33 research outputs found

    Divergent approaches in the vaccination of recently arrived migrants to Europe: a survey of national experts from 32 countries, 2017

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    Background: Migrants within the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA) may be underimmunised and lack documentation on previous vaccinations. We investigated approaches to vaccination in recently arrived adult and child migrants, and guideline availability and implementation. Methods: Between March and May 2017, a national vaccination expert from every EU/EEA country and Switzerland completed an electronic questionnaire. We used descriptive analyses to calculate percentages, and framework analysis to synthesise free-text responses. Results: We approached 32 countries (response rate 100%). Although 28 experts reported vaccination guidance at national level, specific guidelines for recently arrived migrants were only available in six countries and not consistently implemented. Twenty-three countries administered vaccinations during on-arrival health checks. Most experts recommended multiple vaccination opportunities be made available: at point of entry (n = 13) or at holding level (reception centres, migrant camps, detention centres) (n = 21). In 30 countries, child migrants without evidence of previous vaccination were re-vaccinated according to the national schedule. Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus and polio vaccinations were given to migrant children in all countries, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) in 31 countries, hepatitis B vaccination in 25. Low levels of catch-up vaccination were reported in adult migrants, with only 13 countries offering MMR and 10 countries charging fees. Conclusion: Existing guidance is often not migrant-specific and may not be applied in practice; clarification is needed on which vaccines should be given. Strategies are needed specifically for catch-up vaccination in adult migrants. Vaccinations should be offered in multiple settings, free of charge, with sufficient guidance and training provided to front-line healthcare professionals

    High prevalence of MRSA and ESBL among asylum seekers in the Netherlands

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    Migration is one of the risk factors for the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO). The increasing influx of migrants challenges local health care systems. To provide evidence for both hospital hygiene measure and empirical antibiotic therapy, we analysed all cultures performed in asylum seekers between January 1 st 2014 and December 31 st 2015 for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and for multidrugresistant Enterobacteriaceae (MDRE). We compared these with cultures from the Dutch patient population with risk factors for carriage of MDRO. A total of 7181 patients were screened for MRSA. 7357 S. aureus were isolated in clinical cultures. Of 898 screened asylum seekers, almost 10% were MRSA positive. Of 118 asylum seekers with S. aureus in clinical cultures almost 19% were MRSA positive. The general patient population had a 1.3% rate of MRSA in S. aureus isolates. A higher rate of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) positive strains (RR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.6-3.4) was found in asylum seekers compared to the general patient population. In 33475 patients one or more Enterobacteriaceae were obtained. More than 21% of the asylum seekers were carrier of MDRE, most of them producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases (20.3%). 5.1% of the general patient population was MDRE carrier. It can be concluded that asylum seekers present with higher rate of MDRO compared to the general patient population. These results justify continued screening of asylum seekers to anticipate multidrug-resistant organisms during hospital care of patients

    Asylum seekers' perspectives on vaccination and screening policies after their arrival in Greece and The Netherlands

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    INTRODUCTION: Europe has been dealing with an increasing number of refugees during the past 5 years. The timing of screening and vaccination of refugees is debated by many professionals, however refugees' perspectives on health issues are infrequently taken into account. In this study, we aimed to investigate asylum seekers' perspectives on infectious diseases screening and vaccination policies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interviews were conducted in Greece and the Netherlands. Asylum seekers and recently arrived refugees were approached and informed with the help of interpreters; consent forms were acquired. The survey focused on demographic data, vaccination status, screening policies and prevention of infectious diseases. RESULTS: A total of 61 (43 male, 70.5%) refugees (30 Afghanis, 16 Syrian, 7 Erithrean) were interviewed. Mean age was 35.2 years (SD 13.5) and 50% had received primary or secondary education, while 24.6% received none. Median time after arrival in Greece and the Netherlands was 24 months (IQR 8.5-28). 44 out of 61 (72.1) participants were willing to be vaccinated after arrival in Europe, 26 preferred vaccination and screening to be performed at the point of entry. The need for screening and vaccination was perceived higher amongst participants in Greece (100% vs 43.3%) due to living conditions leading to increased risk of outbreaks. CONCLUSION: Participants were willing to communicate their perspectives and concerns. Screening and vaccination programs could be more effective when implemented shortly after arrival and by involving asylum seekers and refugees when developing screening and vaccination interventions

    Non-tuberculous mycobacteria disease pre-lung transplantation:A systematic review of the treatment regimens and duration pre- and post-transplant

