air environmental exposures

    Vapor phase transport of unexploded ordnance compounds through soils

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    Unexploded ordnance (UXO) is a source of concern at several U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) sites. Localization of munitions and fate and transport of the explosive compounds from these munitions are a major issue of concern. A set of laboratory experiments were conducted in specially designed flux chambers to measure the evaporative flux of three explosive compounds (2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene, and 1,3-dinitrobenzene) from three different soils. The effect of different soil moisture contents, the relative humidity of air contacting the soil surface, and soil temperature on the chemical fluxes were evaluated. A diffusion model was used to describe the chemical transport mechanism in the soil pore air. The soil-air partition constant was treated as a fit parameter in the model because of the uncertainty in the a priori estimation. The model predicts the qualitative trends of the experimental fluxes satisfactorily. Under extremely dry conditions, the flux decreased more rapidly than that predicted by the model. The fluxes from soils at 24 degrees C were higher than those at 14 degrees C, indicating a larger volatilization driving force at the higher temperature

    Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Organic Aerosols in the Coastal City of Chennai, India: Impact of Marine Air Masses on Aerosol Chemical Composition and Potential for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation

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    Online chemical characterization of NR-PM1 (nonrefractory particulate matter ≤1 μm) has been carried out using an ACSM (Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor) at a coastal urban site in Chennai, India. The average mass concentration of NR-PM1 during the campaign was 30.4 ± 28.3 μg/m3 (arithmetic mean ± standard deviation) with organics accounting for a major fraction of ∼47.4% followed by sulfate (∼33.3%). Back trajectory analysis and STILT model simulations enabled the identification of a relatively clean period with prevailing air masses from ocean. During this period, the average NR-PM1 mass concentration was 7.1 ± 2.8 μg/m3, which is ∼5 times lower than that of the rest of the campaign (with air masses sampled from both continent and ocean) (33.3 ± 29.1 μg/m3). This reduction was primarily attributed to the dilution of local primary emissions due to cleaner marine influx. Comprehensive source apportionment for the organic fraction was performed using Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF). While equal contributions of primary (∼49%) and secondary (∼51%) organic factors were observed for the rest of the campaign, more oxidized-oxygenated organic aerosol (MO-OOA) factor dominated the OA and accounted for ∼82% of the total OA mass during the clean period. Simultaneously, during the clean period a significant increase in the fraction of organic liquid water was observed. We studied the effect of marine influx on the enhanced secondary organic aerosol (SOA) fraction. In brief, our results demonstrate the significance of marine winds and meteorological conditions on the chemical composition and ambient aerosol mass burden at a coastal site. Further, this study emphasizes that marine influx can cause the dilution in local pollution and can demonstrate distinct chemical composition with impacts on local aerosol properties