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    Background: There is lack of consensus on non-tuberculous mycobacteria pulmonary disease (NTM-PD) treatment regimen and duration in patient listed for lung transplantation (LTx). We conducted a systematic review on treatment regimen and duration pre- and directly post-LTx, for patients with known NTM-PD pre-LTx. Additionally, we searched for risk factors for NTM disease development post-LTx and for mortality.Methods: Literature was reviewed on PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library, for articles published from inception to January 2022. Individual patient data were sought.Results: Sixteen studies were included reporting 92 patients. Most frequent used agents were aminoglycosides and macrolides for Mycobacterium abscessus (M. abscessus) and macrolides and tuberculostatic agents for Mycobacterium avium complex (M. avium complex). The median treatment duration pre-LTx was 10 months (IQR 6–17) and 2 months (IQR 2–8) directly post-LTx. Longer treatment duration pre-LTx was observed in children and in patients with M. abscessus. 46% of the patients with NTM-PD pre-LTx developed NTM disease post-LTx, related mortality rate was 10%. Longer treatment duration pre-LTx (p < 0.001) and sputum non-conversion pre-LTx (p = 0.003) were significantly associated with development of NTM-disease post-LTx. Longer treatment duration pre-LTx (p = 0.004), younger age (p < 0.001) and sputum non-conversion (p = 0.044) were risk factors for NTM related death.Conclusions: The median treatment duration pre-LTx was 10 months (IQR 6–17) and 2 months (IQR 2–8) directly post-LTx. Patients with longer treatment duration for NTM-PD pre-LTx and with sputum non-conversion are at risk for NTM disease post-LTx and for NTM-related death. Children were particularly at risk for NTM related death

    Efficacy of ivermectin mass-drug administration to control scabies in asylum seekers in the Netherlands:A retrospective cohort study between January 2014 - March 2016

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    Scabies is a skin infestation with the mite Sarcoptes scabiei causing itch and rash and is a major risk factor for bacterial skin infections and severe complications. Here, we evaluated the treatment outcome of 2866 asylum seekers who received (preventive) scabies treatment before and during a scabies intervention programme (SIP) in the main reception centre in the Netherlands between January 2014 and March 2016. A SIP was introduced in the main national reception centre based on frequent observations of scabies and its complications amongst Eritrean and Ethiopian asylum seekers in the Netherlands. On arrival, all asylum seekers from Eritrea or Ethiopia were checked for clinical scabies signs and received ivermectin/permethrin either as prevention or treatment. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to compare the reinfestations and complications of scabies in asylum seekers who entered the Netherlands before and during the intervention and who received ivermectin/permethrin. In total, 2866 asylum seekers received treatment during the study period (January 2014 -March 2016) of which 1359 (47.4%) had clinical signs of scabies. During the programme, most of the asylum seekers with scabies were already diagnosed on arrival as part of the SIP screening (580 (64.7%) of the 897). Asylum seekers with more than one scabies episode reduced from 42.0% (194/462) before the programme to 27.2% (243/897) during the programme (RR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.55-0.75). Development of scabies complications later in the asylum procedure reduced from 12.3% (57/462) to 4.6% (41/897). A scabies prevention and treatment programme at start of the asylum procedure was feasible and effective in the Netherlands; patients were diagnosed early and risk of reinfestations and complications reduced. To achieve a further decrease of scabies, implementation of the programme in multiple asylum centres may be needed

    Proportion of asylum seekers carrying multi-drug resistant microorganisms is persistently increased after arrival in the Netherlands

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    Background: Several studies have shown a high prevalence of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO) amongst asylum seekers when compared to the general population. The aim of this study is to assess the duration of MDRO carriage in this population. Methods: Data were retrospectively collected between January 1st 2014 through December 31st 2016. Study material included screening samples for MDRO carriage and clinical samples from asylum seekers in need of medical care. The study focused on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae (MDRE). The rates of MRSA and MDRE detected were calculated every four weeks after arrival in the Netherlands. Results: Samples from 2091 asylum seekers were included. 1270 (60.7%) were female, median age was 26 years (IQR 20-34) and median number of days in the Netherlands until first sample was 67 (IQR 4-235). In the patients' first obtained samples, the rate of MRSA varied between 4.5 and 13.0% per time interval after arrival. The rate of MDRE fluctuated between 7.4% and 25.0%. No particular decline in positivity rates in first obtained samples was observed after arrival in the Netherlands. In the group of asylum seekers who arrived more than one year ago, MRSA was isolated in a percentage of 5.1% (n = 273, median months after arrival 34.1 (IQR 16.5-63.1)) and MDRE in 9.4% (n = 276, median months after arrival 35.4 (IQR 17-65)). Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating that carriage rate of MDRO in asylum seekers remains high even after prolonged stay in the Netherlands. Longitudinal data on MDRO carriage after arrival in countries with a low MDRO prevalence are needed to determine optimal screening strategies, infection control measures and empirical antibiotic therapy

    Predominance of CTX-M-15-producing ST131 strains among ESBL-producing Escherichia coli isolated from asylum seekers in the Netherlands

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    OBJECTIVES: Numerous studies show increased prevalence of MDR bacteria amongst asylum seekers, but data on the molecular profiles of such strains are limited. We aimed to evaluate the molecular profiles of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-E. coli) strains isolated from asylum seekers and investigate their phylogenetic relatedness. METHODS: WGS data of ESBL-E. coli isolates from asylum seekers, retrieved from 1 January to 31 December 2016, were analysed to assess MLST STs, fim types, phylogroups and resistance genes. Fifty-two ESBL-E. coli isolates from the Dutch-German border region were used for genome comparison purposes as a control group. RESULTS: Among 112 ESBL-E. coli isolates from asylum seekers, originating mostly from Syria (n = 40) and Iraq (n = 15), the majority belonged to ST131 (21.4%) and ST10 (17.0%). The predominant gene for β-lactam resistance was blaCTX-M-15 (67.9%), followed by the often co-detected blaTEM-1B (39.3%). No mcr or carbapenemase genes were detected. The majority of the strains belonged to phylogroups B2 (38.4%) and A (32.1%), carrying fimH27 (25%) and fimH30 (19.6%). A core genome MLST minimum spanning tree did not reveal clusters containing strains from the asylum seekers and the control group. Five clusters were formed within the asylum seeker group, by strains isolated from people originating from different countries. CONCLUSIONS: The most frequently isolated clones in this study were isolated on a regular basis within the Dutch population before the increase in the asylum seeker population. No mcr- or carbapenemase-producing clones were detected among the asylum seeker population. Minor clustering was observed amongst the asylum seeker strains

    Community members and healthcare workers’ priorities for the control and prevention of snakebite envenoming in Ghana

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    Introduction: Snakebite is one of the most neglected tropical diseases. In Ghana, there has been a limited interest in snakebite envenoming research despite evidence of high human-snake conflicts. In an effort to meet the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) 2030 snakebite targets, the need for research evidence to guide policy interventions is evident. However, in setting the research agenda, community and healthcare workers’ priorities are rarely considered. Methods: Three categories of focus groups were formed in the Ashanti and Upper West regions of Ghana, comprising of community members with and without a history of snakebite and healthcare workers who manage snakebite patients. Two separate focus group discussions were conducted with each group in each region. Using the thematic content analysis approach, the framework method was adopted for the data analysis. A predefined 15-item list of potential snakebite-associated difficulties and the WHO’s 2030 snakebite strategic key activities were ranked in order of priority based on the participants’ individual assessment. Results: Both acute and chronic effects of snakebite such as bite site management, rehabilitation and mental health were prioritised by the community members. Health system challenges including training, local standard treatment protocols and clinical investigations on the efficacy of available antivenoms were identified as priorities by the healthcare workers. Notably, all the participant groups highlighted the need for research into the efficacy of traditional medicines and how to promote collaborative strategies between traditional and allopathic treatment practices. Conclusion: The prioritisation of chronic snakebite envenoming challenges by community members and how to live and cope with such conditions accentuate the lack of post-hospital treatment follow-ups for both mental and physical rehabilitation. To improve the quality of life of patients, it is essential to involve grassroots stakeholders in the process of developing and prioritising future research agenda

    High Prevalence of Infectious Diseases and Drug-Resistant Microorganisms in Asylum Seekers Admitted to Hospital; No Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae until September 2015

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    INTRODUCTION:The current refugee crisis emphasizes the need for information on infectious diseases and resistant microorganisms in asylum seekers with possible consequences for public health and infection control. METHODS:We collected data from asylum seekers admitted to our university hospital or who presented at the Emergency Department (n = 273). We collected general and demographic characteristics including country of origin, the reason of presentation, and the screening results of multi-drug resistant organisms. RESULTS:67% of the patients were male with a median age of the study group of 24 years (IQR 15-33); 48% of the patients had an infectious disease-predominantly malaria with P. vivax or tuberculosis. Patients also reported with diseases which are less common-e.g. leishmaniasis, or even conditions rarely diagnosed in Europe-e.g. louse borne relapsing fever. A carriage rate of 31% for multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDRO) was observed, with ESBL-expressing E.coli (n = 20) being the most common MDRO. No carriage of Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae was found. CONCLUSION:The current refugee crisis in Europe challenges hospitals to quickly identify and respond to communicable diseases and the carriage of MDRO. A rapid response is necessary to optimize the treatment of infectious diseases amongst asylum seekers to maximize infection control